Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

As such, he kept holding back, planning, thinking, waiting. He wanted them to underestimate him, at the same time he needed time to come up with a plan to deal with them.

Fighting in a head on fight would be foolish; not only did they outnumber him, but even if either of them were alone, Zhou Weiqing had no confidence in being able to take them easily. The only way would be to act weak, allow them to underestimate him, and bet it all in a single strike. Only with such an elaborate, meticulous plan would have the slightest chance of tricking them and defeating them.

Once again, Zhou Weiqing had proven himself capable to defeating a stronger opponent with his wits. In that short period of time, he had used everything in his arsenal, fully exploiting the advantage of having so many Attributes and Control Skills, unleashing them all at the risk of being fully depleted of Heavenly Energy. It had indeed been a risky proposition, but his bet had paid off, as he had successfully wounded Ao Le while escaping unharmed. He already had the mental preparation in case his plan failed, at worst, he would be forced out of the Tournament, but he was confident that if his life was in any danger, Fat Cat would not stay silent.

Looking at her husband’s suffering look, Liu Yinan was flustered, quickly attempting to circulate her own Heavenly Energy into his body to help him. Alas, things did not improve as she thought, as the Heavenly Energy she infused only caused Ao Le more pain, his shivering growing more violent. This was also with the Dark Demon God Lightning’s full power cut off at the start, otherwise Ao Le might have already lapsed into unconsciousness.

“You… what did you do to him?” Liu Yinan looked at Zhou Weiqing with a mix of fright and anger.

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “Nothing much, just a little venom. It isn’t that serious, but… well… let’s just say that even Senior Shangguan Longyin was unable to cure it. Do you remember our Fei Li Battle Team’s fight against the Dan Dun Battle Team? At the end, this was the Skill I used to defeat Shen Little Demon. She was dying from this very poison, but it was Senior Shangguan Longyin who made the guarantee to let them not take revenge on us, so I detoxified her. At that time, Senior Shangguan led the entire Dan Dun Battle Team to look for us in our Rest House… I believe you should remember that scene right?”

“Of course, you can choose to disbelief my words, but the venom will not wait for anyone, not even I can control that. If anything untoward happens to your husband… don’t blame me for not warning you. Sigh… a human only has one life… for him to be afflicted by this venom, even if you both leave the Lustre Spatial Realm, it will not vanish. In this world, besides myself, no one else can detoxify him from this venom.”

Hearing Zhou Weiqing’s words, Liu Yinan quickly recalled that day when the Dan Dun Battle Team had carried Shen Little Demon into the Fei Li Battle Team Rest House, led by Shangguan Longyin. She vaguely remembered hearing something about Shen Little Demon being poisoned, but being from the Passion Valley, they had not paid too much attention to it. After all, they had pride in their Time Attribute and Control, and did not think that they would actually be hit by Zhou Weiqing’s Skill. Alas, they had severely underestimated him, not expecting him to have the Time Attribute as well. Now that Ao Le was poisoned, as the saying goes, the more you care about someone, the less objective you will become when the person is question is in danger. How could Liu Yinan stay calm and collected in such a situation?

“What do you want?” She said angrily.

Zhou Weiqing laughed out, saying: “I do not want anything much… originally, I only had good intentions, offering to work together with you two. Alas, you all choose not to accept my good intentions, and chose to be enemies with me instead… so how can you blame me? I do not have many demands, just for you two to retreat from the Lustre Spatial Realm now, from the Heavenly Jewel Tournament. I will then draw out the venom from Bro Ao Le. How does that sound?”

The love and marital relation between Liu Yinan and Ao Le was very deep, and she did not even hesitate a second before nodding in agreement, saying: “Alright, you detoxify him now. Once I am sure he is okay, we will activate the Lustre Gem and retreat from the Tournament.”

Zhou Weiqing waggled a finger at her, saying: “No, no. Miss Liu, I am sorry… as I am in the weaker side now, that will not do. Here’s how I will detoxify him if you agree. I will first remove the majority of Bro Ao Le’s venom, alleviating his condition, and you both can retreat from the Lustre Spatial Realm. I guarantee that after that, as long as Bro Ao Le circulates his Heavenly Energy to protect himself, he will be fine for more than a month. Once the Heavenly Jewel Tournament is over, I will then fully detoxify all the remaining venom.”

Liu Yinan said angrily: “Nonsense, how can I possibly believe you?! What if you refuse to help Ao Le after the Tournament?”

Zhou Weiqing looked at her helplessly, saying: “Big Sis, think about that for a moment please? I have no enmity or hate towards you two, why would I possibly kill him? All I am doing is for the sake of the Tournament, once you two are out, I have no possible clash with you. Do you think that offending the Passion Valley is something fun for me to do? Or that I am that stupid as to go back on my word for no gain? Of course, if you do not agree with my suggestion, then I will have no choice but to die together with Bro Ao Le. My mere little life… being able to exchange it for Bro Ao Le’s life, I guess it is worth my while.”

As he ended his passionate speech, he gave the look of an indifferent, scoundrelly look, causing Liu Yinan to be angered into a frosty look, yet she could not do anything about it. In terms of power and fighting, these disciples of the Great Saint Lands were definitely at the top of their game, but in terms of intelligence and emotional quotients, how could they possibly compare to this little Scoundrel Zhou Weiqing, who had lived and learned with the God Eye Scoundrel Mu En for so long?

A complicated look appeared in Liu Yinan’s eyes, as she was clearly struggling. To be forced out of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament like that, no matter her or Ao Le would not be happy. After all, even amongst the Passion Valley disciples of their generation, there was much competition. Being eliminated from the Heavenly Jewel Tournament after less than a day, it would definitely affect their standings in the Passion Valley.

Zhou Weiqing did not rush her, waiting patiently and calmly at the side. At the same time, he gave a sigh on purpose, saying: “Haiz, there are so many Heavenly Beasts in this Lustre Spatial Realm… if you can’t decide fast and a Heavenly Beast comes around, if we aren’t able to block it in time and Bro Ao Le takes another injury, please don’t blame me alright….”

As he said that, he waved his right hand. A flash of light, and he summoned out one of the Icy Soul Heavenly Beasts from his Spatial Ring.

The two baby Icy Soul Heavenly Bears he had brought back so long ago were now all big and grown up, already at the Middle Level Zun Stage, comparable to an ordinary Five-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master. Of course, they still had some distance from a Five-Jeweled Master, but being a Dual Attribute Heavenly Beast, they were definitely pretty powerful. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing’s Immortal Deity Technique had been helping him recover at maximum speed, and even if Liu Yinan decided to abandon Ao Le and attack him, with the Icy Soul Heavenly Bear’s help, he would be able to delay her enough for him to recover. Facing a Five-Jeweled Liu Yinan, having completed all his Skill Storing, Zhou Weiqing was confident of taking a fight.