Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Zhou Weiqing still had a scowl on his face, as he said: “Alright then, in that case, let’s go.” After saying that, he made the first move, jumping back down onto the ground and moving swiftly in the direction of the signal flare.

As he did so, he continued keeping a close watch on his surroundings, but at the same time, he was also laughing to himself in his heart. Towards these two beautiful but deadly ‘Black-White Dual Evil Spirits’[2. This is a direct translation of a ‘naming’ phrase. The was a famous nickname for a pair of ‘heroes’ in the Chinese Classic, The Water Margin 《》, Zhang Shun and Li Kui , as two characters so different and contrasting yet seeming cast from the same coin. Zhang Shun was known as the ‘White Stripe in the Waves’, famous for his water combat, hence the White in the name, while Li Kui was known as the Black Whirlwind. Both of them were well known to be ferocious in battle, hence the ‘evil spirits’. Later on, this phrase would be ‘stolen’ to be used on any similar pairing, whether aptly, or as a pun. In this case, this is also the reason of the Title referring to the two girls], it was clear that he would have to act serious and businesslike to keep them off guard and listening to him. Perhaps that was the benefit of acting foolish most of the time. In any case, no matter what happened in the future, he just needed to get through this Heavenly Jewel Tournament first, and think about the future… later.

“Someone is coming. A lone person.” Fat Cat’s voice rang softly in their ears. Although these few days she had not participated in combat, with her incredible senses as a top ranked Heavenly Beast and just her cultivation level alone, she was always able to sense any incoming danger before Zhou Weiqing did, keeping him forewarned. It was not that she didn’t want to take action, but rather that she wanted to give him every opportunity to take fights and learn as much as possible. Anytime she deemed an attack was too much for Zhou Weiqing to take, then she would definitely take action. Of course, that had only occurred once, which was the time she had blocked Little Witch’s attack. It could be said that with Fat Cat around, although Zhou Weiqing was only at a mere three-Jeweled cultivation level, he had a secret Seven-Jeweled cultivation level ace up his sleeve, a Great Saint Lands Seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master!

Upon hearing Fat Cat’s warning, Little Witch warped into black smoke, disappearing into thin air. Zhou Weiqing also flash stepped, dodging behind a large tree instantly to conceal himself for an ambush.

Right at that moment, a figure flew in from afar, and Zhou Weiqing could finally see clearly that the person in question was wearing a light blue uniform - a member of the ZhongTian Battle Team!

When Fat Cat had warned him that there was only one opponent, Zhou Weiqing had made the preparations to battle. With Little Witch around, he was confident that the two of them would be able to handle any of their opponents in the Tournament. After all, they would be fighting two versus one, let alone with a hidden Fat Cat as their ace up their sleeves.

The Touch of Darkness intercepted the figure in her path of movement, and in that instant, a strong black light shone brilliantly around her, enveloping her and wrapping around her all over.

*Poof**Poof**Poof**Poof* A long series of explosions sounded out, and the Touch of Darkness was actually only able to cause the swift moving figure to pause a moment, before being shattered by her powerful Heavenly Energy.

The incoming person had an insanely fast reaction. After breaking free from the Touch of Darkness, she did not continue charging forward, instead the tip of her foot touching the ground, her entire body spinning to the side, forcibly changing her own path of movement as she flashed three yards to the left.

Just in that instant, a black light flashed across where her body would have been if she had continued down her original path. In the midst of a swirling black mist, Little Witch appeared once again.

Previously, Little Witch had told Zhou Weiqing that as the daughter of the Heavenly Demon Sect Master, and as the Holy Girl of the Sect, she was not bound by any Darkness Seals. As such, even if she was found to be using the Darkness or Demonic Attributes, much like in Zhou Weiqing’s case, the Heaven’s Expanse Palace would not do anything to her. This was also the reason why the Heavenly Demon Sect was willing to allow her to come here personally.

Alas, this strike that Little Witch had been so confident in actually landed amiss, not even able to force her opponent to defend herself, and she couldn’t help but be startled momentarily.

At this point, Zhou Weiqing and Little Witch could finally see their opponent clearly. It was a young lady, the only lady member in the entire ZhongTian Battle Team.

On the surface, her physical appearance was very ordinary, but when both Zhou Weiqing and Little Witch rested their eyes on her hands, the Physical Jewels around her right wrist, their eyes were filled with intense shock.

The reason was simple. That was because around the young lady’s right wrist… Twelve Physical Jewels encircled slowly…

Yup, twelve. Twelve Jewels. Zhou Weiqing did a double take as he stared, jaw agape. Rubbing his eyes furiously, he looked once more before confirming that his eyes had not been mistaken. The Physical Jewels around her wrist were neatly lined in pairs, the one on top was the Waxy Jade type, while the one at the bottom was a Red Jade, both the Pure Colours signifying she was a Heavenly Jewel Master. The only difference was that each Jewel was slightly smaller than an ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master’s Physical Jewel.

“This is a mutated Physical Jewel, and in this case, a Mutated Duo Physical Jewel! Such a Mutated Duo Physical Jewel is almost as rare as your six Attribute Elemental Jewel, and I have never heard of, let alone seen one. I never expected that the Heaven’s Expanse Palace would have a disciple like this.”

As Fat Cat’s voice sounded in Zhou Weiqing’s ear, he couldn’t help but put forth the question: “What is a mutated Physical Jewel?!”

Fat Cat said: “In very rare occasions, a Heavenly Jewel Master’s Physical Jewels are mutated in some way or the other, and in her case, with double the amount of Physical Jewels, is one of the rarest and most powerful of all the mutations. That is to say, she has two types of Physical Jewels, each as powerful as any of our Heavenly Jewel Master Physical Jewels, giving her a boost of 1.5. For example, you are of the Strength Attribute, and only your Strength is boosted by your Physical Jewels, but for her, both her Flexibility and Coordination are boosted. As such, although you can see that she has twelve Physical Jewels, she is actually at the Six-Jeweled cultivation level. Even so, her close combat skills must be terrifying, not something any six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master can compare to. She is truly a unique close combat or melee type Heavenly Jewel Master. Furthermore, this type of mutated Physical Jewels are only able to Consolidate the two Physical Jewels into a single Consolidated Equipment, but each piece is larger than any ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master’s. This person will not be an easy foe.”

In the time that Fat Cat and Zhou Weiqing were conversing, Little Witch had already clashed with this young lady member of the ZhongTian Battle Team.

Dodging Little Witch’s strike, both ladies’ eyes met in mid air, their furious gazes clashing. On the next moment, they launched their next attacks simultaneously.

Little Witch warped into black mist, directly heading towards the young lady in hopes of enveloping her totally, but the young lady in question was definitely no pushover. Striking both her arms against each other, a strange metallic clash sounded out, and she did not even attempt to dodge the black mist that Little Witch had formed, allowing herself to be enveloped within.

Chapter 101 Seven Stars Accompanying the Moon! (1)