Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

As Lin TianAo supported Zhou Weiqing to walk along, only then did he truly sense how weak he was. Zhou Weiqing’s current state was truly terrible, his entire body nearly drained dry of energy, and he had to lean almost all of his weight on Lin TianAo as he ‘flopped’ along.

However, despite his weakness, Zhou Weiqing’s current feelings were considered very joyous. The two greatest problems he was facing had been solved, and it was without a doubt that he had taken a huge step towards the revival of his homeland.

Duan Tianlang did not return to his own abode, instead still going along with Zhou Weiqing and the others to the governor’s mansion. Currently, Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er were fully drained dry of energy, almost to the point where they couldn’t even sit down to cultivate at that point. They could only wait for their bodies to slowly recover at their natural regeneration state, and within three days it would be impossible for them to move properly.

“Weiqing, I’m afraid that you will soon have to face a lot more trouble, you better have preparation for that in your heart.” As soon as they were away from the crowd, Duan Tianlang said with furrowed brows.

Zhou Weiqing started momentarily, alarm in his heart as he asked: “What trouble?” For a person like his Senior Uncle, whose cultivation level was almost reaching that of any ordinary Heavenly Emperor, to say that he would meet trouble… it just showed that this trouble was not small at all.

Duan Tianlang sighed and said: “Just now you really shouldn’t have used that Skill! Killing so many at once, it is going against the heavens. Furthermore, that offensive power of that Skill, it is almost able to match a Low Level Heavenly Emperor’s area of effect skill. As long as those Kalise Empire soldiers aren’t fools, they will spread the news out. That will definitely bring about some Heavenly Emperor powerhouses to look into the matter. After all, there is an agreement between all Heavenly Emperors that restrict them from interfering in human wars, or taking action on battlefields. Even for Heavenly King powerhouses, we are restricted from using area of effect skills on the battlefield. In this area, even for your Master, as proud as he is, he would not dare to offend all the Heavenly Emperors in the world in this.”

Zhou Weiqing’s expression changed immediately as he exclaimed: “There will be Heavenly Emperors investigating the matter… or causing trouble?”

Duan Tianlang shook his head and said: “Not necessarily causing trouble. For Heavenly Emperor powerhouses, all of them are either living a free and easy life, otherwise they belong to one of the Great Saint Lands. Amongst the five Great Saint Lands, it is clear that the Heavenly Snow Mountain and Heavenly Demon Sect won’t come causing trouble for you. As for the Heaven’s Expanse Palace, they already know you are here so that isn’t an issue either. As for the Passion Valley and the Blood Red Hell, as long as they don’t have anything better to do, they shouldn’t interfere as well. As such, according to the normal circumstance, you would just be receiving a warning from the Great Saint Lands, but there shouldn’t be any actual action taken yet. However, if this happens again, I’m afraid that even the Heaven’s Expanse Palace won’t sit back and let you continue.”

Zhou Weiqing gave a bitter smile as he said: “But… I’m not even close to being a Heavenly Emperor yet!”

Duan Tianlang looked at him and said: “Silly boy, so many people know that your Master is by your side, and that Fatty Long also has the Darkness Attribute. Do you think you really can explain yourself clearly? If you said he wasn’t the one who did it, who would believe you?! Furthermore, if they actually truly believed you, it would be even more troublesome. A six-Jeweled and seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters joining forces to release a Skill that reaches the power of the Heavenly Emperor stage… such secret arts… how many people would be drawn to that? My boy, do not underestimate human greed… If that really happens, even if you run off to the Heavenly Snow Mountain or the Heaven’s Expanse Palace, there will still be people who will come after you.”

Zhou Weiqing’s brow furrowed deeply as he said worriedly: “Senior Uncle, what should we do then?”

Duan Tianlang said: “Keep a low profile, and do not ever use that Skill on the battlefield again.”

“I believe that within ten days, you will receive some warnings. At that time, you just need to maintain a low profile and reply politely. Anyway, they will assume it is your Master who did it, so you might as well just throw the shit onto Fatty Long’s head. You can then express that your Master has already left, and will no longer interfere in your battles. Overall speaking, the situation shouldn’t be too bad, I just wanted to give you a heads up of the possible ramifications. In fact, things should be going well. Those three Regiments of the Kalise Empire should not dare return in the next ten days due to that matter, and after that, when they return, enough time should have passed that you do not have to hold out long before your reinforcements arrive.”

Zhou Weiqing released the breath he didn’t even know he was holding, grinning relaxedly as he said: “Heh heh, as long as it isn’t some Heavenly Emperors coming here to cause trouble, then its fine. Poor Master! He will get shot even when he is lying down [1. Literal translation, meaning getting blamed for something he didn’t do, or getting involved/dragged into a matter when it has nothing to do with him]! I hope that he won’t beat me up when he returns.”

Duan Tianlang laughed heartily and said: “He treats you like his most treasured prize, how could he bear to beat you up[2. Why do I think Zhou Weiqing the troll is being trolled?]? Alright, it is time for me to return as well, these old bones have not fought for so long, I am also very tired now.

Duan Tianlang left, and only the trio of Zhou Weiqing, Tian’er and Shangguan Xue’er remained in the room.

Shangguan Xue’er closed the door before releasing a long breath, saying: “I never imagined… the power of the Saint Energy would be so monstrous. That instant, even I was terrified. Weiqing, what happened with that Hell’s Angel?”

Zhou Weiqing began to describe the entire process of him unleashing the Hell’s Angel’s Skill. Hearing his words, the two girls’ eyes were filled with shock.

“The Skill… the Heavenly Skill Image… actually came to life?!” Even though Shangguan Xue’er came from the Heaven’s Expanse Palace and had the most experience and knowledge amongst them, she had never seen or heard of such a strange circumstance. For a Skill to come to life… she couldn’t even imagine such a thing!

A light of wisdom flashed in Zhou Weiqing’s eyes momentarily as he said: “This should be another use of the Saint Energy that we hadn’t previously uncovered. As we know, the Saint Energy is a product of the fusion of the four Saint Attributes, and without question it is the strongest known power in the world. I would not find it strange no matter what kind of other unique effects it may generate. We were once again lucky this time, that Senior Uncle’s power was far beyond my expectations. Otherwise, after this strange abrupt change from the Saint Energy, we might not have been able to survive that Heavenly King assassin, let alone kill him. Well, at least now that the fellow is finally dead, we can all breathe easily once more. At least, we don’t have to keep worrying that someone is always about to ambush us.”