Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

At that time, Tian’er had discovered that her body was almost drained dry, even her life force was about to vanish. In her heart, there was some fear and panic, but at that very moment, she sensed Shangguan Xue’er’s shout of warning towards Zhou Weiqing, the voice that shook down to the very soul even managed to cause her dazed thoughts to rouse slightly. The next instant, Zhou Weiqing had pulled her closer and kissed her lips.

In that instant, Tian’er could sense a vital life force entering her body, fully replenishing all of her drained life force. Next, the silvery white liquid of pure energy fused fully into her body. Tian’er’s senses were no lesser than Zhou Weiqing’s, and within moments she discovered the power of the liquid. As the involved party, her curiosity about it was definitely even higher than Shangguan Xue’er.

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “Heh, Tian’er, we have just been too lucky. I’d say we were blind cats that caught a dead rat[1. Literal Translation of chinese idiom, pretty much means unbelievably lucky].”

Tian’er said exasperatedly: “You are the one who’s the blind cat.”

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: “If only we can meet such good luck all the time, so what if I’m a blind cat. Hahaha.”

Tian’er said, full of curiosity: “Hurry up, tell me and Xue’er, what was actually going on? Why was there that pure energy whenever you kissed me? How come all my Heavenly Energy was totally transformed in the process?”

Zhou Weiqing began to describe the entire process of that cultivation simply, and as the two girls listened to his story, their expressions changed several times.

Previously, Tian’er was still bashful and irritated about Zhou Weiqing’s choice of words with blind cat, but after hearing his description, she could only shiver with fear on how close she had come to death several times. Indeed, she had to admit that the phrase was rather apt in the circumstance.

“That was a true mix of time, luck and life. Sometimes, when luck comes, one can’t even reject it! It looks like we have to thank that assassin, otherwise we might not have such a miraculous encounter.”

Tian’er said: “Don’t get too excited, this is just the beginning for us. Now that our Heavenly Energy has all been transformed, how are we going to cultivate in the future? Without our original Heavenly Energy… could we continue cultivating with this pure and refined energy? This is already the fusion of the four Saint Attributes.”

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: “This is also what I am worried about, so we will need to continue experimenting in all the cultivation techniques for the four Saint Attributes. This is something we have to fumble about before we can find a right path. However, what you mentioned just now should not be possible. When the Heavenly Energy was refined and transformed to that silvery white liquid, I was no longer able to affect it with the Devour Skill, not able to draw upon it. As such, it cannot be used as our Devour Skill cultivation. We will have to try on other areas.

Shangguan Xue’er stood at the side, her heart filled with envy. However, she did not have any Saint Attributes, and naturally could not cultivate together with them in a similar fashion.

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: “That is the reason why I infused a drop of the fused power to Xue’er. Since we are going to experiment, we need to conduct many different tests with many different variables. I have a thought to try out later… I will begin Devouring Xue’er’s Heavenly Energy instead this time, and Tian’er you and I will start forming the four Saint Attribute fusion whirlpool within my body like the last time, and we shall see if we can help Xue’er to transform all of her Heavenly Energy as well… as well as what difference there might be in such a process, or what we can gain from it. With that drop of the silvery white energy protecting her, no matter what happens, at least Xue’er will not be in danger.”

Shangguan Xue’er blushed deeply, but her heart was secretly rejoicing. At least, Zhou Weiqing had not forgotten her, and such an unbelievable treasure, he was still willing to think of her.”

“You both haven’t eaten for a whole day and night, aren’t you hungry?” Shangguan Xue’er asked concernedly.

Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er exchanged looks. Indeed, such a long time had passed, yet neither of them felt any sense of hunger.

Zhou Weiqing said: “Perhaps it is because of the four Saint Attributes’ fusion and that sheer massive amount of energy that it holds, that it even settled all issues of hunger and thirst. Alright, it is rather tiring to keep calling it that, how about we give it a name. Hmmm… a simple one… our original energy is called Heavenly Energy, and this is the product of the four Saint Attributes… shall we call it Saint Energy then?”

Shangguan Xue’er said: “Weiqing, I think your idea of experimentation is in the right step. However, I think that you should not rush to start on that first, especially in using the Devour Skill in training for now. That is because you still have not fully grasped this Saint Energy yet, understanding it fully and being able to control it. I feel that you both should begin cultivation first, try to learn how to cultivate it on your own and also how to control it, and also begin sharing your thoughts and understanding. With that, you can begin to fully understand it, the underlying principles and control. Only then should we start experimenting with the various training methods.”

Zhou Weiqing’s eyes lit up and he nodded in agreement. “That is true, I am being too eager to try that out.” At the same time, his heart was secretly rejoicing. Everything else aside, it was at least clear that Shangguan Xue’er’s attitude towards him had changed. This could be seen just from the fact on how she addressed him compared to previously. Furthermore, it looked like the relationship between Tian’er and Xue’er was starting to improve as well. This was amazing news for him! At least, with this improvement, his days would no longer be plagued with suffering!

Although they weren’t particularly hungry, Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er still decided to rest up and have a meal first, along with Shangguan Xue’er. While doing so, the three of them began to have a simple discussion regarding the four Saint Attributes. Only then did they begin the fresh round of cultivation, entering a meditative state.

Zhou Weiqing sat there cross legged, starting his attempt to circulate this new Saint Energy of his. What Shangguan Xue’er had said was indeed true, he had to learn and understand it, and to do so, he would have to start actually using it and trying it out. Only then would he be able to understand the underlying profound meanings behind it, and to truly make it his own.

Chapter 200 Saint Energy Whirlpool! (1)

As he circulated the energy with all his might, it all seemed smooth, and there was no sign of it being hard to control just because the energy was of a higher state. Just like in the past when he circulated his old Heavenly Energy, Zhou Weiqing managed to circulate the energy without any issues all the way to his Death Acupuncture point energy whirlpools. To his joy, although there were only about twenty drops of the Saint Energy liquid, he found he was able to easily break them apart, not needing to keep to the size of the droplet of water. In this way, he was able to spread the Saint Energy evenly between all of his Death Acupuncture Point energy whirlpools.