Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

Duan Tianlang laughed heartily and said: “There is no need for thanks, after all, Senior Uncle is not an outsider! That damn fatty, your Master, isn’t here, and meeting such a tough circumstance, how can I not intervene? That fellow Fatty Long, if he knows some assassin dares to touch his disciple… heh heh, no matter what remote corner of the world he is hiding in, he will still dig out that assassin and destroy him.”

“Towards the profession of assassins, I am really not too familiar. However, for one to reach the Heavenly King stage like that one, I am sure he is one of the top of that profession. Previously, there was a certain level of luck for you to be able to escape death at his hands, so during this next period of time, you all better not let your guard down. Fatty Long has been gone for quite some time, so I am sure he will be back soon. We need to keep our guards up at least until he has returned, so wherever you go in this period of time, Senior Uncle will follow you.”

Zhou Weiqing also laughed heartily and said: “Then many thanks to Senior Uncle.”

As they exited the cultivation chamber, Zhou Weiqing immediately gave the order for the Peerless Regiment officers to gather for a meeting. They had been in the Crescent City for over a month, and he had been in closed door cultivation for all this time. There were many things to handle, and he also needed first hand news before he could make further decisions.

Before long, the Peerless Regiment officers that were currently in the Crescent City all gathered in the governer’s mansion grand hall.

Lin TianAo was the first to arrive. Towards the assassination attempt on Zhou Weiqing, he was the one who was most self-castigatory. He had always treated himself as Zhou Weiqing’s Follower, even though Zhou Weiqing had already lifted the Seal. He was also adept at defense, yet under such a circumstance, he had failed in his personal mission to defend and protect Zhou Weiqing. How could he not feel vexed and depressed?

However, it was perhaps also this matter and the feeling of vexation that had incited a strong fighting spirit within him. In this month, he had finally broken through to the seven-Jeweled stage, and with the Consolidating Equipment Scrolls that he had gained from the Heavenly Jewel Island previously, he managed to complete his seventh Consolidated Assembly Set Shield piece. His overall defense had grown to a startling degree. Lin TianAo was confident that even if that assassin came once more, he could at least help Zhou Weiqing block one attack.

Zhou Weiqing sat at the head of the table, and for the others, this was the first time in the entire month they had seen their Commander. Their eyes were filled with some surprise, as they realised that no matter Zhou Weiqing, Tian’er or Shangguan Xue’er, they seemed to be very different from a month ago.

This was mainly in terms of their presence and aura. No one could clearly say what the change was, but the feeling was definitely different.

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: “I’m truly sorry everyone. During this period of time, I have been slacking off due to recovering from my injury. However, I am back now. What is our current situation like, everyone please let me know. Bro Lin, you go first.”

Lin TianAo was his usual stable self, nodding as he said: “Currently, things are going very well, almost the ideal path we were hoping for. The targets we have set have all been met. Currently, in the entire city, besides our Peerless Regiment warriors, we have also recruited three thousand new soldiers. Of course, these soldiers are still fresh, their combat abilities are nothing much, and they do not have much training yet, let alone any experience in fighting. They will not be much use on an actual battlefield, but at least in terms of everyday guard duties, it is still fine. At least, this greatly solves our manpower issues. After all, though the Crescent City is not considered large, it is still an entire city, and the populace is pretty high.”

“As for the Kalise Empire, they currently do not seem to have plans to attack us yet. However, they have already started gathering troops in the Xinyue City three hundred li from here. Currently, our scouts estimate they have already gathered three Regiments of troops by now, one of which is from the Bai Da Empire. Once they start moving out, they can reach the vicinity of the Crescent City within three days to begin attacks on us.”

“On the logistics end, the first batch of supplies from the Fei Li Empire have already reached, and is sufficient for us in the near future. More importantly, the supply lines between the Fei Li Empire have also been established and being maintained. Our main force of the Peerless Regiment has already started moving out, and are currently marching from the ZhongTian Empire to the Fei Li Empire, where they will pass through the Fei Li Empire to meet with us. The Fei Li Empire has been informed of their arrival to prevent any misunderstandings. Although it is a major movement of troops, since they are all cavalry soldiers, they should be able to arrive within a month or so. By that time, even if the Kalise Empire can amass an entire Legion of troops, we are confident in fighting them off. The Fei Li Empire will also be helping supply our main Peerless Regiment force as they move through their borders, and Vice Commanders Wei Feng and Hua Feng are in command.”

“The main troop is moving out a lot earlier than we had planned. Although their outfitting is not fully complete, the ZhongTian Empire has already promised us that they will be aiding us in sending us our orders once they are completed. They have also given us aid in terms of supplies and gold. At the same time, the ZhongTian Empire has given you a letter, only for your eyes.”

After saying that, Lin TianAo retrieved a sealed letter, passing it to Zhou Weiqing.

A letter from the ZhongTian Capital City? Towards this point, Zhou Weiqing was rather surprised. Immediately, he opened the letter to read it, right in front of everyone.

This letter from the ZhongTian Empire was not short. First of all, it described the current situation in the south, especially the attacks and disorder of the Dan Dun Empire, pointing out clearly the possible alliance between the Bai Da Empire and Dan Dun Empire. There was also a greater description of all the Bai Da Empire armies and their formations. At the same time, the ZhongTian Empire expressed that they would be willing to increase their support for the Heavenly Bow Empire, both in terms of supplies and gold, and it would be sent to them via various unique channels. However, they had one request, for the Heavenly Bow Empire to hasten the revival of their Empire. At the same time, they were to declare war on the Kalise Empire, at a certain level to tie down the Bai Da Empire as well. The letter also expressed that if necessary, the ZhongTian Empire was willing to give some actual military support to them, though this would not happen too quickly yet.

The promised support of gold and supplies was definitely not a small amount, and once he read the letter, the first thought in Zhou Weiqing’s mind was awe about the wealth of the ZhongTian Empire.

The gold and supplies that the ZhongTian Empire were giving them was even more than the previous Heavenly Bow Empire’s annual taxes!

Chapter 201 Saint Energy - Recalling to Life! Hell’s Angel! (1)

After he had finished reading the letter, Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly. “It looks like our luck is not too bad once more. As the saying goes, a hero is the product of his times, it looks like the current circumstances of the world is also increasing our chances of reviving our Empire!”