Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

“My god, this lunatic. Does he plan to stack three trials together? Not even a six seal Symbol Master can handle that!”

A series of shocked exclamations continuously sounded out on the mountain top. Furthermore, each time a voice sounded out, Lan Ying and the rest’s heart would violently twitch.

Stacking three trials together? Such a power could probably squash a six Yuan Nirvana stage expert to pulp? What was Lin Dong planning to do?


In the sky, the storm clouds manically churned. Meanwhile, the lightning snake coursing through the clouds grew from its initial thickness of an arm to its current several feet look width. From a distance away, it looked as if a mini lightning dragon was flying within the clouds.

Little Marten lifted his head, a strange look in his eyes as he stared at this sight. Following which, he turned to look at Lin Dong, who was seated below the storm clouds as a flash of inspiration flashed across his eyes.

“Is he planning to borrow the strength of the Wind Lightning Trial? What a lunatic…”

Chapter 629: Stacking Three Trials

* * *


Thunder boomed across the sky in an astonishing manner as the storm clouds closed in. The thunderbolts flashing within the clouds made it look as though apocalypse was approaching.

The storm clouds had spread till they covered a hundred feet radius, while a berserk power seemed to simmer within it. Even the powerful five Yuan Nirvana stage individuals, were now deathly pale. They could sense a true power of destruction from within the clouds. All of them clearly understood that any defence of theirs would be futile in the face of these storm clouds.

Stacking trials!

Everyone had now figured out Lin Dong’s intentions. He was actually planning on enduring three Wind Lightning Trials at the same time!


Everyone spat out this word in their hearts in response to Lin Dong’s crazy move. They knew that no one with any semblance of normality would dare to perform such a feat. Of course, an ordinary person would not even have the chance to perform such an act.

The amount of Mental Energy required to summon three Wind Lightning Trials simultaneously was frightening. What this meant was that the Mental Energy of the individual summoning the trials must be continuously and firmly suppressed. Moreover, no Mental Energy can leak out mid-way. This must continue until it was sufficient to summon three Wind Lightning Trials, before allowing everything to completely erupt…

If Lin Dong was able to endure these three stacked Wind Lightning Trials, Lin Dong’s Mental Energy would rapidly soar until it reached the four seal Heaven Symbol Master level.

Of course, if he failed, he would immediately be blasted by this incomparably violent Wind Lightning Trial until nothing remained. The destructive force that eventually erupted from the stacking of three Trials was far from what that of three separate Trials could compare with.

“Is his head broken or something?” The experts from the Western Xuan Region also watched the thunder clouds spreading across the sky with strange expressions on their faces. The terrifying fluctuation emitted by the storm clouds caused their hearts to jump in fear. They were truly unable to comprehend just what Lin Dong was attempting to do. With the appearance of these storm clouds, there was perhaps now no need for anyone to attack him as once the lightning struck, even ashes would not remain.

“Just what is he trying to do?” Chang Wei also frowned deeply. He wanted to laugh and mock Lin Dong, but there was now an unfathomable pressure in his heart. He was no fool after all and Lin Dong’s actions were really a little too strange. As the saying went, there was definitely some strange reason behind any abnormality. Lin Dong definitely had his reasons for doing so. However, that final aim of his was temporarily unknown to all of them…

“Big brother Cao.” Chang Wei’s eyes looked towards Cao Yu at the front, catching sight of Cao Yu’s somewhat dark face. He could tell that the latter was feeling a little uneasy.

Was it because of this fellow before them?

The frown on Chang Wei brows deepened. His heart felt constricted from holding his breath. Clearly, he did not expect that they would be so affected by a brat who was only at four Yuan Nirvana stage.

“Big brother Cao, shall we watch and wait for the time being? The storm clouds are too terrifying. That brat will definitely be unable to receive the trial with his strength. If we attack hastily, we might end up being tricked. He might be attempting to use some kind of tactic to goad us into attacking, making us help him resist the Wind Lightning Trial while he gains from it.” Chang Wei’s eyes flickered before he spoke in a low voice.

Cao Yu’s eyes were narrowed. His gaze was firmly fixed on the figure seated below the storm clouds. Currently, Lin Dong had already shut his eyes, appearing as though he was making preparations to endure the trial.

Cao Yu’s eyes were dark and solemn. What Chang Wei said was indeed quite a wise plan. As the saying goes, dealing with the ever-changing by not adopting any change and quietly wait for Lin Dong’s subsequent move. However, why was it that he felt a faint unease?

“We cannot wait any longer!”

Cao Yu’s eyes flashed as they suddenly hardened. He was a decisive person, hence once he made up his mind, he would not hesitate at all. Immediately, he took a step forward and his hand began to form seals at lightning speed.

“Heaven Sealing Array, Heaven Locking Symbol!”

A deep cry suddenly exploded from Cao Yu’s mouth. After which, a shocking ripple spread out from within his body. The entire space swiftly became distorted, and in the next instant, numerous crack lines started to emerge as enormous black light chains shot out explosively through the cracks.


Black light chains rushed out in a flash. They swiftly crossed each other in the sky, swiftly transforming into a black symbol.


The enormous black symbol rushed out, immediately enveloping Lin Dong from all directions, while a terrifying aura swiftly unfurled.

Lin Dong’s tightly shut eyes slowly opened when this enormous black symbol rushed over. Immediately, the corners of his mouth quietly lifted into a slight arc.

“Is it finally here…”

The enormous black symbol swiftly flew into the territory of the thunder clouds under the watching eyes of the crowd. However, when this symbol was within a ten feet radius of Lin Dong, the billowing storm clouds in the sky suddenly shuddered. A split second later, silver lightning lit up the entire place. A loud rumbling sound accompanied countless large lightning pillars as they frantically poured down.


Thunderbolts rained downwards. Countless thunderbolts exploded on the enormous black symbol as wave after wave of indescribably wild and violent ripples spread outwards, forcibly striking the black symbol as it swiftly dimmed.

The frightening might of the three stacked trials had finally been displayed at this moment.


The black symbol grew increasingly dim. Finally, numerous cracks appeared, spreading until the symbol burst apart with a loud bang.


Cao Yu’s body jerked back when the black symbol was blasted apart as a moan was emitted from his mouth. He had clearly suffered some backlash. Immediately, his face became incomparably dark and solemn.

“To actually summon three stacking trials. What a brilliant tactic. However, aren’t you afraid that you will not be able to deal with this monstrous thing that you have summoned?” Cao Yu’s expression was dark and twisted as he cried out.