Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Seeing the Icy Soul Heavenly Bear that Zhou Weiqing had brought out giving her a low warning roar, the last vestiges of hope for Liu Yinan were dashed. She had originally been considering if she could capture Zhou Weiqing, forcing him to cure Ao Le, but it was clear now that she had no chance.

Discharging an angry, pent up breath, Liu Yinan said angrily: “The mountains stand but the rivers run. Next time, we will not let you go so easily. I agree to your terms, help Ao Le remove the poison now.”

As she said that, she helped Ao Le to sit down, then in order to prove she would not launch any sneak attack on Zhou Weiqing, she stepped back slowly to a safe distance.

Zhou Weiqing was not afraid that she would renege on her agreement. Someone so afraid of death like him would have many survival tools at his disposal, not to mention Fat Cat in his bosom and the Icy Soul Heavenly Bear Da Huang beside him.

Walking next to Ao Le, seeing the complicated expression of mixed regret, anger and pain on his face, Zhou Weiqing grinned, saying: “Bro Ao Le, I will only attack those who attack me… Sigh… We could have had a good time cooperating with each other… Why did you have to do that?”

As he said that, he placed both palms on Ao Le’s shoulders. Activating his Devour Skill, he began draining Ao Le’s Heavenly Energy to replenish his depleted supplies.

What could be faster recovery than directly draining and replenishing one’s Heavenly Energy from another person? Needless to say, even the considerable recovery rate of his Immortal Deity Technique paled in comparison. There was no rush to draw out the venom, which was a very easy task for Zhou Weiqing; it would be best that he recovered totally first. After all, Ao Le was a disciple of the Passion Valley, and his Heavenly Energy was relatively pure. Furthermore, with the Time Attribute, it was quite compatible to Zhou Weiqing, and he was enjoying the easy Devouring indeed. It might not have the same effect as the Darkness and Demonic Attribute Energy, but it was close.

Very soon, Zhou Weiqing had fully recovered all of his Expended Heavenly Energy, but he decided it would be a waste of such a rare opportunity if he did not continue Devouring more.

As he Devoured the husband’s Heavenly Energy, this little rascal still turned to comfort Liu Yinan, telling her that it would take some time to help him draw out the poison.

Zhou Weiqing continued until he could no longer continue Devouring Heavenly Energy, the bloated feeling signifying he had reached his limit. Only then did he subtly move his right foot near Ao Le’s back, drawing out a large portion of the Triple Attribute Venom, only leaving a trace in his system. At this point, some colour finally returned to Ao Le’s pale face.

Sighing, Ao Le let loose the breath he had been holding, looking at Zhou Weiqing with a complicated look on his face. Finally, he nodded and said: “Bro Zhou, your teachings today, Ao Le will always remember it.” [1. It’s hard to tell here if he is making a threat or being sincere. Probably the former, or both.]

Zhou Weiqing helped him stand up, clapping him on the shoulder like they were best friends, saying: “I hope that we can work together in the future Bro Ao Le, I have never thought of being enemies with you from the BaoPo Battle Team.”

Ao Le gave a cold smile as he said: “Perhaps. We shall see. I will be waiting for Bro Zhou outside. Yinan, let’s go.” As he said that, he activated his Lustre Gem, and in a gold flash, he vanished instantly. Beside him, Liu Yinan also did the same, following suit a split second later.

Moments later, Shangguan Longyin’s voice traveled out from the Lustre Gem. “BaoPo Battle Team members Ao Le and Liu Yinan have been eliminated.”

Hearing those words, Zhou Weiqing did not know what the others were thinking, but he at least knew that he was in a really good mood. To take out two disciples from the Passion Valley by himself, he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself.

Fat Cat wriggled out from Zhou Weiqing’s embrace, taking her usual position on his shoulder, a strange gleam in her eyes as she looked at him.

Chapter 100 Black-White Dual Evil Spirits (2)

Zhou Weiqing looked back at her, grinning widely as he said: “Heh, if you want to praise me, go ahead, quick! Don’t you think I’m especially suave today? Taking down a couple from the Passion Valley so easily.”

Fat Cat gave a humph. “What so suave? It was just too stupid of the two of them, that gave you the chance to beat them.”

Although she said that, in truth, deep within her heart she was shocked and amazed by the combat style, and result, of Zhou Weiqing’s fight. Especially since he had held back, yet in a realistic manner that showed he was stuck in the Slow Barrier, causing them to lower their guard and underestimate him. It could be said to be a perfect act, with every step planned out all the way until the final blows. Although she herself was at the seven-Jeweled cultivation level, but the couples of the Passion Valley were extremely well versed in fighting together and matching each other in combat. Even if it were her facing the pair, she was confident of beating them, but it would definitely take a huge cost. To be able to take them down so easily like Zhou Weiqing, without any loss to himself, and even resulting in him fully recovered and more… it was definitely extremely impressive… almost unbelievable!

Zhou Weiqing said: “Let’s not rush. I need to cultivate for a while, to assimilate Ao Le’s Heavenly Energy.” After all, the Devoured Energy was not yet his own, and as long as he did not use it in combat soon, he would have to purify and absorb it as his own.

Ao Le’s Heavenly Energy was not too difficult for Zhou Weiqing to absorb. With Fat Cat and Da Huang protecting him, Zhou Weiqing spent about an hour cultivating before completely absorbing all of it. Not only was he back at maximum energy, he had improved yet again. He could clearly sense that he was getting ever closer to the Fifteenth Level of Heavenly Energy.

It wouldn’t take long for him to break through to the next level. Of course, he would not take the risk of breaking through now in such an environment, and it could all wait until after the Heavenly Jewel Tournament ended.

The forest was just too massive, and before they knew it, three days had passed. Zhou Weiqing and Fat Cat walked along, intermittently swapping out Da Huang and Er Huang to join them, exploring the forest. Along the way, they met with some minor encounters, but nothing serious or dangerous.

As long as it was a Zong Stage Heavenly Beast or lower, Zhou Weiqing could easily handle it, at most with the help of one of the Icy Soul Heavenly Bears. With the huge, tough Bear in front as a meat shield, Zhou Weiqing could stay at the back sneakily throwing out Control Skills and launching attacks. Of course, if it were just a mere Zun Stage Heavenly Beast, it would be easily destroyed by a few swipes from Da Huang or Er Huang. They had even killed off a few of the weaker Low Level Zong Stage Heavenly Beasts which attacked them.

The only one time which they had been in relative danger was when they met this Mid Level Zong Stage Strong-Arm Demonic Ape, whose strength was so powerful that the young Heavenly Bears could not hold on against. In the end, Zhou Weiqing was forced to use the Demonic Change State, to meet strength with strength. With Da Huang by his side, he had barely slain the Ape.

In the last three days, Fat Cat had not taken action at all. Also, they had not met any other humans during this time, be it friend or foe. At the same time, the Lustre Gem remained silent, with no one else being eliminated from the Tournament.

“Fat Cat, do you think we’ll just keep going on like this for an entire month? Such a huge forest, if we aren’t particularly lucky or unlucky, depending on the situation, it will be possible to even meet another person!”