Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

Stretching his arms and doing a few simple exercises, Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “Heh heh, now, if that bastard really comes, he will not have the chance to easily kill me anymore. With the current Saint Energy I have, I can at least ensure he will not be able to kill me within ten seconds. With this time, we should be better be able to deal with him.”

Tian’er giggled and said: “Now, I am actually thinking that perhaps the best cultivation method for us is to return to the WanShou Empire. As long as we have enough Heavenly Beasts to let us Devour… Heh heh, our Saint Energy can increase quickly. At least, it will be faster than if we cultivate it ourselves. Once we can fill our entire bodies with Saint Energy, to consolidate our Heavenly Core Nucleus, then we will be the strongest Heavenly King powerhouses in the entire world. At that point, I think that we can even stand up to ordinary Heavenly Emperors.”

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said: “How can it be so easy to consolidate and form the Heavenly Core Nucleus? Each of us needs at least three thousand drops of the Saint Energy, how many Heavenly Beasts would that take? Furthermore, those Heavenly Beasts aren’t going to stand there quietly to let us Devour them.”

Tian’er stuck her tongue out at him and said: “However, Weiqing, you must promise me one thing. Even if we use the Devour Skill on Heavenly Beasts to help our cultivation, we must not kill or severely injure them. I know that your Devour Skill also Devours life force, and in doing so the speed of cultivation is much faster. However, unnecessary killing is also acting against the heavens, we cannot kill large numbers of Heavenly Beasts for selfish reasons. Otherwise, I will not be able to accept it.”

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: “Don’t worry, I never planned to go kill Heavenly Beasts. After all, my wife is the King of the Beasts right? Furthermore, if we just depend on killing for our cultivation, it will definitely leave a shadow in our hearts. It will actually be a detriment to us in the long term and possibly limit our potential.”

Chapter 200 Saint Energy Whirlpool! (3)

“Thinking about it, if we really use Saint Energy to form the Heavenly Core Nucleus, perhaps it shouldn’t be called that anymore, but a Saint Core Nucleus. No one has ever gone down this path before, and we still have to explore it bit by bit ourselves, so it isn’t going to be as easy or smooth sailing all the time. However, once we actually succeed, just like Xue’er said, forming that Saint Core Nucleus, we will finally truly be part of the top echelon powerhouses in the world.”

Their learnings and gains in the month was definitely substantial, but they also knew that they had barely seen the tip of the iceberg regarding the deepest profound secrets of the Saint Attributes and the Saint Energy. However, if they wanted to do more tests, they also needed a greater amount of Saint Energy. Furthermore, the current recovery rate of the Saint Energy was just too slow, and only when Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er joined hands to form the original large whirlpool, would the recovery rate be faster. As such, they truly did need a large supply of Heavenly Energy to refine and transform into Saint Energy, as they delved deeper into the secrets.

Shangguan Xue’er stood by the side, listening silently. In her heart, she was quite envious of Tian’er, but she would never excluse her from Zhou Weiqing’s side any longer. Compared to their three Sisters, perhaps Tian’er was the most compatible with Zhou Weiqing.

Both of them had the top tier Tiger bloodlines, one with the Dark Demon God Tiger bloodline and the other with the Divine Heavenly Spirit Tiger bloodline. More importantly, their energy was perfectly complementary into forming the four Saint Attributes.

At last, Zhou Weiqing said: “Come on, let’s go. It’s time for us to end the closed door cultivation and move out. Regarding the Saint Energy, this is a secret between us. Tian’er, Xue’er, I hope that this secret will remain ours alone. I know that you both are from your respective Great Saint Lands, and you have to consider your families as well. However, in this matter, the fact of the matter is the lesser people who know about it, the better. After all, as the saying goes, the greater the wealth a man has, the greater the greed it can spark in others… and it can only lead to our possible ruin. If anyone else knows about this power of ours, it might cause the entire world to cast greedy eyes upon us. At that time, we would be in deep trouble.”

Towards Tian’er’s earlier suggestion, it would be a lie to say that Zhou Weiqing wasn’t tempted. Without question, it would be impossible for them to actually gain a massive amount of Saint Energy with their normal cultivation speed. Zhou Weiqing vaguely sensed that the Saint Energy was actually not something that people of their current levels would usually be able to access. Even with the four Saint Attributes fused together, it was his conjecture that perhaps only when one had consolidated their Heavenly Core Nucleus, then they would start to learn about this, slowly transforming the Heavenly Core Nucleus into the Saint Core Nucleus. However, they now had gained access to it much earlier, and were also able to start cultivating it. The key to the entire matter was actually Zhou Weiqing’s Devour Skill.

Only with the Devour Skill would they be able to gain sufficient energy to support such an impossible cultivation target. To get so much energy, it was not realistic to Devour other Heavenly Jewel Masters, unless Zhou Weiqing wanted to go on a killing spree around the world.

As such, Devouring Heavenly Beasts’ Heavenly Energy could possibly be the best choice. However, there were just too many things for him to do right now, and he was unable to just run off to train like that. Zhou Weiqing made a hidden resolution that once he had established everything onto the right path, he would make a trip down to the WanShou Empire together with Tian’er, entering the Ten Thousand Beast Heavens to raise their Saint Energy. Once they gained large amounts of Saint Energy, one could just imagine their power in the future. Furthermore, in terms of breaking through to the Heavenly King stage, they would not have any bottlenecks at all. Everything else aside, with the Saint Energy, their cultivation speed would be greatly increased. There were still many underlying secrets waiting to be discovered, just like a grand door to a mountain of gold had been opened, awaiting their arrival. How could he not be filled with a great fighting spirit?

Both girls nodded instantly. Although they did not speak much else on the matter, the resolution in their eyes gave Zhou Weiqing the answer he wanted. At least, before they consolidated their Saint Core Nucleus, if anyone knew of this miraculous power, it would bring about unnecessary trouble.

As the three of them left their cultivation room, Duan Tianlang in the next room was immediately alerted. Opening the door, Duan Tianlang came out of his room to greet them.

“How is it, you three little fellows have finally finished your closed door cultivation?” Duan Tianlang smiled faintly as he said, a hint of teasing in his voice as well.

Both Shangguan Xue’er and Tian’er both blushed, and only Zhou Weiqing with his thick skin did not mind at all, only assuming a smug and gloating expression.

“Senior Uncle, thank you so much for this past month. We have greatly troubled you.” Zhou Weiqing bowed respectfully towards Duan Tianlang. His respect towards Duan Tianlang was no less than his Master, the Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor Long Shiya. This God Tier Consolidating Equipment Master definitely held a respected position deep in Zhou Weiqing’s heart.