Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

As the enemy advanced to a thousand yard radius, by now Zhou Weiqing was starting to feel the pressure on him increase. They could already see the enemy clearly, and that the trebuchets were filled with stones. Although those weapons could only be useful at the two hundred yard range, but if they truly got into action, then it would be a disaster, especially for the ordinary Heavenly Bow soldiers on the walls.

“Peerless Air Force, prepare yourselves to rise up with me. Ready your javelins!” Zhou Weiqing gritted his teeth and finally made the decision. He could not allow these enemies to reach the foot of the city walls and attack them at will. With the protection of the siege vehicles and other weaponry, it was hard for the Peerless Regiment archers to unleash their true power. Once the actual siege began, the numerical advantage of their enemies was just too great, and there were barely over a thousand men on this side of the wall, how could they possibly take care of every inch easily? He had to take down the heavy armoured troops first, and especially take care of the siege weapons, or at least slow them down greatly. Only then could the Peerless Regiment archers be of greater use in fighting off the enemy.

“Come with me!” As he shouted out loud, the wings behind Zhou Weiqing’s back unfurled. His entire body soared into the air like a cannonball, and he passed the command of the remaining soldiers to Lin TianAo at his side.

To the shock of the entire battlefield, the two hundred Peerless Regiment soldiers also released their Consolidated Wings simultaneously. Just like two hundred rays of light, they surged up into the skies.

When the Kalise Empire armies saw the sight, their first reaction was that the Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers had gone crazy! Were they just jumping off the walls like that?

However, the next instant, their jaws dropped. That was because the two hundred figures did not fall to the ground like they imagined, instead each and everyone of them had wings appear behind their backs, sending them soaring into the skies.

Zhou Weiqing’s eyes flashed with a cold light. Facing such a major battle, his emotions immediately calmed down. His character was the sort that would explode into his true potential the greater the stress he faced. Currently, in his heart, it was as if a huge ball of fire was burning. Strangely, he did not feel any fear. All along, he had always been the kid who feared death, but when his heart was burning with righteous fury, he was always the craziest. This… this was the bloodline of Admiral Zhou that he had inherited!

Under the leadership of Zhou Weiqing, the two hundred Peerless Regiment Air Force soldiers disappeared above into black dots. By the time the Kalise Empire soldiers reacted and wanted to shoot at them with arrows, it was far too late and they were beyond range. Any ordinary longbow would only be accurate or have the force behind it at a range of two to four hundred yards. Yet, in just a matter of moments, the Peerless Air Force had already soared to a height of over five hundred yards.

Not a single Kalise Empire powerhouse rose up to follow them. Taking aside the fact whether or not they had Consolidated Wings or the ability to fly, just looking at the sight in front of them, they were just too startled and frightened to do so.

As Jewel Masters, they knew more than any ordinary soldiers what these two hundred flying soldiers actually meant. To have Consolidated Wings… that meant they were the very least two-Jeweled Physical Jewel Masters.

Perhaps in the eyes of the powerhouses, a two-Jeweled Jewel Master was nothing. However, that was such a numerical difference! Two hundred Jewel Masters! What kind of notion was that? Even the entire Kalise Empire did not have two hundred Jewel Masters in total. Even for larger empires like the Bai Da Empire or Fei Li Empire, two hundred Jewel Masters was already a considerable amount. As the saying goes, sometimes a quantitative change can result in a qualitative change. So many Jewel Masters together… the offensive and destructive power on the battlefield could just be imagined.

Just as the Kalise troops were staring, stunned, a patch of fine black dots suddenly descended from the skies.

The throwing javelins of the Peerless Regiment had been changed and improved many times over. When they first started, the throwing javelins were just a smaller version of the normal javelins and lances. However, after many versions and repeated improvements, there was truly a major difference by now.

For the current throwing javelins that the Peerless Regiment Air Force was using, the entire front third of it was a tapered spike, fully crafted from titanium alloy. Although the weight was light, it was extremely tough and durable, with a powerful piercing effect. As for the remaining two thirds, they were far thicker and tougher, in order to increase the total weight.

At the end of the javelins, there was a cross-shaped tail fin. This was to ensure that as the javelins fell from the skies, they would be balanced to remain facing tip first, and not skew or deviate from their path.

Chapter 204 Bloody Battle in Crescent City! (1)

The benefit of throwing javelins like this was that even if they didn’t use much strength, the sheer weight, the balance of the tail fin, and the piercing power of the titanium tip would mean an overall terrifying downward piercing thrust.

Originally, when they completed research and development on these throwing javelins, the goal was to reduce the Heavenly Energy expenditure of the Peerless Air Force. After all, though they were all Jewel Masters, their cultivation level was still not considered very high yet. Just maintaining flight with their Consolidated Wings alone was no small consumption. With these javelins, they could still ensure their killing power even while saving as much Heavenly Energy as possible.

Currently, the large patch of black dots descending down upon the Kalise soldiers were naturally the javelins that had been thrown down. Their targets were simple - the Kalise Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry in the front.

The Heavy Infantry subconsciously reacted swiftly, raising the tower shields in their hands. As for the Heavy Cavalry, though their reactions were just as quick, they could only use the small round shields bound to their left hands.

Throwing javelins down from a height of five hundred yards was definitely not the same as shooting arrows, and naturally accuracy suffered. However, one could not dismiss the fact of their sheer numbers! Two hundred javelins raining down, and the enemy formation was so tightly packed. Even if they wanted to miss, it would be extremely difficult.

*Puu**Puu**Puu**Puu* A series of grating, harsh and horrific sounds rang out, along with screams of agony that were often cut off abruptly.

The Heavy Infantry soldiers were relatively okay. Even facing such powerful javelins, their tower shields were barely able to hold on. Although the javelins were able to pierce through the shields, by the time they did so the remaining force was much smaller, with only the front titanium tip able to pierce through. Besides a few that were unlucky enough to have it land directly at their head and killing them, most of them only received minor injuries.

Alas, for the Heavy Cavalry soldiers, misery befell them. The small round shields in their hands, how could they possibly withstand the javelins thrown from a height of five hundred yards! Clouds of bloody mist rose from the backs of the horses as the soldiers were lanced right through, some even piercing right through the human and deep into their warhorses.

Although their heavy armour weighed at least twenty jin, with those terrifying javelins that were thrown from such a height, the armour was torn through like paper, not having any use at all.

Originally, each of the Peerless Regiment Air Force soldiers were equipped with six throwing javelins, and after several volleys of such javelin rain, several dozens of Heavy Infantry soldiers had fallen, while the Heavy Cavalry was nearly wiped out.