Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

Of the three Regiments, one was from the Bai Da Empire, and naturally they had their share of Jewel Masters and archers. Almost instantly, they reacted, and along with cries of surprise and shock, a rain of arrows and light beams of Skills flew upwards.

The arrows did not have any effect, disintegrating before they even reached the air bubbles. As for the various light bolts that the Jewel Masters released, it actually caused the situation to grow worse.

Those purplish black air bubbles actually broke upon contact from the skills… but what then? As they broke apart, a rain of purplish black liquid fell from the skies from each broken bubble instead!

What was a living hell on earth? For the first time, the Heavenly Bow side on the city walls witnessed it firsthand. Each of the purplish black air bubbles had a horrifying destructive power, and just looking at the scene before them made them almost stop breathing.

No enemy, no skill, nothing could hold back or withstand the purplish black air bubbles. Each of them burst when they landed or came into contact with something, spraying the light all about. Anything that came into contact with it, be it human or weapon, they were all assimilated.

Everywhere they struck, it wasn’t even necessary to clear up the battlefield. Even the earth… all that was left were giant holes in the ground.

Just watching from the vantage point of the city walls, it was truly a grand sight. Whenever an air bubble landed, it was like the entire ground became molten lava. All of the gathered siege weapons did not have a chance to come into play, and they were all disintegrated, including the fifty siege vehicles… not a single one was left. All that remained were countless of deep holes in the ground.

At the back, the Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry soldiers were considered much luckier. At least, they were still quite some distance away, and the Hell’s Angel only lasted three seconds. As such, only about ten or so of the bubbles actually struck them.

Even so, just the mere ten bubbles exploding in their midst caused the two Battalions of Heavy Cavalry and two Battalions of Heavy Infantry to lose more than a third of their numbers.

There were no violent explosions, no special lights or effects. The entire process was just so quick and simple, like an invisible giant hand had poured a immense jug of lava over the entire area. At least three thousand Kalise soldiers and all their various siege weapons disappeared instantly, with not even a single token to show that they had once been there.

No matter how outstanding the Kalise army commander was, meeting such an unbelievable situation, he could only be shocked to the core.

What kind of power was this… an act of god! No one could have expected, or even imagined, that something like this would happen. This had all happened under the circumstance that the siege weapons were rather spread out, and there were not many of the attacking soldiers packed into the area. Even so, they had suffered such a major loss in seconds. If the thirty thousand troops had been charging together in the attack? Perhaps… the number dead would have doubled or more!

In that instant, everyone could only stare in stunned shock, even the two who had caused the entire thing to happen.

Chapter 202 Living Hell! (2)

When Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er were supported up by Shangguan Xue’er to the side of the wall to see what had happened outside, they were struck speechless. Indeed, neither of them could even find words to describe the entire scene in front of them. At the same time, the price they had paid was heavy. Besides the last remaining ten drops of Saint Energy that was barely enough to sustain their internal little Saint Energy whirlpool, they did not have a single drop of energy left in both their bodies. That was including even the normal Heavenly Energy that they had painstaking cultivated in the past month, with not a single drop left once more. For the next dozen to twenty days, they would not be able to recover to their maximum state, let alone taking any action.

Even so, everything the Hell’s Angel did definitely caused them to be filled with shock and awe. Perhaps, the sheer amount of killing was not bloody at all, but it was even scarier and unnerving than a bloody massacre.

Shangguan Xue’er could only say in a stupor: “What… what kind of power is that? Even if a Heavenly King stage powerhouse unleashes a powerful AOE Skill, it will not have such a massive effect. Weiqing… you… you both… just too scary…”

Zhou Weiqing smiled bitterly and said: “Don’t ask me, I don’t even know what happened. I had only planned to destroy some of the siege weapons…”

Tian’er opened her mouth slightly, but remained speechless. In truth, she did not know what to say at this point.

In the entire mainland, it was restricted for Heavenly Emperor stage powerhouses to interfere in ordinary wars between empires, and the reason for that was exactly because of such situations. However, who were they? Were they Heavenly Emperor powerhouses? They were merely a six-Jeweled and a seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters!

Saint Energy, it was the Saint Energy that had caused all of this. In their previous training and experiments, though the three of them had already known that the Saint Energy was extremely powerful and had many miraculous effects… but only now did they truly understand how powerful it was.

Zhou Weiqing was now certain that if he could consolidate a Saint Core Nucleus, and release that Hell’s Angel once more, he estimated that he might even be able to bring it to life for more than a minute.

Within that mere three seconds, it had already done so much damage. If the Hell’s Angel could be maintained for a whole minute… perhaps the entire Kalise Empire Regiments would be wiped out totally.

Terrifying Saint Energy, what kind of power did that hold! Exchanging glances, Zhou Weiqing and the two girls set the resolution in a tacit understanding without exchanging words. From now on, they would not use such a power easily. Otherwise, if this was revealed too early, it would definitely bring them much trouble. Tian’er and Shangguan Xue’er were still not too bad, after all they each had a Great Saint Land behind them. However, it was definitely not a good thing for Zhou Weiqing. He had just begun his path upwards, and at this point, the thing he was afraid most was drawing attention from the powers that could destroy him easily now. For example, the five Great Saint Lands.

Zhou Weiqing forced out a faint smile. “I really do not know if I should be laughing or crying. However, I’m sure that by now the Kalise Empire fellows are totally frightened.”

Almost as soon as he said that, coincidentally, the rest of the Kalise Empire armies began fleeing like the receding tide from a shore. The speed of their frenzied retreat was nearly a few times that of their arrival.

Facing such an attack like the Hell’s Angel, more like a force of nature than anything, any Jewel Master worth his salt would immediately guess it was at least a Heavenly Emperor who could do such a thing! In the continent, Heavenly Emperors were restricted from interfering in normal human wars, as such a destructive power could not be countered by any ordinary army. Still, all the restrictions aside, if one was really here, why should they stay and wait for death?