Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

“I do not need to deal with this Wind Lightning Trial because it will be used to finish you off!” Lin Dong looked at Cao Yu’s twisted face. A strange smile appeared on the former’s face as he softly replied.

“What shameless boasting!” Cao Yu’s pupils shrunk slightly, however, a sneer formed on his mouth. He did not believe that the storm clouds would attack him if he did not launch an attack. Currently, the one who was about to face the Trial was Lin Dong and not him!

The strange smile at the corners of Lin Dong’s mouth grew wider. He immediately raised his head and looked at the storm clouds that now spanned several hundred feet as both of his hands slowly spread apart. Immediately, waves of black light surged out, transforming into a gigantic black hole above his head.

A unique power suddenly unfurled from the black hole. Suddenly, the thunder cloud in the sky shrunk. In the next instant, the thunder cloud shook violently and countless enormous thunderbolts once again descended. This time around, their target was Lin Dong.


The monstrous lightning appeared as a strange glint as they were reflected in Lin Dong’s eyes, while he spread his hands and softly muttered.


The enormous black hole above his head suddenly began to rotate rapidly as waves of pulling force erupted. The lightning that originally rushed towards Lin Dong suddenly changed direction at this moment and charged into the enormous black hole.


Countless thunderbolts poured into the black hole, however, it did not cause any explosion. Only a loud rumble was emitted.

Meanwhile, below the black hole, Lin Dong was completely unharmed!

Everyone was astonished when they saw this sight. No one had expected that Lin Dong was actually able to receive the terrifying Wind Lightning Trial.

“Big brother Cao, the situation is not quite right. We should call big brother Mo Tong and the rest guarding outside this space!” Chang Wei cried out in a low voice, his expression drastically changing as watched this mysterious scene.

Cao Yu’s face was dark. His eyes were glued onto Lin Dong, who remained perfectly fine in the face of the sky full of thunderbolts, while the unease within his heart grew increasingly greater. After pondering for a moment, he finally nodded his head.

Chang Wei hurriedly took out a light ball from his Qiankun Bag after seeing Cao Yu nod, before quickly shattering it. Immediately, a golden light rushed out, burrowing into the space around it before disappearing.

“Shitty brat, once big brother Mo Tong’s group enters, only death will await you even if you really manage to endure the three trails!” A fierce glint flashed across Chang Wei’s eyes as he watched the golden light disappear.

This was a black spatial region outside the Ancient Battlefield realm. It was possible to enter the Eastern Xuan Region if one broke out from this place. At this moment, ten figures quietly sat within this darkness. Their bodies released an extremely astonishing ripple, a ripple that far exceeded that of Lin Dong or even Cao Yu’s group.


A golden light suddenly rushed into the darkness. After which, a human figure grabbed it.

“Big brother Mo Tong. It seems that Cao Yu and the others have met with some trouble.” The eyes of the person who had received the golden light flickered as he raised his head and looked towards the front. A skinny figure was seated at that spot. On his lap was a large black blade.


The shut eyes of the figure gradually opened. He frowned a little and said, “We need to guard this place just in case…”

He paused after his words sounded out before shaking his head and continuing, “Nevermind, I will go. The rest of you will remain here.”

While he spoke, he slowly stood up. However, just as he was about to move, his pupils suddenly shrunk. He turned his head, only to see a ray of light suddenly appear within the darkness as a sharp aura seemed to tear open this space.

At the edge of where the light had torn the space apart, a dozen figures rushed in. A graceful figure led them, while a clear and elegant laughter faintly echoed from a distance.

“Haha, Mo Tong, you have travelled a great distance from the Western Xuan Region to this place. Our Eastern Xuan Region should at least perform our duty as the host right?”

The expression of the man, who carried a black blade, slowly turned grave at this moment. His eyes contained a fear that could not be hidden as he stared at the figure at the very front.

“Ling Qingzhu… I did not expect that even you would be dispatched.”

Chapter 630: Lightning Trial Destruction Formation

* * *

Bang bang!

Thunderbolt raged between the sky and land. Countless lightning pillars wildly poured from the storm clouds, before they smashed towards the figure under it from every direction. However, each time these lightning pillars were about to touch that figure, it would be dragged into the enormous black hole that was rotating rapidly above. Finally, it would transform into a rumbling muffled sound that was emitted from the black hole.

“Lin Dong has actually received all those thunderbolts…”

All the gazes on the mountaintop contained a rich shock as they watched this scene. They were really unable to believe that Lin Dong had actually blocked the Wind Lightning Trial, that even a six Yuan Nirvana Stage expert would be afraid of.

“How is this possible…”

Liu Bai and the rest muttered to themselves. However, a dense joy surged into their eyes soon after. Lin Dong had once again shown them what was called a miracle.

“That strength from the black hole appears to be the Swallowing Strength of Taotie Sect. Could it be that Lin Dong had really completely snatched the strength of Taotie from Song Zhen when they fought previously?

“It seems so. What a frightening fellow.”

Little Marten heard many private conversations from all around him. A strange expression also flashed across his eyes as he watched Lin Dong in the sky. He laughed softly, “This fellow is really unpredictable…”

With Little Marten’s understanding of Lin Dong, he was naturally aware that the black hole was not the so-called Taotie strength. Instead, it was the true Devouring Power. However, in order to avoid exposing the Devouring Ancestral Symbol, Lin Dong had purposefully used the Taotie strength to act as a cover.

Moreover, Little Marten was even able to feel a kind of familiar ripple from deep within that black hole. It was that of the mysterious Stone Talisman.

Clearly, Lin Dong had borrowed the strength of the two great mysterious objects, the Devouring Ancestral Symbol and the mysterious Stone Talisman, in order to receive the frightening lightning bolts. Otherwise, he was truly unqualified to do so.

“Borrowing the combined strength of three Wind Lightning Tribulation and using it as his own huh…” Little Marten curled his mouth slightly. His heart released a soft praise. At this moment, even he could not help but feel amazed by Lin Dong’s plan. This fellow was indeed extremely cautious. He had actually hid a final move that even he was unaware of.

Little Marten clearly knew that Lin Dong had definitely kept this tactic since a very long time ago in preparation for an emergency. This fellow always loved to keep a trump card that caused one to be incomparably shocked. These trump cards would at times even surprise someone as old and cunning as Little Marten.