Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

As such, Tian’er, Shangguan Xue’er and Lei Zi were each dispatched to one of other walls for defense, while Lin TianAo remained by Zhou Weiqing’s side. The other powerhouse remaining at his side was also Xiao Yan.

Just like the previous time, besides the fifty Heavy Cavalry soldiers, Zhou Weiqing only kept two hundred Peerless Regiment archers on the front. Both Ma Qun and Crow had also been dispatched to the east and west walls respectively. Zhou Weiqing had sufficient confidence in himself. As long as the enemy did not have a Heavenly King stage powerhouse, he believed that with his strength, he could still hold on for some time.

After all, at such a level, just in terms of sustained fighting capability, who could compare to him with the Immortal Deity Technique and Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation?

In the distance, a large number of siege weapons were being pushed slowly to the front again. However, this time there was a notable exception of siege towers. Clearly, there had not been sufficient time to craft them. Even so, there were still fifty siege vehicles like the last time, as well as a few battering ram carts and trebuchets. This was already all of the siege weapons that the Kalise Empire could gather in such a short period of time.

To Zhou Weiqing’s surprise, the soldiers standing on the Crescent City walls, even the new recruits… none of them revealed any nervous or fearful looks at all. Instead, many of them looked at Zhou Weiqing with a hint of excitement.

Zhou Weiqing did not realise that the previous time where his Hell’s Angel had wrought such havoc, it had given him the unconditional trust of his soldiers. So what if their enemies came in the numbers? Our Boss can get rid of a few thousand with just a single Skill! No matter how many came, they were just ants! After all, they did not know much about the Heavenly Jewel Master world or Heavenly Emperors restrictions, as well as the warning he had received.

Especially when the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation and Dragon-Tiger Transformation appeared, along with the Overlord Bow with a faint icy mist around it. The morale of the Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers raised to a maximum.

Zhou Weiqing gave the order solemnly: “All ballista turrets, focus on the enemy siege vehicles. I do not need you to shoot quickly, but you must be accurate. Take down as many siege vehicles as you can.”

In Zhou Weiqing’s eyes, these siege vehicles were actually the greatest threat to the Crescent City. If they were allowed to continue transferring soldiers to the front of the city walls, it would greatly restrict the greatest power of the Peerless Regiment archers. As such, to him destroying the siege vehicles was of utmost importance.

There were four ballista turrets along each of the four walls. This was definitely one of the most powerful defensive siege weapons in the world, and each required eight soldiers to even draw the mechanism and properly man it. One load was seven of the ballista shot heavy arrows, each two metres long and with a thickness diameter of twenty centimetres. The ballista range easily reached a terrifying eight hundred yards, and the destructive power was definitely extremely high. No ordinary bow and arrow could match these. Of course, the shortcomings were obvious as well. Their weight was just too heavy, and could not be moved around, so they could only be used for siege defenses. Furthermore, they were extremely expensive to create, and took a long time to assemble as well. However, as long as their aim was good, it should not be too difficult to take down siege weapons.

The Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation glowed brightly below Zhou Weiqing’s feet, and the wings behind his back unfurled as a large amount of atmospheric energy swarmed towards him.

Pulling his Overlord Bow to a full crescent, Zhou Weiqing narrowed his eyes in focus. Instantly, he locked onto his first target. Naturally, this time he dared not use his Saint Energy so easily.

In an instant, the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation under his feet which had been glowing in six different lights turned a full bluish purple.

He did not even need to nock any arrow, as a bluish purple arrow formed in position in his Overlord Bow.

A variant of his ‘Flying Lightning God Technique’ forming the arrow, and Zhou Weiqing’s full concentration was on the further siege vehicle, almost one thousand five hundred yards from the Crescent City walls now. Even with his cultivation level, archery skills and the powerful Overlord Bow, this was already at the limit of his accuracy.

A shrill, ear-piercing screech covered the buzz of the bowstring releasing, and the bluish purple lightning that streaked across the skies only left a faint illusory light behind. The soldiers on the city walls nearby could clearly smell the faint burnt smell that the lightning left behind.

Wherever the illusory light passed, the very space and air around it was warped.


The bluish purple light struck directly onto the siege vehicle targeted, one thousand five hundred yards away. The next instant, it exploded in a violent bang. From the city walls, they could even see a small mushroom cloud rise up in the distance. As for the siege vehicle, known for its frontal defense, it just disintegrated in the bluish purple light of the explosion.

Screams of agony rang out. For the Kalise soldiers in that siege vehicle, it was likely that more than half had perished instantly. The terrifying explosive power of the lightning strike caused broken limbs and flesh to fly up and around in the mushroom cloud.

Cheers rang out from the Crescent City walls. Once again, Zhou Weiqing had brought them shock an awe. After all, a distance of one thousand five hundred yards, most ordinary people could barely see at such distance, and even an object the size of the siege vehicle would just be a small black dot far off. Yet, Zhou Weiqing had still managed to destroy one with just an arrow. What kind of accuracy, what kind of destructive power was that!

Zhou Weiqing let loose a breath as he stood on the city walls, the twenty five energy whirlpools at his Death Acupuncture Points whirling crazily and drawing energy. Behind his back, the wings also helped him draw more energy and his Heavenly Energy recovered at a rapid rate. The arrow just now had indeed used up a large amount of his Heavenly Energy, but with the assistance of his Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation, he did not worry at all.

Just two days ago, along with the recovery of his Heavenly Energy, Zhou Weiqing had finally broken through to his next cultivation stage. The Immortal Deity Technique had reached the next point, causing him to breakthrough his next barrier only three months after reaching the six-Jeweled stage, and his Heavenly Energy was now at the Heavenly Xu Energy stage.

This time, as he broke through, his Saint Energy had once again given Zhou Weiqing a pleasant surprise. As he broke through the next Death Acupuncture Point and his body was at its frailest state, the Saint Energy in his body had automatically reacted by forcing out a drop of Saint Energy, entering that particular Death Acupuncture Point, causing the energy whirlpool to form at a much faster speed. The intense pain that he used to have to endure was thus greatly diminished.

This also gave Zhou Weiqing an even greater understanding about the Saint Energy. Vaguely, he realised that the greatest use of the Saint Energy was perhaps in the word - Creation.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Weiqing drew his bow once more. The bluish purple light arrow formed again at the bowstring. His aim was to destroy as many siege vehicles as he could before the enemies reached the city.

The familiar shrill cry rang out once more. For this type of straightforward, single-lined shooting, even at such a great distance, Zhou Weiqing’s archery and accuracy was absolutely a hundred percent.

Yet another explosion, and another siege vehicle was destroyed.