Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

It was not just the two of them. Naturally, Lin TianAo also took up his position right behind Zhou Weiqing. He was even more direct, with his seven-Jeweled Assembly Set Shield already released and at the ready. His eyes were cold as they scanned the area, fully ready to spring into action at any time.

The Overlord Bow gave forth a chilling aura as Zhou Weiqing drew it to a full crescent. Abruptly, he gave a loud shout, and with the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation glowing about him, in the Dragon-Tiger Transformation state, he truly looked like a demon god atop the city walls. Especially with the loud shout that was like a tiger’s roar, giving all the soldiers on the city walls a morale boost.

Facing such a formidable looking force, along with invisible pressure of the threat from the last few days, the morale of the soldiers on the walls was slightly suppressed, especially those of the fresh recruits. Zhou Weiqing may not be an outstanding commander, especially in terms of ‘normal’ military tactics, but in terms of his grasp of the big picture view, he could match any top commander. He was extremely clear on what he needed to do right now.

A layer of black light covered the Overlord Bow, and in an instant, using the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation, Zhou Weiqing gathered a massive amount of Heavenly Energy and transformed it into the Darkness Attribute. At the same time, one of the Alexandrite Cat’s Eye on one the edges of the hexagon glowed brightly. Clearly, Zhou Weiqing was not using a mimicked skill, directly unleashing one of the Stored Skills of his Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation.

A pitch black figure appeared silently above Zhou Weiqing’s head, hovering for a moment before spreading out and forming a humanoid figure with three sets of wings behind its back.

Right at that moment, Zhou Weiqing gave another loud shout, his eyes actually turning a vast expanse of white. A strange aura burst forth from his body next, swarming up above his head and forming a small trail of silvery white mist, infusing into the pitch black figure of light above him.

The silvery white mist seemed like the best fertilizer, and within an instant, the figure expanded to almost three times its original size, reaching a height of almost ten metres. The six wings behind its back spread out wide, and the figure seemed to become clearer, more focused and consolidated.

The soldiers on the city wall found they were almost unable to breathe. Although the huge black illusory figure was not directed at them, they still felt the oppressive presence that was almost unbearable. Zhou Weiqing took a step forward, right over the city walls, actually hovering in midair. Above his head, the giant black illusory figure also did the same, and in that instant, its features were fully shown to all the soldiers on both sides, several tens of thousands of men.

Chapter 201 Saint Energy - Recalling to Life! Hell’s Angel! (3)

It was the image of a youth, the giant but slim black figure giving forth a faint purple glow… bloodshot eyes filled with endless ruthless killing intent, a cruel aura about it. The features were handsome, but pale, and the sheer power of the aura the figure released was enough to cause even the heavens to change colours[1. This is a saying, not literally the skies are changing colours].

In the skies, no one knew when a large patch of dark clouds had suddenly gathered, forming a strange black whirlpool shape right above the black, six-winged youth.

Currently, Zhou Weiqing had his eyes closed. His entire body was shaking gently, even down to his hands and the Overlord Bow. His entire aura was raised to the max, and a terrifying energy reverberation could be felt all around. Let alone the enemies, even his own companions were trembling from the sheer presence.

Shangguan Xue’er’s eyes were filled with shock. “This… this is an actual manifestation of a Heavenly Skill Image… right?” Although she knew, or perhaps had guessed, how Zhou Weiqing had actually accomplished it, even so her heart was still filled with disbelief. The sheer energy reverberations were just too powerful, and it looked like even if a Heavenly King stage powerhouse used the same Skill, it might not have the same formidable power as Zhou Weiqing’s.

Tian’er was the only one not afraid of the huge black figure in the air with the terrifying aura. At this moment, she was standing right behind Zhou Weiqing, both her hands on his shoulders. All around her palms, gold and purple, two lights glowing as the different energy surged into Zhou Weiqing’s body from her.

In truth, no one else knew but the actual initiator of the Skill, Zhou Weiqing, was also filled with shock at that point. He had never expected that this would happen.

Without question, the Skill that he was trying to unleash was the Hell’s Angel, and he had planned to use the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation’s powerful but fine control and the powerful Heavenly Energy absorption, infusing the Hell’s Angel Skill into the Overlord Bow to unleash the powerful AOE Skill into the mass of enemies.

In order to bring the Skill to its greatest effect, the silvery white mist that had rose above his head was the Saint Energy which Zhou Weiqing had infused upwards into the Skill.

Zhou Weiqing had experimented with the Saint Energy many times, and he had long discovered that when using his Skills, as long as he infused a single drop of Saint Energy, the power of the Skill would explosively increase several times over. Originally, Zhou Weiqing’s plan was to infuse a few drops of Saint Energy to further strengthen this Hell’s Angel Skill.

However, he had never imagined that for this powerful Skill with the Heavenly Skill Image, even after he had already infused three drops of Saint Energy into it, the Heavenly Skill Image of the Hell’s Angel in the sky seemed like a bottomless pit, beginning to drain the Saint Energy directly from his body.

Tian’er and Zhou Weiqing pretty much trained everyday together with the Saint Energy whirlpool, and the connection between them was extremely strong, almost like they could sense each others’ emotions or thoughts. Instantly, she realised something was wrong with Zhou Weiqing, and came to his side to assist him, quickly forming the large Saint Energy whirlpool. Only then did the Hell’s Angel begin to stabilize, just before the Zhou Weiqing’s smaller internal Saint Energy Whirlpool was drained dry.

In a matter of moments, a grand total of over thirty drops of Saint Energy had been devoured from Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er’s bodies. Besides their own personal internal Saint Energy whirlpools, there was nothing left.

By now, Zhou Weiqing realised that empowering Skills with the Heavenly Skill Image was vastly different from his ordinary Skills, and it was definitely not a wise idea for them to do so in their current state. However, it was too late at this point, he could no longer apply the brakes to it, and all they could do was to grit their teeth and hold on for the ride.

Right at that moment, the massive black figure above Zhou Weiqing’s head began to move. In a flash, he appeared right in front of Zhou Weiqing.

Bloodshot eyes stared right at Zhou Weiqing, an aura of extreme cold caused the entire group of people on the Crescent City south wall to shudder uncontrollably.

“My Lord, thank you for granting me life with your purest energy. I can serve you for three seconds.”