Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

On top of the city walls, the Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers were all stunned silly, even the Peerless Regiment soldiers were no exception. Although they knew their boss was extremely powerful, they had never expected such a degree of strength. They had personally seen Zhou Weiqing unleash that Skill, and the sight before them was truly a landscape of hell on earth. Perhaps, if the fresh recruits earlier were all extremely nervous and afraid from the sheer scale and power of their enemies, then at this moment, the only thing left in their hearts was awe.

For these ordinary soldiers, they did not have much understanding about Jewel Masters, or Heavenly Jewel Masters. Their confidence in Zhou Weiqing was a blind one, strengthened in conviction by their own eyes. From their perspective, all their powerful Commander needed to do was just unleash a few more attacks like that, and the thirty thousand enemies would never be able to succeed in occupying the Crescent City.

After a moment of being stunned, the entire Heavenly Bow Empire side erupted into cheers as their morale shot sky high. The cheers resounded throughout the air like waves crashing into the shore. Without a doubt, this battle, which should have been so tough, had ended so quickly, so unexpectedly.

On the city walls, the fight between the two Heavenly King stage powerhouses was also nearing the end. The assassin was being severely pressured by the powerful God Tier Consolidating Equipment Master, Duan Tianlang.

In truth, even without Shangguan Xue’er’s attack earlier, the assassin’s overall power could not compare to Duan Tianlang. Now, it just helped Duan Tianlang save a lot of time and effort.

“Hate… Sky… No… Handle…” Facing his enemy’s constant dodging, Duan Tianlang finally grew tired of wasting time. As a God Tier Consolidating Equipment Master, he was extremely sensitive to Consolidated Equipment, and he could sense that the sealing on his enemy’s black rapier was ending soon. He did not want to lengthen the fight any longer, and he released one of the powerful imbued Skills of his Legendary Set.

‘Hate Sky no Handle’ was not just simply the name of the Legendary Set, but it was also the name of the Skill that the Legendary Set granted when it was complete. Duan Tianlang raised his warhammer with both hands, savagely smashing it down in the air.

A terrifying scene occurred next. The cheering Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers suddenly felt an unprecedented pressure explode out. The suppression was so strong that it even surpassed the presence of the Hell’s Angel powered by Zhou Weiqing’s Saint Energy earlier.

Everyone had the same feeling - the sky was about to fall down.

Indeed, in that instant, it was as if the entire sky was straining, on the verge of collapsing, as a series of massive explosions rang through the air. On the city walls, even for the powerhouses like Shangguan Xue’er, everyone fell down to the ground from the sheer pressure, and even the city walls began to tremble.

One had to know that when Duan Tianlang released his Legendary Set Skill, it was fully focused on the Heavenly King assassin who was still Sealed in his Spatial Shackles. Everything that could be felt outside was just the resultant product that he was already doing his best to minimize.

*Puuuu* Originally constantly dodging, the Heavenly King assassin suddenly collapsed, as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning, caving in as if the entire heavens had collapsed down upon him. There was a sickening sound of bone snapping from his body, and in that instant, all of his Heavenly Energy burst forth in an explosive manner that was far beyond his limits, forcefully breaking through Duan Tianlang’s Spatial Shackles.

Alas, it was just too late. How could the strongest imbued Skill of a Legendary Set, especially one as high quality as the ‘Hate Sky no Handle’ set, be something so easily endured just like that? Even if he had the black rapier in his hands, he would definitely still be injured, let alone now with him being suppressed so heavily. After all, his defense was one of his weakest points.

The Heavenly King assassin’s body was now forcefully smashed down upon the ground, his entire body sunk down into the tough rock of the city walls. Duan Tianlang gave a cold laugh, his warhammer striking down once more. *Splat* This time, the assassin’s body was entirely smashed into meat paste by the terrifying force of the hammer blow.

Zhou Weiqing stared with jaw agape at it. At this point, he couldn’t help but ask: “Senior Uncle, did you really just pull down the sky?” As the heir to the Legacy of Strength, the owner of the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Legendary Set, no one had a clearer feeling than him just now.

From the surface, the final blow that Duan Tianlang used was that of the Spatial Attribute. However, Zhou Weiqing was extremely clear that it was not any particular elemental Attribute at all, but pure, unadulterated strength. An incomparable, horrific strength. That was the reason he asked the question.

Duan Tianlang smiled faintly. Having just killed a Heavenly King powerhouse, his breathing was uneven, and he looked exhausted. After all, despite his power, the state of his body still had not been in perfect condition all this while.

“Of course we can’t actually pull down the skies, but the effect of this ‘Hate Sky no Handle’ is to mimic the effect of the skies being pulled down.”

“This Skill can be considered a single target attack, or an area of effect attack. If I had used this Skill on the Kalise Empire armies, and I was standing right in their center, then the destructive power of it could only be higher than your Hell’s Angel just now. In truth, such a Skill does not necessarily need our particular Legendary Set, but its requirement is having absolute strength, just like one is really pulling down the entire skies. As a result, besides our ‘Hate Sky no Handle’ or ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Legendary Sets, there should not be any other possible situation where one can accomplish this. In the future, when you have gathered nine pieces of your ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set, you should also be able to use this Skill. If you actually complete your tenth piece, besides the ‘Heaven’s Falls’, you should also be able to cause the earth to sink. ‘Heaven falls, Earth crumbles’, such a state, even if it were compared to the Boundless Infinitum Set, it should not be any weaker.”

In the past, since Zhou Weiqing’s cultivation level was just too low, Duan Tianlang had never explained all of this to him. However, after witnessing the terrifying Hell’s Angel Skill, Duan Tianlang would no longer judge Zhou Weiqing just by his cultivation level any longer.

Although he did not know exactly how Zhou Weiqing had accomplished it, it was without a doubt that the power of the Hell’s Angel just now had stunned even Duan Tianlang. Of course, he would not question Zhou Weiqing about the secrets behind the Hell’s Angel; in the end he was not Zhou Weiqing’s teacher. To any Heavenly Jewel Master, this was definitely a top secret. With his own status and position, how could he possibly ask such sensitive questions at will?

“Boss, the enemy has retreated, what should we do?” Lei Zi said respectfully to Zhou Weiqing.

Earlier, that Hell’s Angel could be said to have ‘conquered’ all those present. In all their eyes, Zhou Weiqing had raised to all whole different level.

Zhou Weiqing glanced at him and said: “What else can we do? Continue holding down the fort in the Crescent City. However, I expect that the Kalise Empire will not easily come back again. I am heading back to the governor’s mansion first, but no matter what, do not grow careless just because of our victory just now. Keep the gates sealed for now.”

“Yes Sir.” All of them acknowledged. Lin TianAo took over Zhou Weiqing from Shangguan Xue’er, supporting him as they left, while Shangguan Xue’er supported Tian’er. Along with Duan Tianlang, they headed back down the walls and into the city. With Duan Tianlang’s status, he would not help Zhou Weiqing in the war. If not for the Heavenly King assassin, he would not even have appeared here today.

Chapter 202 Living Hell! (3)