Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

Zhou Weiqing’s weird powers, along with Tian’er and Shangguan Xue’er who had certainly surprised him, and the unknown Heavenly King Stage powerhouse (Duan Tianlang)… such a formation staying together, even if this Heavenly King assassin was the top assassin in the world, he dared not act rashly. Of course, during this month, he had also spent most of it healing and recuperating. Currently, he was silently hiding nearby, waiting for another perfect time to strike.

This month was not just silent for the Crescent City. The rest of the entire Mainland was also extremely silent, the various large Empires not showing any movement. The Kalise Empire also did not show any large movements. According to Kou Rui and his scouts, the Kalise Empire had already stationed another large troop of armies in another city that originally belonged to the Heavenly Bow Empire, the closest one to the Crescent City about three hundred li away. However, there were currently no signs that they were about to move out.

At the same time, Kou Rui, who had been left in charge of scouting and general information gathering, had strengthened their checks at the city gates of the Crescent City, and they had already caught several dozen spies.

Conscription of soldiers was perhaps the most troublesome job, and currently Yan Zhexi was in charge of it. As the Fei Li Empire sent the first batch of supplies as well as a troop of five thousand logistics personnel, the critical state their forces had been in was at least solved. Currently, besides the requisite training they did everyday, the Peerless Regiment soldiers would undergo some patrolling investigations or interrogation missions.

In the hidden room where they were cultivating.

Zhou Weiqing slowly opened his eyes. Instantly, it was as if two cold bolts of lightning pierced through the room, filling it with a strange aura.

As he opened his eyes, Shangguan Xue’er and Tian’er each at his side respectively also opened their eyes.

Shangguan Xue’er’s face had a faint blush on her face, and as she looked at Zhou Weiqing, she turned her head around. On the other hand, Tian’er was smiling happily as she said: “We did it! An entire month, but it was truly worth it. Our Heavenly Energy has finally recovered to our original standards. This cultivating of the Saint Energy is truly not easy at all.”

Indeed, they had used an entire month to transform the cultivated Saint Energy back to their Heavenly Energy, resuming their usual strength.

In truth, this entire month could be said to be extremely dangerous for Zhou Weiqing’s trio. If the Heavenly King assassin had snuck in secretly, perhaps he would have had a great chance. Of course, that was no certainty as well, even without their Heavenly Energy, their Saint Energy was not to be underestimated. The instant explosive power was more than enough to shock even the Heavenly King stage powerhouse Duan Tianlang.

This Saint Energy was truly one of a kind. However, at this moment, it was not just Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er who had it, even Shangguan Xue’er had it now.

According to Zhou Weiqing’s hypothesis previously, Shangguan Xue’er’s Heavenly Energy had been fully transformed to Saint Energy after he combined forces with Tian’er. In this month, Shangguan Xue’er had joined them in the process of recovering her Heavenly Energy. The reason she blushed upon seeing Zhou Weiqing just now was because during the transformation process of the Saint Energy, she had been kissed by him so many times. Towards such a method of using their mouths to infuse the Saint Energy, our dear shameless Little Fatty was more than happy to enjoy it.

However, during the process of transformation, Zhou Weiqing also discovered that for Shangguan Xue’er without her own Saint Attributes, they actually had to spend more energy to refine and transform into the Saint energy. As such, she actually had less Saint Energy than Zhou Weiqing or Tian’er. This was even after the fact that she was at a higher cultivation level than the two of them, and the Boundless Infinitum Technique was known for its thick and stable Heavenly Energy. Do not forget that Shangguan Xue’er also had the Alexandrite Cat’s Eye Elemental Jewel, and though it was not as monstrous as his six Attributes, she still had four Attributes!

Zhou Weiqing had done a simple calculation. If an ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master were to fully transform their Heavenly Energy, assuming he was at the same level as them, being able to have four to five drops would likely be the norm.

Also, after their investigations and calculation, they estimated that if they wanted to fill their entire bodies with the Saint Energy, it was definitely a long road ahead of them, as it would likely take them around three thousand drops to complete the entire process.

However, in this month, they did not just simply spend it recovering their old Heavenly Energy. Besides the fact that all their cultivation had improved, strengthening the overall amount of Heavenly Energy. In terms of controlling the Saint Energy and finding a balance, they had also discovered several tricks.

For example, with all three of them, it was no longer just a simple matter of ‘storing’ the Saint Energy.

Although none of them had all four Saint Attributes individually, the Saint Energy itself was consisting of all four Saint Attributes! As such, after much experimentation and testing, they were able to form a very tiny whirlpool of Saint Energy in their bodies, silently spinning away. This whirlpool was actually modelled after the original energy whirlpool that formed in Zhou Weiqing’s body after he joined hands with Tian’er and their four Saint Attributes actually fused together.

Do not underestimate this tiny whirlpool within their bodies. In fact, it could be said that the majority of the time and efforts of this entire month was spent developing this one thing, and it was also their greatest progress. With this tiny whirlpool in their bodies, they no longer needed to worry about permanently using up their Saint Energy.

Unlike the original fused one, this whirlpool would not automatically refine and transform their Heavenly Energy, only maintaining its own form and the Saint Energy within. However, once they circulated and started using their Saint Energy, as long as this whirlpool existed, the Saint Energy would slowly recover and not be used up totally like in their first few tries.

Zhou Weiqing had tested the limits of this many times. Any Saint Energy he used up would be slowly recovered at the rate of about one drop per day. However, there was also a caveat for that. The tiny whirlpool could only be maintained with at least ten drops of Saint Energy, and Zhou Weiqing called it the base requisite amount. That was to say, unless Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er joined forces to ensure their Saint Attributes fused again, otherwise if any of the three used their Saint Energy individually, they had to hold back half of it to maintain the whirlpool.

In this month, with the sheer amount of talent between the three of them, and their cultivation speeds, they had only just recovered their Heavenly Energy and only improved slightly in that sense. However, all three of them felt as if they had been fully reborn and remoulded. That was because they truly had a new power within them, the true profound secrets of the four Saint Attributes!

This was especially so for Shangguan Xue’er. In truth, she felt a great sense of gratitude towards Tian’er, though she might not show it externally. After all, according to normal circumstances, it would have been impossible for her to have this Saint Energy. However, Tian’er’s generosity greatly touched Shangguan Xue’er. The conflict between the two had long disappeared, and their relationship had improved dramatically. Many times during breaks of their cultivation, Zhou Weiqing would joke that this was actually his greatest reward in the entire month.