Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

A soft sound of impact, followed by another burst of gold light, enveloping the blood red panther once more as it flew back in the air.

This time, the powerful gold light surrounding it proved more powerful. It did not even have time to cry out, and its entire body seemed to dissolve into the gold light, with only a blood-red nucleus core falling to the ground.

Zhou Weiqing stared, jaw agape, at the scene in front of him. Although he knew that Tian’er was extremely powerful, he had not expected her to be THIS powerful.

That blood red panther was at least a Zong Stage Heavenly Beast, but in Tian’er’s hands, it did not even have a chance to react before being slain by her, and so overwhelmingly that it didn’t even have remains left! What kind of power was that?!

“Why don’t you get up already!” Tian’er said to Zhou Weiqing exasperatedly. However, the gaze from her purple eyes was gentle.

Zhou Weiqing started a little, before quickly jumping up. Looking at Tian’er in front of him, turned around as she refused to look at him, he felt his emotions befuddled.

Without question, in his heart, the one he loved most was Shangguan Bing’er. However, no matter Fat Cat or Tian’er, he had an undeniable link to her… and indescribable emotion.

If Mu’En was here, he would definitely tell Zhou Weiqing that this was fraternity of man, the base depravity that almost all men suffered from.

Due to the difference in physiological structure and setup, men’s interest and thirst for sexual relations was a lot stronger than women’s. In general, as long as they saw someone beautiful from the opposite opposite gender, it would spark interest in them. This was not a shift in love or emotions, just their base nature. Just like most men would wish they could have several wives or concubines, when they saw a beautiful lady, thoughts or dreams would be sparked in their minds… it was inevitable.

Yet, as for most women, this was not the same, as they were usually loyal and faithful for life. That was because their own requirement for sex was lower than men, with a greater need for emotional dependence. Of course, there were always some exceptions, but usually once a woman truly loved a man, it was for good. This was also the same reason why many women could not understand why a man would be so philandering, and they would call this physiologically induced phenomenon ‘being perverted’.

Without question, if one were to appraise or judge him, Zhou Weiqing was definitely a perverted man. Facing any beautiful woman, his immunity dropped drastically. At the same time, Shangguan Bing’er was a woman who understood this clearly, as she had told Zhou Weiqing long ago. Although she did take it to heart, but she did not directly oppose it, as long as she was the most important in his heart.

This was a smart woman’s choice in their society, allowing her man to be together with her without any pressure, to be able to love her wholeheartedly. As such, in Zhou Weiqing’s heart, no one could ever displace Shangguan Bing’er’s position as number one in his heart, and perhaps her leniency had something to do with it.

“Why are you staring at me? You better be careful, this is a dangerous place after all! Who wants to remove your memories!?” Just like Zhou Weiqing was befuddled, Tian’er was just as much so. She did not look at Zhou Weiqing, because she did not know how to face him.

It could be said that Tian’er had witnessed the growth of Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er’s relationship and feelings from almost the start to present. She did not know how she herself felt about Zhou Weiqing. At first, it was purely just to make use of him, but as time went by… could she really just be using him only? The answer was clearly no.

Today, Zhou Weiqing had unmasked her, and not only was Tian’er surprised, but also a little afraid… and helpless. Subconsciously, she was actually more afraid than Zhou Weiqing about leaving him, and what Zhou Weiqing had said earlier had struck her right in her heart, moving her deeply. At least, she could clearly sense that Zhou Weiqing did have some feelings for her… though what exactly those feelings were she wasn’t willing to face. As long as there were some feelings… that made her feel less anxious… more assured…

Chapter 97 Fat Cat, Tian’er! (3)

“How about… you change back to Fat Cat. Just like previously, following me, I definitely will not tell anyone about you, okay?”

Tian’er turned back around, looking at him rebukingly as she said: “Hmph, you’re still calling me Fat Cat? You want me to turn back so you can bully me?!”

“Heh heh.” Zhou Weiqing laughed foolishly. “At least when you are as Fat Cat, I can hug you to sleep like I’m used to! If I try to sleep with you like you are now… heh… I will definitely do commit something foolishly wrong.”

“You…” Tian’er flushed a deep red, glaring at him savagely. “Don’t try to tease me like your Bing’er, I’m not so good tempered like her. Hmph. With your current power levels, this young lady can easily take you down!”

Zhou Weiqing put his arm casually around Tian’er’s shoulders, saying: “I do not know whether or not your temper is good, but I am definitely sure that your tolerance level is much stronger than Bing’er. Otherwise, I’ve touched Fat Cat’s little bottom so many times, but you’ve never really lost your temper.”

He knew that saying that would get him into trouble, and as soon as he said those words, he instantly used Blink and vanished on the spot, just managing to barely dodge a flying kick from Tian’er.

“Beautiful Lady Tian’er, I’m wrong! Come on, let’s go. This suave young fellow will protect you.” Zhou Weiqing stuck his head out from behind the tree he had Blinked behind, grinning as he apologised.

Tian’er’s reactions and behavior had allowed his heart to rest easy. Without question, Tian’er had some feelings for him, otherwise she wouldn’t treated him that way or reacted in such manners. The icy cold expression on her face was quite an act, much different from the cold aura fro Shangguan Xue’er, which seemed to be down to the core.

Tian’er looked at him with a complicated look on her face, before walking down to a large tree and sitting down. Beckoning towards Zhou Weiqing, she said: “Come here.”

Zhou Weiqing looked at her warily, saying: “No… you’re using your beauty to trap me right?”

Tian’er said exasperatedly: “Trap your head! Didn’t you say we had a gulf between us? I’ll tell you what you want to know about myself.”

Zhou Weiqing looked at her in surprise: “You’ll really tell me?”

Tian’er nodded her head slightly.

Quickly, Zhou Weiqing rushed to her side in delight, sitting down right beside her. This time, he did not attempt to take advantage of her, keeping a small distance as he sat down, looking towards her as he waited for her to speak.

Tian’er sighed deeply before saying: “Perhaps meeting you was part of my destiny… a disaster that I am fated to go through as training.”

Zhou Weiqing immediately interrupted her: “What do you mean disaster?! It should be a lucky romantic encounter! Meeting such a young handsome fellow like myself, you should be honoured!”

Tian’er exclaimed angrily: “If you keep interrupting me with nonsense, I’m not going to continue telling you!”

Zhou Weiqing immediately shut up, his hand flying to his mouth as he gave a fake look of horror. That mischievous, playful look causing Tian’er to almost burst out laughing.