Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Fat Cat refused to take her Tian’er form, slumping on his shoulders as she said: “I do not know, but since the Heaven’s Expanse Palace has set the Finals of the Tournament to be here, there has to be some deeper meaning. A tenth of the time has already passed… Perhaps it will not be long before something changes.”

Right after she said that, as if it were some sort of signal, the Lustre Gem on Zhou Weiqing’s finger suddenly shuddered violently, and Shangguan Longyin’s voice appeared once more at last.

“A tenth of the finals time has passed, and the competition area will be halved. You will all be teleported to a new random area. Please prepare yourselves, the teleportation will begin in ten seconds. Countdown starting now. 10… 9… 8…”

“En??” Zhou Weiqing was totally caught by surprise. Just as he was at a loss of what to do, a gold light appeared out of nowhere, descending from the skies, enveloping him totally. The Lustre Gem on his finger also lit up brightly.

“Quick! Put me and Da Huang back into the Spatial Ring!” Fat Cat cried out urgently.

Zhou Weiqing realised what she meant, and quickly reacted, drawing the two into his Spatial Ring.

“4… 3… 2… 1… Teleport.”

Accompanying Shangguan Longyin’s low, sombre voice, the gold light brightened to a blinding degree, and the surrounding objects seemed to turn blurry, unreal. The next instant, Zhou Weiqing felt as if everything around him was warped and twisted, and the gold light flashed once more, and he felt the same as he had three days ago again. This time, it lasted for about half a minute, before the surroundings seemed to clear up in front of him.

This time, Zhou Weiqing was much luckier, and he appeared directly on the ground. Not far ahead of him was a large tree.

“Careful!” Fat Cat’s voice rang out once more, and she actually burst free of the Spatial Ring by herself. At the same time, a gold light wrapped itself around Zhou Weiqing’s body, filled with a divine aura.

A thick, mixed black and grey smoke flashed towards them, striking perfectly on the gold shield around Zhou Weiqing, causing an earsplitting sound that reverberated through the forest, and in that instant, the gold light shuddered violently.

Zhou Weiqing quickly dove to the ground, at the same time unleashing his Time Disorder Skill, warping the air around his body. Although it only lasted a split second, it was sufficient to cause a momentary disruption in the black-grey smoke, causing it to lose its target. With a quick vault back up, Zhou Weiqing took cover behind the large tree.

“Ehh?! Weiqing, is that you?” A familiar voice rang out from not far off.

Zhou Weiqing was currently bathed in cold sweat. In that instant, he had felt a powerful sense of danger overcome in, as if his life would end in that very second. He was just about to enter the Demonic Change State, but on hearing the voice, and remembering the type of attack, his heart moved, and he gave up the idea of entering the Demonic Change State.

“Little Witch, it is me! Are you trying to kill your own dear husband?” Zhou Weiqing clambered up from the ground.

Little Witch also appeared from behind a tree not far away. Looking at Zhou Weiqing, she heaved a sigh of relief. “Whose dear husband are you? When you join the Heavenly Demon Sect then you can say that to me, I will not object at all.”

As she said that, she giggled, laughing as she jumped, instantly appearing in front of Zhou Weiqing in a flash.

Being able to meet Little Witch here, Zhou Weiqing was naturally delighted. In the entire current Fei Li Battle Team, she was definitely the strongest person, even Lin TianAo was no match for her. If he could work together with her, no matter what enemy they met from here on, Zhou Weiqing was confident of taking the fight.

“Little Witch, have you met any of the others? Or any opponents?” Zhou Weiqing asked anxiously.

Little Witch shook her head, saying: “This place is just too large. From the start of the finals up until this point when we were teleported here, you are the first person I have met.”

“Little Fatty, get away from her. Didn’t you see that she tried to kill you just now? If not for me, you’d be dead by now.” Fat Cat’s voice rang out. She was standing on Zhou Weiqing’s shoulder, her eyes filled with enmity as she glared at Little Witch angrily.

Little Witch looked at her in surprise, saying: “Ohh? Sis Tian’er, how come you aren’t hiding any longer? You have finally decided to speak?”

Fat Cat gave a cold humph, saying: “Whether or not I speak is none of your business. You better be careful. It is only because of the fact that you are currently a member of the Fei Li Battle Team that I will forgive you this once. If you dare have any untoward actions, I will definitely kill you instantly.”

Little Witch pursed her lips disdainfully, saying: “I admit that your cultivation level is higher than mine, and your Consolidated Equipment is slightly better as well. However, if you want to kill me, I’m afraid that you will still not be able to do so. In any case, who said I want to kill Weiqing; just now I sensed someone nearby, and thought it was an enemy, and I subconsciously launched an attack. Anyway, with Zhou Weiqing’s tough body and resilience, even if he really took my attack head on, do you think that attack could have killed, or even injured him severely? It would at most be a light injury.”

Sensing the enmity between the two ladies, Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but feel an encroaching headache. “I say… You two… Can we have some peace? We are after all in the same boat[1. The idiom used here is ‘we are ants on the same rope’, which has the same meaning. I used the english version here.], and we should work together properly. If you two keep fighting between yourselves, how can we even possibly go further in the Tournament?”

Little Witch pursed her lips, an aggrieved look on her face as she said sobbingly: “Weiqing, say… Do you want me or her?”

A gold flash, and Fat Cat warped into her human form, appearing at the other side of Zhou Weiqing, linking arms with him unceremoniously, pressing her body to his closely. At the same time, her impressive bosom, larger than Little Witch’s by a cup, pressed against him, and she looked at Little Witch provocatively, saying: “Of course he wants me. Two days ago, he just confessed to me. We have already been together for years, bathed together, and slept together… What about you? Have you?! You are merely an outsider.”

Feeling the fiery hot, bouncy firmness pressing against his side, Zhou Weiqing swallowed hard. However, he did not dare to do anything rash, as Tian’er had a concealed hand near his subcostal nerve. If he dared do anything untoward, he did not doubt that she would not hesitate to beat him up.

Tian’er’s words caused him to feel dizzy. Although everything she said was true, that they had ‘slept’ together, and ‘bathed’ together… obviously Zhou Weiqing had not enjoyed the true ‘benefits’ of such an arrangement…

Little Witch looked at Tian’er’s provoking gaze and was instantly angered. In a flash, she appeared at the other side of Zhou Weiqing, grabbing on to his other arm and hugging it as she said disdainfully: “What so good about a milk cow[2. Literal translating slang, referring to a woman with big breasts]? Isn’t it just more milk? Hmph. If I remember correctly, someone already has a fiance, but you still want to be with Weiqing? You think that old man of yours will agree? Furthermore, that fiance of yours will come looking for Weiqing’s trouble! Weiqing, let me warn you first, that father of Tian’er has a really bad temper, and her fiance is so fierce and violent. If you dare to attempt being with her…. Hmph hmph… you will not have good times ahead.”

Zhou Weiqing looked to the left, then to the right. Although he was enjoying himself being sandwiched by two top beauties, he couldn’t help but ask: “Oh, do you two already know each other previously? One of you from the Heavenly Demon Sect, while the other from the Heavenly Snow Mountain, how come you two seem so familiar with each other?”