Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Zhou Weiqing said exasperatedly: “If your fiancé comes to kill me, and I haven’t even touched you yet, isn’t it such a huge disadvantage to me? Quick, come here, let your hubby collect some interest first.”

Tian’er giggled, saying: “In your dreams! If you want to touch me… sure! But, you must follow our Heavenly Snow Mountain rules. You’ve already gotten past the most difficult obstacle, as I have already falen for you. In order to get intimate for me, it is very easy; as long as you can defeat me, that means you have the power to conquer me, and you can do anything you want with me. As for now… you’re still far from it.” As she said that with a lilt in her voice, she gave him a provoking, teasing waggle of her finger.

Exasperated, Zhou Weiqing said huffily: “You just wait. It won’t take long, and I’ll let you know my power. Hmph, your little bottom better watch out!”

Tian’er smiled faintly, saying: “I’m waiting eager for such a day, waiting for you to conquer me. But as for now, we better get through this Heavenly Jewel Tournament of yours first…”

The two of them had already stayed at their starting area for almost an hour, but besides the panther which had attacked them earlier, it had been relatively quiet.

Zhou Weiqing savagely ‘molested’ Tian’er with his gaze once through, before finally saying: “So… does that mean you have are actually willing to help me?”

Tian’er said: “You are my man, of course I will help you. This Lustre Spatial Realm is truly strange. Normally, it stands to reason that any Heavenly Beast would be able to sense the high ranking Heavenly Beast aura from both you and I, and would never dare to attack us. Only a Heavenly Beast of at least Heavenly King Stage and higher could possibly dare do such a thing. Yet, just now, that little panther actually dared to ambush us… it must be due to the unique properties of this Spatial Realm.”

Zhou Weiqing nodded in agreement, saying: “Indeed. We should also make our move now, we’ve spent enough time here. I wonder how the rest are doing, I hope they are all okay. We should just be careful and start looking around for signs of the other team members, and hopefully we can all gather together as soon as possible.” As he said that, he lifted his head to look at the sun high up in the skies of the Lustre Spatial Realm, before turning to a nearby tree and striking out at it, leaving a mark. Although these huge trees were extremely tough, with Zhou Weiqing’s power, it wasn’t too difficult to strip it of some bark.

*Swoosh* Tian’er leapt up into the air, transforming back into the little Fat Cat as she did so, landing perfectly on Zhou Weiqing’s shoulder. Her beautiful purple eyes were filled with a warning look as she said: “Don’t you dare touch me willfully, otherwise I’ll hit you so hard that your teeth fall out!”

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily, saying: “No touching means no touching. Wait until I conquer you, I’ll definitely touch you everyday! Hmph! I’m a man with high aspirations!”

Although Zhou Weiqing knew that clarifying Tian’er’s true identity as well as the reasons she had found him and clung to him, as well as affirming their relationship, would definitely bring him many problems in the future, Zhou Weiqing did not care now. He was definitely in a good mood; at least that invisible yet yawning gap between the two of them had now vanished into thin air, and he had also found out about Tian’er’s true feelings. As for the problems from the Heavenly Snow Mountain… it wasn’t as if he lacked problems now right? Pressure and stress also brings about motivation and impetus - Zhou Weiqing was extremely clear about this point.

Zhou Weiqing continued moving ahead slowly and carefully, his senses extended to maximum capability as he probed the surrounding forest. Every time he walked a certain distance, he would leave a mark on one of the trees. He had a very good memory, and coupled with an estimation of direction using the shadow of the trees from the sun rays, he was able to start plotting a rough map of the area in his head, slowly perfecting it as he walked around the forest.

In doing so, Zhou Weiqing walked for almost an hour without meeting any problems, but he did not dare relax. He knew that for the Heavenly Jewel Tournament to be held here, it definitely had its share of danger.

“Fat Cat, let’s climb up a tree to have a look from the canopy. That way, we will be able to see into the distance, and hopefully discover something.” Zhou Weiqing said to Tian’er.

Fat Cat nodded, saying: “That sounds good, let’s head up then. But you should be careful, I just keep having the premonition that this Lustre Spatial Realm isn’t as simple as it seems, it definitely holds some untold dangers.”

After nodding in agreement, Zhou Weiqing looked around for a suitable tree to climb. Settling upon a particular thick and stout large tree, he began his climb. His hands forming a claw shape, he struck the ground hard with his right foot, propelling himself into the air in a quick burst. His hands swiftly struck the tree trunk several times to continue his upwards momentum, and in a few swift strikes he was up in the canopy layer of the tree.

Looking down from the vantage position of the tall tree canopy, it was definitely a large improvement in vision and line of sight. Looking ahead, it was a seemingly endless sea of green as the tree canopies formed a ‘field’ in the sky, the expanse of the breathtakingly beautiful blue heavens almost seeming translucent, almost transparent.

Zhou Weiqing muttered to himself: “Such a huge forest… and to only bring in thirty two people… in just a month’s time… it should be impossible for any of us to meet without some crazy stroke of luck. If my guess isn’t wrong, this Heavenly Jewel Tournament is for us to compete on our survival skills… that is to say overall strength. Of course, there is also a large element of luck here… if anyone were to meet a Heavenly King Stage Heavenly Beast upon entering the Spatial Realm, they would probably be eliminated instantly.”

In the short time that he was muttering to himself, Zhou Weiqing’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted. Looking ahead in shock, he saw that the skies in the distance had totally turned red. The next moment, a deep red flash accompanied by a searing heat crossed the skies, almost filling the entire immense sky!

As the temperature of the air rose drastically, the startled Zhou Weiqing ducked down under the branches into the cover of the leaves. The sudden rush of searing hot air passed by in a flash, and its passing caused several of the smaller branches sticking out to be burned to crisp, and the top leaves of canopy also turned a withered yellow.

“What was that?!” Zhou Weiqing exclaimed in shock, as he asked Fat Cat.

Fat Cat was also in a state of shock. “That… that… it seemed like… like… a Skill… a Heavenly Beast Skill…”

Zhou Weiqing stared in shock, mouth agape, before finally gathering himself to speak: “That’s impossible right? That red light just now covered almost ten thousand square metres… can a Heavenly Beast actually use such a terrifying skill of such an area of effect?!”

Fat Cat looked at Zhuo Weiqing, taking in a deep breath as her eyes gleamed: “Yes… my father can.”

Zhou Weiqing felt as if he had just swallowed a whole chicken’s egg, his voice changing as he said: “Dearest… are you trying to tell me that… that… in this Lustre Spatial Realm… there is a Heavenly God Stage Heavenly Beast…?”

Fat Cat gave a bitter smile and said: “I’m afraid that is the reality of the situation. Do not ask me why as well… I do not know either.”

Zhou Weiqing carefully craned his head out of the canopy to look once more, and he was shocked to see in a huge creature in the distance, flying towards their direction.

It was at least a hundred metres long by his estimation, covered in a dark red scales, with a pair of huge wings extending from its back, looking slightly similar to a large iguana with massive claws.

It… was … a dragon!

Chapter 99 Dual Ten-Star Rated Time Attribute Skills! (1)