Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

As she spoke those words, her eyes reddened. Indeed, as she told Zhou Weiqing all of this, it was also the first time that she had truly faced her feelings head on. Looking at this little rascal in front of her, her heart struggled with itself.

“Zhou Weiqing, your Demonic Change State is truly different from any before, unlike what others may think, it isn’t just as simple as being attributed to a First Generation Heavenly Demon Master. Within your bloodline lies the aura of an unbelievably powerful and high ranked Heavenly Beast, such an aura and scent that I have not seen before in my life. I can confirm that this Heavenly Beast is also a tiger-type, and definitely of equal or higher rank as us Divine Heavenly Spirit Tigers. It is also that scent and aura within your bloodline that caused me to…”

Tian’er last few words that she had almost said it was actually ‘start falling for you’. She was not trying to make an excuse, but was indeed telling the truth. After all, Divine Heavenly Spirit Tigers were the spiritual leaders and holy beasts of the entire WanShou Empire, considered the top bloodline of the Heavenly Snow Mountain, especially since it was the bloodline of the current Mountain Lord. They were extremely proud of their own bloodline, and of themselves, feeling like their bloodline was the most noble and powerful in the entire world. Even when considering the Divine Spirit Flame Lions, second only to them, and usually considered almost at the same level as them, Tian’er was a little disdainful. That was one of the reasons why she ran away from her arranged marriage. Although she said that the Dark Demon God Tiger bloodline of Zhou Weiqing’s was perhaps equal to her own Divine Heavenly Spirit Tiger, it was actually at a much higher ranking level. This was also one of the reasons she stayed so long by Zhou Weiqing’s side, causing her to slowly be entangled and trapped in a web of emotions and feelings.

If it were any other person, it would have been extremely difficult, perhaps impossible, to move Tian’er. Instead of saying Zhou Weiqing had moved her, perhaps it could be said that his bloodline had conquered her. In the Heavenly Beast world, the phrase conquer was very apt. In order to win a mate, power and strength was of primary importance in the Heavenly Beast world. When Zhou Weiqing had gone through his own second evolution, just the bloodline essence and aura had given Tian’er an irresistible, unbreakable feeling. This was especially further accentuated that day when Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er had that one crazy night, causing Tian’er to be filled with a strong desire as well. Of course, this was something that she would never ever tell Zhou Weiqing.

Of course, Zhou Weiqing did not know anything about such inside information regarding bloodlines. Hearing Tian’er speak of it, he just assumed she was shy and it was just her excuse, and he just grinned widely and kept silent.

“What are you laughing at? Hmph, you scoundrel!” Tian’er gave our dear Little Fatty a swift kick.

Zhou Weiqing continued grinning as he said: “Heh heh, I’m just overjoyed at my own suave attractiveness! Even such a beautiful lady like Tian’er can fall for me!”

Tian’er gave a loud humph and said: “Like means like, so what about it? We Heavenly Beasts are very direct, I have indeed fallen for you, and I have chosen you as my mate. Therefore, you have to protect me in future, and work hard for my sake as well.”

“Ahh?” Zhou Weiqing stared at her, mouth agape. He had only been teasing her, and had definitely not expected such a response. For all the girls that he had met previously, even those with a more open-minded, forthright characters like Little Witch and Ming Hua would never have said something like that outright. Yet, Tian’er had done just that so very naturally, saying that she had fallen for him without beating around the bush, and that had definitely caught him by surprise.

Heavenly Beasts usually had active and direct characters, daring to love and hate outright, not fearing to show their emotions. Although Tian’er felt a little bashful inside, she still self-examined her own feelings and emotions; since her identity had already been exposed by Zhou Weiqing, she decided to simply face her own truths and speak out forthrightly.

Love was something that had to be fought for. This was the world of Heavenly Beasts. They would not give up their love just because of something so petty like bashfulness.

Zhou Weiqing originally had a wicked, teasing grin on his face, but hearing Tian’er admitting that she liked him so readily, it was his turn to be embarrassed.”

Tian’er gave a humph as she said: “Bing’er did not strictly restrict you from having other women… within reason. In our Heavenly Snow Mountain, the stronger the Heavenly Beast, the more mates they would have. This is the same for both male or females. The more mates, the more it shows one’s power, ability and status. My father has several dozen concubines, and not a single one of them would dare to have another man. Whoever dares touch them would be a challenge to my father. If one day, I find that you are not able to protect me, or perhaps do not have anything for me to like any further, I will also leave you. In truth, this is not just our Heavenly Beast’s world, though we might be more obvious about it. It is also the same in your human world… power is everything in the end.”

Tian’er’s words and perspective could be said to be seemingly very different from any human’s perspective, and Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but twitch helplessly, and he could not resist saying: “Does that mean that… besides me… you will look for other men?”

Tian’er saw his gloomy look and felt a surge of glee in her heart: “That will be up to you and your ability. If you have the ability to make me commit wholeheartedly to you, just like my father, I will naturally not look for anyone else. Just like, if you can ‘conquer’ the three Shangguan sisters, I will be very proud of you! Ohh, but I have to warn you… if my father discovers my whereabouts, my fiancé will definitely come looking for me. If you are actually serious about marrying me, you will have to get through two extremely tough barriers. The first is my fiancé; you will have to defeat him in fair combat, to convince him with your power. The next would be my father, you will have to somehow gain his approval.”

Zhou Weiqing asked tentatively: “What happens if I can’t defeat your so-called fiancé, or perhaps not able to win the approval of your father?”

Tian’er lifted her hands, rubbing them softly across Zhou Weiqing’s cheek as she said gently: “In that case, I’m afraid there is only one ending.”

Death. Naturally, Zhou Weiqing knew what the ending she was alluding to would be, and a wave of depression struck his heart.

Although the Heaven’s Expanse Palace hadn’t treated him well in regards to Shangguan Bing’er, being rather overbearing in their attitudes. However, no matter what, they had not treated him badly, rather gently in fact, with only the condition that he defeated Shangguan Xue’er, and without even giving him a time limit! Yet, Tian’er’s side was much more savage… If he lost, that would be the end of him for good. Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. I have really gone looking for trouble for nothing, why did I have to go unmask her, isn’t that adding on to my long list of troubles?

Despite his inward complaints, he still lifted his hand and drew Tian’er into his embrace, leaning down frankly into a kiss.

Tian’er, who had been so forthright in professing her love just moments ago, was instantly flustered, and she quickly slipped out of his arms in a swift movement, saying: “What are you doing?”