Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Ao Le did not rush into attacking Zhou Weiqing, instead smiling as he said: “Bro Zhou, how is the feeling of this Slow Barrier of our husband and wife team? In truth, losing to our Time Attribute should be an honour to you. After all, the Time Attribute is one of the three Great Saint Attributes; even in the Heaven’s Expanse Palace, no one has an Attribute like this. Although your Evil Attribute is not bad, but alas your cultivation level is just too low. Facing this Slow Barrier that both of us have worked together to release, you do not stand a chance…”

As he said that, Ao Le lifted up his left hand, waving it towards Zhou Weiqing. At the same time, he stuck out his index finger and middle fingers, slowly drawing a line in midair at Zhou Weiqing’s body.

Two lines of yellow light shot out from his two fingers, not making a sound as they struck out at Zhou Weiqing, who felt everything darken around him, as if everything had become unreal, all part of an illusion.

Ao Le’s voice seemed to come from all directions: “This Skill is called Interlocking Time. The two bouts of light from my fingers will each slow and hasten the time in the area by one second respectively. Time will start changing, warping and become unstable, causing a massive energy field. This is similar in principle to your Spatial Rend, just that my Interlocking Time cannot be dodged. Goodbye now, Bro Zhou.”

The Interlocking Time Skill was not just a powerful attacking skill, but was also considered a Control Skill at the same time. As one of the Great Saint Attributes, the Time Attribute was definitely a force to be reckoned with, and not one of its Skills could be considered ‘simple’.

Zhou Weiqing had already been slowed and stuck in the Slow Barrier, and now with this Interlocking Skill used upon him, it was as if his entire body was frozen in space and time, unable to move. From the way things were going, it seemed as if the two bouts of yellow light were about to tear his body into two.

From Ao Le’s perspective, the only hope for Zhou Weiqing now was to activate his Lustre Gem and retreat from the Spatial Realm, otherwise he would be torn apart by his powerful skill. After all, the power levels between the two of them was just too huge, and his Interlocking Time Skill was also one of the top Time Skills available.

Yet… just as Ao Le and Liu Yinan thought that victory was in their grasp, a strange sight occurred…

A layer of invisible, twisting light appeared around Zhou Weiqing’s body, streaking across momentarily before disappearing.

Chapter 99 Dual Ten-Star Rated Time Attribute Skills! (3)

Just that one short moment, but it changed the entire battle situation. Ao Le’s Interlocking Time Skill actually appeared behind Zhou Weiqing, and he also abruptly resumed his original speed.

Both sides were already extremely close by this point, and this abrupt change happened too suddenly for the two to react. Ao Le had already thought they had the victory in their grasp, and was in the midst of ‘acting cool’ when the sudden change occurred. As such, he did not have any time to react before Zhou Weiqing appeared right in front of him.

Zhou Weiqing’s other hand was pointed at Liu Yinan, striking out thrice. Three Skills flashed out at her; the Fetters of Wind, Touch of Darkness and Spatial Shackles.

Without question, unleashing these three powerful Control Skills at once was a huge drain on Zhou Weiqing’s Heavenly Energy. However, at this moment, he could not take any risk, the risk of Liu Yinan who was so close by having the possibility of disrupting his perfect plan.

The Fetters of Wind and Touch of Darkness tightened around the five-Jeweled Liu Yinan instantly. She was after all not six-Jeweled like her husband, and the gap between her and Zhou Weiqing wasn’t as large, and it would definitely take her a longer time to break free of his Control. Finally, the Spatial Shackles snapped into place as a silver shield shimmered into place around her, at the same time breaking the handhold between her and Ao Le, forcing them apart.

At the same time as he unleashed the Skills upon Liu Yinan, Zhou Weiqing also gave a vicious kick towards Ao Le’s chest with his right foot.

Everything happened just too abruptly, and Ao Le was caught totally by surprise. When a person met with something that was totally out of his imagination, he would definitely be stunned momentarily, no matter how high his cultivation level was. As such, despite their disparity in power levels, he only had the time to move his hands up to protect his chest, channeling as much Heavenly Energy as he could to protect himself from Zhou Weiqing’s kick.

Everything Zhou Weiqing had done up to this point could be said to be in preparation for this very move. Even the extent of how he had been affected by the Slow Barrier, as well as how it affected his archery, all of it was real, but also targeted to numb his opponents and to let them think he was totally helpless against their Slow Barrier and give him the opportunity to have this one decisive strike. Now that his plans had come together to this moment of fruition, how could he possibly let Ao Le have a chance to react?

Power and strength was definitely extremely important in a fight, but intelligence could always be another deciding factor indeed.

A massive explosion, as Zhou Weiqing’s right foot slammed hard into the intersection of Ao Le’s arms at the center of his chest. *Crackkk* Along with the explosion, the sickening sound of Ao Le’s right arm being broken could be heard, and he flew backwards from the sheer impact and inertia, as a mouthful of blood sprayed out involuntarily.

This was also after considering the fact that the Heavenly Energy difference between the two was just too huge, with Ao Le’s cultivation level far above Zhou Weiqing, allowing him to dissipate a large portion of the impacting force. After all, the sheer power and brute strength of Zhou Weiqing’s Demonic Right Leg was absolutely terrifying, able to shake even Lin TianAo’s Five-Jeweled Assembly Shield Set.

Knocking Ao Le back did not put a gap between the two. That was because under the effects of the Demonic Change State, Zhou Weiqing’s right leg had transformed into the scorpion hook, which he had managed to hook onto Ao Le’s arm, and his entire body followed suit along with Ao Le.

The sharp pain in his arm, the absolute agony of his sternum being broken, combined to cause Ao Le’s eyes to turn bloodshot. At the same time, he sensed a bone chilling energy invade his body from Zhou Weiqing’s right foot, causing him to shudder violently. In a fluster, he quickly gathered all his remaining energy to unleash his strongest Skills and Consolidated Equipment. At this point, he could no longer afford to hold back at all, and all that was left in his heart was the desire to rip Zhou Weiqing into shreds.

Alas, at this point, a strange warped light seemed to spread out from Zhou Weiqing’s right leg. Instantly, not just the Skills and Equipment that Ao Le was about to unleash, but also the source of cold invading his body was interrupted.

Zhou Weiqing vaulted backwards in the air, retreating instantly, while Ao Le landed hard on the ground with a loud thud.

Blue. Black. Grey. Three lights swirled around his broken right arm for a moment, before vanishing. Ao Le wanted to leap to his feet, but he suddenly lost control of his body as it trembled uncontrollably. Once again, he was chilled to the bone, but this time it seemed to come from within, as his entire body convulsed, and lost in the spasms, his original thought of jumping up to strike at Zhou Weiqing was lost, and he could barely use the original Heavenly Energy for his offensive Skill and guide it to protect his heart. At the same time, he had to focus all his might in gathering all his Heavenly Energy in an attempt to drive out that terrifying cold from his body.

“Ao Le!” Liu Yinan finally broke free of Zhou Weiqing’s three Control Skills. She could not even care about striking out at Zhou Weiqing, quickly leaping to Ao Le’s side to support his unsteady, shaking body.