Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Although Zhou Weiqing could not see them with his eyes, his Touch of Darkness enabled him to sense that the two were a male and female respectively. Just from their movements, Zhou Weiqing was able to tell their origin, as they were moving along hand-in-hand. Amongst the four Battle Teams, it was without question that only one of the Battle Teams would have a scene like that, and that was the BaoPo Battle Team which had the background support of the Passion Valley.

Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but be shocked in his heart. Indeed, what Fat Cat had said was too true, and he could never underestimate the Great Saint Lands. These BaoPo Battle Team couples could actually join up together, and with the two of them working together, it would undoubtedly increase their overall power and safety. Perhaps they had some secret arts that enabled them to sense each other?

Alas, with all four of the Battle Teams in the Lustre Spatial Realm, it could be said that they were all opponents, even enemies! What should I do? Attack? Continue hiding?

With Tian’er’s help, he was confident that they would able to take a 2v2 fight with this couple in front of them. Alas, he did not know how much help she would be willing to give now.

After a short moment of consideration, Zhou Weiqing finally decided to stay on the side of caution, dispelling the notion of fighting with them.

After all, the finals would last an entire month. If he expended too much effort on the first day, it would not be beneficial to his overall strategy.

With that in mind, Zhou Weiqing reinforced his concealment, keeping a tight hold on his own energy as he waited silently for the BaoPo couple to pass by.

The two of them walked very slowly; just like what Zhou Weiqing had done previously, they kept their senses peeled in observation as they moved along.

Just as they were about 20 yards from the huge tree which Zhou Weiqing was hiding behind, enroute to pass by, all of a sudden a soft rustling sound caused the two to halt in their tracks, their gazes snapping towards Zhou Weiqing’s hiding spot.

Since the two of them heard the sound, naturally so did Zhou Weiqing. That was because the rustling sound had been caused by Fat Cat moving around in his arms. He did not even have time to think why she would do that on purpose, as he had to instantly react to the incoming danger.

The Overlord Bow coalescing instantly, and at the same time, Zhou Weiqing jumped backwards in a flash. He did not even need to use his eyes to take aim, just his enhanced senses alone allowing him to clearly know where the other pair was. Six arrows flew out almost at the same time, accompanied by the shrill whistling sound of their flight as the sped towards the man and woman respectively.

Zhou Weiqing was a person who liked to be in control, and he did not like to leave his fate in another person’s hands if he had a choice, not even if the person was Tian’er. As such, as soon as he launched his attack, he retreated at top speed deeper into the forest. He knew that a complicated terrain like the forest, and a greater distance between his foes, would be the best way for him to unleash his full power. As long as he could maintain a distance of at least a hundred yards from his opponents, even if he met the strongest powerhouses in the other Battle Teams, he had confidence of fighting with them.

Six reverberating whines followed by six explosions, almost simultaneously, as the Twisting Bowstring Archery Skill combined with the explosive effect of the Overlord Bow took effect, the shockwaves from the explosion traveling almost in a several li radius. The surprising thing was that Zhou Weiqing could clearly sense that the six arrows had actually all missed their targets.

The ability in which Zhou Weiqing had the most confidence was not his Demonic Change State, or his Devour Skill, or even his Legendary Hammers, but his archery. The torturous years he had spent training in the Heavenly Bow Unit, coupled with outstanding talent and hard work, had left his archery skill above even that of his teacher, Mu En. After all, he was a Heavenly Jewel Master, better able to make full use of the skill that his teacher had invented and perfected. Not to mention that the distance between his foes was only several dozen yards, even if it were several hundred yards, he had the confidence that he would not miss!

Yet, two shadowy figures, with an illusory light, flashed towards Zhou Weiqing from two different directions at breakneck speeds, boxing him in a pincer move.

Currently, Zhou Weiqing was already using the full power of his Demonic Right Leg as well as his Wind Attribute to bring his speed to nearly his maximum heights, and he was definitely no slouch in that department. However, his two foes were clearly edging him out in terms of speed, closing the gap slowly and steadily.

Zhou Weiqing did not turn around, but the arrows continued streaming from his hands, striking out unerringly towards his opponents, as he continuously changed different archery styles. He had absolute confidence that even if his opponent was of the six-Jeweled cultivation level, as long as they were struck by his arrows, it would at the bare minimum slow them down.

Alas, things did not go according to plan. Every arrow that he shot towards them seemed to be deflected by a strange force as soon as it neared them, or perhaps the more accurate term would be ‘guided away’, as the arrows seemed to slide away from them just as they were about to hit. The power of the Twisting Bowstring Archery Skill and the Overlord Bow could not come to fruition if the arrows just did not hit!

As the gap closed slowly, they were soon less than twenty yards from Zhou Weiqing. All of a sudden, the male member of the BaoPo Battle Team suddenly raised his hands towards Zhou Weiqing in an abrupt motion.

Chapter 99 Dual Ten-Star Rated Time Attribute Skills! (2)

Instantly, Zhou Weiqing felt everything slow down around him, and his body froze slightly in midair. In just that moment, the two opponents had already arrived by his side.

Blink. Left with no choice, Zhou Weiqing could only use his last line of defensive, and two flashes of light passed by where his body was a moment ago, barely missing him.

“Wait! Hold on a second!” Zhou Weiqing shouted out loud, as he dodged behind a tree.

Surprisingly, the two BaoPo Battle Team members actually listened to him. They did not attack any further, resuming their hand holding, though their attentions and spirits were fully focused on Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing stuck his head out cautiously, the customary honest grin on his face as he said: “Please, let’s not fight first, hear me out if you will, I have a proposition.”

This BaoPo Battle Team couple were extremely attractive; the guy suave and handsome, and his lady beautifully stunning, looking the picture of a match made in heaven. Still, Zhou Weiqing recalled that they were not the two who had been leading the pack of BaoPo Battle Team members earlier, and shouldn’t be the most powerful in the team.

The two of them looked at him curiously, interested in what he had to say. They were not in a rush; they had seen all of the Fei Li Battle Team’s fights, and Zhou Weiqing’s fight against Shen Little Demon had definitely left them a deep impression. Still, that did not mean that it was sufficient for them to attach too much importance to him.

After all, not only did they have the numbers advantage, but as the members of the Passion Valley, they were extremely well versed in fighting together as a couple. Besides that, they had their pride as a member of a Great Saint Lands, and they felt they already had a good grasp on his powers and abilities, and were hence not afraid that he could escape their control. More importantly, the Blood Red Hell had always been the weakest of the four Great Saint Lands joining the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, usually taking the last position.