Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

*Bang**Boom**Bang**Boom* The ballista turrets on the walls also began their fire. One by one, the siege vehicles were smashed apart by the heavy bolts of the ballista. Although they weren’t as effective as Zhou Weiqing’s previous arrows, even down to killing the soldiers within, but at least the main goal of taking down the siege vehicles had been met. For a time, the death toll on the Kalise side continued rising higher.

Out of the fifty siege vehicles at the start, the number which had actually reached the three hundred yard range now was only about twenty or so. Just from that alone, one could imagine how crazy the fight for the Crescent City had been thus far.

However, by this point, a large majority of Zhou Weiqing’s hidden aces had already been revealed. Yet, there were still six more trebuchets, and they were closing in soon. The remaining siege weaponry were also reaching soon.

This was especially so for the giant battering ram cart, the lumbering giant which seemed to be the next greatest threat soon. Those things were just too huge, and Zhou Weiqing had tried using a massive rock to smash one earlier, but it did not have a big effect. It seemed to difficult to destroy them outright. At this point, Zhou Weiqing did not dare to spend too much Heavenly Energy. After all, those Kalise Empire powerhouses were not to be trifled with, and when the actual onslaught began, they would charge forth as well. On his own side, there was only Lin TianAo and Xiao Yan who could help him deal with those powerhouses, so it could be said that the majority of enemies had to be dealt by Zhou Weiqing.

As such, standing on the city walls, Zhou Weiqing could only continuously fire arrows with his Overlord Bow at the Heavy Infantry soldiers, not even using much Heavenly Energy. At such a range, even his ordinary arrows were not so easily blocked.

It wasn’t just the Heavy Infantry soldiers who suffered. Even some of the Kalise powerhouses who tried to charge forward were sent on a retreat by Zhou Weiqing’s Overlord Bow.

Since the fight had already reached such a point, it was already infinitely close to the most savage and ruthless point, hand to hand combat. It wasn’t just the frontal south wall though, all the other three walls of the Crescent city were also facing the frenzied attacks of their respective enemies.

Currently, this Crescent City was just the first stop in Zhou Weiqing’s revival of his Empire, and just like a boat in the torrential winds of the fifty thousand Kalise Empire armies, on the verge of capsizing at anytime.

Chapter 204 Bloody Battle in Crescent City! (2)

Closer… closer… closer… As the siege vehicles entered the two hundred yard range, so did the trebuchets, which were already primed and ready.


Six Trebuchets. Almost as one, they launched their loads with an angry roar. The trebuchets did not launch a single large rock, instead each of them having six decent sized rocks. As they were flung up into the air in an arc, all in the same direction but spreading out as they flew. For these rocks, thrown at a distance of two hundred yards, even ordinary Heavy Cavalry soldiers would be severely wounded or even killed if struck.

The greatest weakness of the trebuchet was its accuracy. For the first volley, the majority of the rocks smashed ineffectually onto the city walls, causing a round of explosions. However, just the small percentage that actually hit the top of the walls managed to take the lives of eight ordinary Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers.

This was time for the show of the Peerless Regiment Heavy Cavalry once more. Out of all the soldiers, these rocks from the trebuchets posed the least threat to them. For a time, the large spiked maces or giant battle axes waved in the air, and any of the large rocks that came near them were smashed into bits instantly.

F**k your sister! Zhou Weiqing screamed angrily in his heart. All around his body, a bluish purple light burst forth as he nocked another arrow. This time, his arrow was not shot at any particular target, instead towards the skies. Instantly, along with a chain of explosions, a large patch of lightning struck down from the skies, fully enveloping the six trebuchets. Immediately, many of the soldiers in charge of reloading the trebuchets fell to the ground.

Thousand Lightning Strikes.

The destructive power of this Skill was not strong, definitely not sufficient to destroy the trebuchets. However, it was enough to disable the Kalise Empire soldiers who were manning it. Left with no choice, Zhou Weiqing could only use such a method to delay the attacks from the trebuchets.

However, since the Kalise soldiers had reached the two hundred yards, they could also begin their actual charge. No matter how skillful the Peerless Regiment soldiers were, they only numbered two hundred. Facing the charge of several thousands at once, even with their firing rates they could only take down a portion of enemies. They could only watch as the rest of the Kalise Empire armies charged to the walls despite their best efforts.

One by one, siege climbing ladders were placed onto the walls as soldiers scrambled to climb up. Right behind them, the plodding giant battering ram cart still moved on, advancing slowly and steadily like an unstoppable force.

This was the first time Zhou Weiqing truly felt the terror of the battlefield. No matter how powerful he was individually, he still could not take care of everything that was happening. When he tried to deal with the trebuchets, the battering ram cart moved on unimpeded. Even the delay on the trebuchets did not last long, as more soldiers ran forward to continue reloading them. Taking a deep breath, a thick purplish black light began to gather crazily about him, and with an explosive shout, Zhou Weiqing flew up once more.

Ten days ago, the purplish black light which had shocked everyone, taking thousands of lives instantly, it appeared once more. When the six giant wings spread out and the illusory light spread across the entire field with the oppressive pressure… the charging Kalise soldiers suddenly stalled, stunned.

All of a sudden, some of the soldiers just turned and ran, not even caring about their orders. In their haste to flee, they did not even care about their siege ladders, just dumping them on the ground in the sudden trample of movement.

This was something that Zhou Weiqing did not expect. The fear the Hell’s Angel caused even before he unleashed it was actually at such a level.

For the first time since the battle had started, a cold smile flashed across Zhou Weiqing’s face. However, it was not one of happiness, but one filled with a cold killing intent.

This time, the Hell’s Angel Skill did not show any signs of coming to life. Naturally, Zhou Weiqing did not dare to infuse Saint Energy within once more, and it was just an ordinary Skill that was close to the Heavenly God Tier stage. A thick darkness aura welled up, and with the powerful control of his Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation, the terrifying skill that had been stored into his Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation was not transformed into a purplish black arrow nocked to his Overlord Bow.

Above Zhou Weiqing’s head, the illusory figure of the Hell’s Angel flapped its wings hard, and along with the explosive release of the Overlord Bow and the shrill screech, the arrow flew towards the trebuchets.

This time, none of the Kalise powerhouses dared to block it. When they saw the image of the Hell’s Angel above Zhou Weiqing’s head, they had been scared silly. After all, it was just too similar to what had happened ten days ago, and they did not even care to be curious why the Heavenly Emperor on the Heavenly Bow Empire side would actually dare to break the rules again. The powerhouses were the ones who fled the fastest, and within moments they were back at the end of the army lines.

One could clearly see that currently, all of the Kalise soldiers who had been charging forward were now retreating like the waves which had crashed upon a shore. Indeed! Who would be willing to withstand the terrifying force of nature they had witnessed ten days ago?!

Even Zhou Weiqing did not realise the awe and deterrent power his Hell’s Angel Skill suddenly had. In that moment, he felt laugher almost bubbling up to the front. Without question, as the enemy started retreating, the pressure on their defense was greatly reduced.