Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

“Legend?” Zhou Weiqing looked at her in surprise. “What legend?”

Tian’er’s eyes gleamed as she said: “An old legend passed down from ancient time states that if one can gather all four of the Great Saint Attributes and cultivate at the same time, they will complement and boost each other, and with that comes the chance of perhaps breaking through the Heavenly God Stage into an unknown, higher stage. Our Heavenly Jewel Master cultivation is known as the Heavenly Jewel Twelve Changes, and in breaking through past the Heavenly God Stage into this new stage of legend, it is the Thirteenth Change of us Heavenly Jewel Masters, also known as the Heavenly Change Stage. Heavenly Change… signifying he would can even change the heavens!”

When Zhou Weiqing heard her words, he was immediately caught by surprise. This was the first time he had heard that there was anything beyond the Heavenly Jewel Twelve Changes, a level beyond his previous imagination. After all, in this world, there was only one known Heavenly Jewel Master who had actually reached the Heavenly God Stage - Tian’er’s father, the Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord!

Chapter 98 I’ll wait for you to conquer me (2 in 1 release)

Tian’er continued: “That was the real reason why I decided to stay by your side, to see if the legend held any truth, whether or not being with you, and with the Four Great Saint Attributes combined, would there be any change.”

Zhou Weiqing quickly asked: “So… what is the result? Was there any change?”

Tian’er nodded, saying: “Yes, of course there was. Otherwise, why would I stay for so long by your side. Before I knew it, it’s already three years…”

Speaking up to that point, she hesitated a moment before changing the topic: “When I’m with you, especially when in contact, the two Saint Attributes that I have will be activated and roused up by your two Saint Attributes, indistinctly forming a unique, new energy field. Thus far you have not been able to sense this as you have not entered the Zun Stage yet, but I was able to quietly cultivate in this energy field, and in doing so being able to absorb the purest form of the world’s energy. That is the reason why I had no need to eat or drink, and this pure energy is more than able to sustain and nourish me. In doing so, it also imbued my body with much more spirit, strengthening and spiritualizing it. If not for that energy field, do you really think your Immortal Deity Technique is sufficient to let you break through to three Jewels in a mere three years, to the state where you are almost reaching four Jewels? Although your Immortal Deity Technique is quite miraculous, it is still not at the point where you can cultivate so rapidly…”

Zhou Weiqing said rather nonchalantly, as he did not really agree: “Is it really that fast? Compared to you, Little Witch or Shangguan Xue’er… none of you are that much older than I am, and you are already at the six or seven Jeweled cultivation level. I’m merely at the three-Jeweled cultivation level… how could it be considered fast by any stretch of the imagination?”

Tian’er pursed her lips, saying: “Undoubtedly, our cultivation levels are much higher than yours… but have you thought about how we… the heirs, members of the direct bloodline, or core disciples of the Great Saint Lands actually train and cultivate?”

“From the time that we are one month old, our little bodies are immersed in all sorts of treasures, medicines in order to give us a head start and build a strong and powerful foundation, improving our physiques. At the age of three, we start cultivating Heavenly Energy, and before the age of five, most of us have already Awakened our Heavenly Jewels. After that, the rest of our young lives are spent in the specially chosen training grounds which have the densest atmospheric energy for our absorption. To us, we do not have any childhood, with every single day of our lives spent either cultivating… or cultivating. We spend all those years doing nothing but that, persevering, training with all our might. Coupled with our own innate talent and the fact that we do not have to worry about Consolidating Equipment or Skill Storing, that is the reason why we are able to reach such heights at our age. It can be said that even for the Great Saint Lands, to foster and train disciples like ourselves takes an astronomical cost. Each generation, only a few select disciples will have that opportunity. That’s why the Blood Red Hell will not let you off so easily since you all killed Han Bing… you cannot imagine how much they have spent in developing a talent like him…”

When she spoke of having no childhood, Tian’er’s eyes revealed a faint sorrow.

“As I spent more time with you, I began to enter my Transformation Phase. That was also the reason why I spent so much time sleeping. Originally, for us Heavenly Beasts, the Transformation Phase is considered one of the most dangerous for us, and we usually only go through it with the protection of our elders and family guarding us. Even so, it is an extremely dangerous and painful process, not to mention long, before we actually succeed in Transforming. However, this time, due to the strange energy field between us, generated by the Four Great Saint Attributes, my Transformation Phase did not have any bottleneck, and I entered it with relative ease.”

“Soon after, my cultivation level made astonishing progress, advancing by leaps and bounds; during that evolving, I even broke through the seven-Jeweled Stage. That was truly a miracle; after all, when I was young, I was actually very naughty and playful. My father doted on me, and although I did spend a lot of time cultivating, it was definitely not comparable to someone like Shangguan Xue’er. Yet, I was still able to catch up to her in such a short period of time, reaching the seven-Jeweled stage. This… is the power of the Four Great Saint Attributes energy field. If this continues, I estimate that it will not take me another five more years before I can start attempting to breakthrough to the Heavenly King Stage… and perhaps become the youngest ever Heavenly King Master in the world today! I believe that similarly to its aid to my Transformation Phase, it will also reduce the bottlenecks in breaking through to the Heavenly King Stage, and it will prove much less difficult than for any other Heavenly Jewel Master.”

Pausing as she spoke up to that point, a yearning look entered Tian’er’s eyes, though it was quickly replaced by a complicated look.

“Father once told me that if I want to gain something, it will always come at a cost. In the past, I did not understand what he meant… but now that I have spent several years with you, I think I have slowly began understanding the meaning.”

“Weiqing… do you know? In order to gain the greatest benefit for my cultivation, I should have killed you.” Tian’er continued faintly.

Zhou Weiqing started, shocked by the sudden proclamation, as he felt an abrupt cold on his back.

“At that time, when I had just completed my Transformation Phase, if I had killed you then and drained you of your spirit, soul and blood… perhaps, by now, I would already be much more powerful than Shangguan Xue’er. However, I was unable to take action.”

“I kept telling himself that the reason I did not take action was because I needed to continue using the Four Great Saint Attributes energy field for cultivation… that it would not be too late to kill you after I had broken through to the Heavenly King Master Stage. But… I knew that I was lying to myself, giving myself excuses for what I knew to be fact - that I could no longer bring myself to kill you.”