Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

Furthermore, having prepared for this battle for so long, how could Zhou Weiqing still leave his men with only six throwing javelins? Out of the two hundred Peerless Air Force soldiers, there were at least ten Spatial Rings, filled with large numbers of javelins. From just a rough estimate, they had at least two thousand more.

The owners of the rings did not even need to pass them to the other warriors, only needing to toss the javelins down as soon as they took them out of the Spatial Rings. The javelins would automatically fall down tip first, still resulting in the terrifying piercing effect.

Zhou Weiqing remained floating in midair. He was actually the busiest one of all. Right by his side, there was a member of the Peerless Air Force with one of the Spatial Rings, specially passing him javelins one after the other. In fact, the several dozen Heavy Infantry soldiers that had been killed were mostly all slain by him. He did not even need to use Heavenly Energy, just using his powerful natural strength and accuracy of throwing… how could their tower shields hold out against him?

By the time the Kalise Empire soldiers advanced another two hundred yards, the two Battalions of Heavy Cavalry had been wiped out. More than a hundred Heavy Infantry soldiers had also lost their lives.

At this point, Zhou Weiqing stopped the others from wasting their javelins, ordering them to ‘gift’ their final throws to the mass of infantry behind. As for himself, after taking a few more lives of the Heavy Infantry soldiers, he gathered his Air Force to return to the city walls.

Cheers erupted like a volcano’s explosion, all around the Crescent City walls. In just this burst of attacks, more than two thousand Kalise Empire soldiers had died. More importantly, most of those were the most elite and ‘expensive’ Heavy Cavalry soldiers! One could imagine the current expression on the Kalise Empire Army Commander.

“Boss, let us go again. Even if we just bring some rocks, we can smash those fellows to bits.” One of the Peerless Regiment soldiers said excitedly.

A notion rose its head in Zhou Weiqing’s heart, but he shook his head and said: “No, all your Heavenly Energy is not sufficient. Especially when the load is too heavy, the expenditure of Heavenly Energy is just too huge for you. Hurry up and recover your Heavenly Energy. Prepare to start shooting. I want all of you to focus on the soldiers who are manning the siege weapons. Your goal is to stop them all before they reach five hundred yards from the city walls.”

The Peerless Regiment First Main Company was the strongest elites of the entire Regiment, and their members all had ranges absolutely accurate up to eight hundred yards. After Zhou Weiqing gave his orders and arranged everything, he immediately went to look for two massive rocks, grabbing them as he flew up into the skies once more.

These rocks were part of a collection of fallen logs and rocks that were prepared for use in dealing with enemies who came closer. With that reminder from the Peerless Regiment soldier earlier, Zhou Weiqing flew up with the two giant rocks. Naturally, his targets now were the trebuchets.

Soon, the Kalise soldiers below could only stare in shock as two trebuchets were just smashed into smithereens by the two giant rocks. It had to be known that they only had a total of eight trebuchets for this entire battle!

However, when Zhou Weiqing returned to the city walls and rose again with another batch of rocks, he no longer had the opportunity to repeat his feat once again. The Kalise Empire powerhouses were not there just too look pretty, especially since most of them were not even from the Kalise Empire, but from the Bai Da Empire. This time, they worked together to block the falling rocks, protecting the trebuchets.

Foiled once more, Zhou Weiqing could only return to the city walls. He was not at all excited by their achievements thus far, as he knew that this was only the beginning. The hidden aces that he had were slowly being flipped open, but the attack of the enemy was only just beginning.

Just on this frontal assault on the south wall, the Kalise Empire still had at least twenty thousand soldiers. For just a small city, once their attack actually started, it would be wave after wave crashing against them. Furthermore, if the giant battering ram cart actually reached the gates, how long could the weak gates of the Crescent City hold out?

Come then! Zhou Weiqing yelled in his heart. At this moment, he suddenly thought about how the Kalise Empire had invaded his homeland, and how his father had fought to the end, almost sacrificing his life to Seal the Royal Palace. His eyes turned red slowly. The true battle was about to begin.

The Peerless Regiment archers began to display their true strength. They began to focus on firing at those soldiers that were pushing the various siege weapons. At this point, they did not even need to use their Consolidated Bows, each using their personal longbows, causing the movement of the siege weapons to drop dramatically.

However, the Kalise Empire commander also reacted quickly. They still had more than a thousand Heavy Infantry soldiers remaining, and they quickly stepped forward with their tower shields to protect the soldiers pushing the siege weapons. Once again, the siege weapons resumed their slow march towards the city walls.

From the vision up on the city walls, at least fifty sets of sieging ladders were prepared right behind the rest of the siege weapons. Once they all reached the two hundred yard range, the true offense would begin.

“Summon your Consolidated Bows. Fire!” Zhou Weiqing shouted angrily. The enemies had finally reached the five hundred yard range. At this moment, it was time to show another ace. It was imperative that these siege weapons were stopped!

Once again, the Peerless Regiment soldiers showed their power. The Consolidated Bows sprang into existence one after the other in bright light. Soon, the earsplitting sounds rang out explosively as they fired as one.

The tower shields of the Heavy Infantry truly had an amazing defense. Even with the explosive effect of the Consolidated Bows, they still weren’t able to destroy them with a single shot. However, the explosive effect was still stunning, able to knock them back or even send them flying.

For a time, the Heavy Infantry soldiers at the front were under great pressure. The explosive power of the arrows caused their neat formation to stumble and be thrown into disarray. Furthermore, for some of the skilled Peerless Regiment archers, their Consolidated Bows did not have the explosive effect, instead with a powerful piercing effect. The arrows that these fired out were not stopped by the tower shields, each claiming a life upon hitting.

At this point, the defensive line that had been the sturdy bedrock of the Kalise soldiers finally suffered a catastrophic loss. With the Peerless Regiment soldiers no longer sparing their Heavenly Energy, the remaining thousand Heavy Infantry soldiers all perished by the time the formation reached the three hundred yard mark.

Three hundred yards. At last, the Kalise Empire soldiers began to come into range to return fire as well, and a large number of arrows began flying up in an arc towards the city. In such a large scale battle, there weren’t many soldiers who could be as accurate in their archery as the Peerless Regiment soldiers. However, they just had too great of numbers, and they just needed to shoot upwards in an arc towards the Crescent City walls.

A large patch of arrows fell upon them. The Peerless Regiment archers and Heavy Cavalry were naturally not afraid due to their armour, but for the ordinary soldiers, the injuries and death were starting to add up. Although they were all equipped with shields, they were after all still fresh recruits with minimal training! Facing such a battle, how could panic not ensue?