Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

A low and deep sound suddenly echoed out, as Lan Ying and the rest’s expressions dimmed. Was it over…

“Fool who seeks death.” Chang Wei and the others involuntarily laughed out loud and spoke in a strange voice upon seeing this scene.

“He is not dead.” Cao Yu’s eyebrows slowly knitted together. His soft voice contained a trace of surprise.

“What?” The heartily laughing Chang Wei and gang were immediately stunned when they heard Cao Yu’s words, while astonishment covered their faces. They clearly understood just how terrifying the ‘Heaven Sealing Array’ was when activated by Cao Yu. How could Lin Dong possibly withstand such power?

Cao Yu ignored them. His eyes were tightly fixed onto the spot where the black light was gradually scattering. An exceptionally sturdy figure was faintly visible there.

“Huh? That’s not right…” Chang Wei’s and Lan Ying’s group were stunned when they saw the exceptionally sturdy figure.

The black light finally completely dispersed as the strong figure finally appeared in everyone’s sights. Its body was bright red. At a glance, it was as though it had been constructed from red copper. That face was also not that of Lin Dong. Instead, an unfamiliar face flickered with a red glow…

“This is… a Blood Soul Puppet?”

Cao Yu’s pupils slightly shrunk as he stared at the bright red body. A faint yet baleful aura spread out from the body. He slowly opened his mouth, surprised that Lin Dong not only possessed a soul puppet, but it was even the strongest Blood Soul Puppet. Most importantly, the level of this Blood Soul Puppet was quite high. It had likely reached the grade five level or higher.


A human figure slowly walked out from behind that sturdy Soul Puppet. He raised his head and smiled at Cao Yu, “Your eyesight is quite good.”

This Soul Puppet was naturally the Blood Soul Puppet in Lin Dong’s hands. Ever since he had auctioned for that Desolate Heavenly Cow skeleton in the Wanxiang City, Little Marten had used this set of bones to strengthen the Blood Soul Puppet. Combined with Lin Dong’s enormous stash of Nirvana pills, the current Blood Soul Puppet was many times stronger than before.

Based on Lin Dong’s guess, the current Blood Soul Puppet should have reached the grade five Soul Puppet level. Its defensive strength had become a little terrifying due to the addition of the Desolate Heavenly Cow to refine it. Cao Yu’s ferocious attack was able to seriously injure a five Yuan Nirvana stage expert. However, it merely left a shallow mark on the Blood Soul Puppet’s body.

“Lin Dong!”

Joy surfaced in the Lan Ying and the rest’s eyes when they saw that Lin Dong was fine. Clearly, they never imagined that Lin Dong would actually use the Soul Puppet to block Cao Yu’s attack.

“A strong Blood Soul Puppet. However, I wonder how many of my attacks it can withstand?” Cao Yu smiled in an indifferent manner.

“Won’t you know once you try?”

Lin Dong grinned. Immediately, a sharpness flashed in his eyes. His foot stomped onto the ground as his body rushed out. His hand clenched around the Heavenly Crocodile Bone Spear that appeared. With a jerk, the spear transformed into numerous sharp spear glows that filled the sky, enveloping Cao Yu.

Some faint green light also quietly flowed while the spear glows gathered.


Cao Yu’s eyes hardened a little when he saw Lin Dong attacking. He struck his palm forward as black light immediately gathered in the sky. Space wiggled as the black light transformed into an enormous hand that violently slapped at Lin Dong.


However, just as the black light giant hand was about to strike Lin Dong, a crimson glow suddenly arrived. With a punch, it collided head on with the giant black light hand.

Swoosh Swoosh!

A shocking ripple erupted above the Lin Dong’s head. However, the latter completely ignored it. His body moved and appeared in front of Cao Yu. Sharp spear glows were aimed at all the Cao Yu’s vital points.


Upon seeing Lin Dong’s crafty usage of the Blood Soul Puppet to block the attack, while he unleashed an attack of his own, Cao Yu involuntarily let out a cold snort. Bright golden light surged out immediately, directly transforming into a golden shield with golden light seemingly flowing on it.

Clang clang clang!

Sharp spear glows viciously struck the golden shield. However, it merely caused some sparks to appear, and was clearly unable to break the latter’s defence.

“Is this all you’ve got?” Cao Ying sneered. However, his sneer had only just formed when his eyes suddenly hardened. He had realized that the spear glows did not immediately disappeared after being blasted apart. Instead, numerous green lights rushed out from within them. These green light seemed to be green scales.

The scales flashed as a faint but extremely sharp ripple spread out from them.

Chi chi chi chi!

The green scales were like rain. They arrived quickly and ruthlessly struck the gold shield. This time around, there were no sparks. The green scales pierced through the incomparably hard golden shield, before zipping towards Cao Yu’s vital spots at an astonishing speed.

“This is the real attack huh…”

This sudden scene also caused Cao Yu to be startled. Lin Dong’s earlier attack was merely a ruse. The true attack was these scales hidden within the spear glows.

“There is some ingenuity but it is useless against me!”

Cao Yu’s eyes turned cold. His body shook slightly as the surrounding space became distorted. Black light spread out from these distorted areas, forming a light circle that covered his body.

Clang clang!

The incomparably sharp green scales ruthlessly struck the light barrier. However, they appeared to be just like stones sinking into the ocean. They did not cause any damage as they completely disappeared.

“Lin Dong, this realm has already been covered by the ‘Heaven Sealing Array’. I can borrow some of its strength. Forget about you. Even if all of you were to attack, you will not be able to do anything to me!” Cao Yu stood within the light circle as he sneered.


However, Lin Dong completely ignored the Cao Yu. He pressed down with the tips of his feet as his body shot into the sky. He seated himself cross-legged in the sky amidst numerous stunned eyes, while wave after wave of powerful Mental Energy suddenly swept out from his Niwan Palace.

Mental Power was just like a storm that was unfurling. Moreover, it spread at a terrifying speed. It was as though a volcano that had been suppressed for countless number of years had finally erupted…


Dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky while Lin Dong’s Mental Energy wildly erupted and mad wind raged all around…

This scene stunned everyone. A moment later, they inhaled violently.

Is that the Wind Lightning Trial?

What is that fellow planning?

Chapter 628: Stacking

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Majestic Mental Energy swept out in the sky like a hurricane. Immediately, violent gusts of wind howled over the land unceasingly, creating a dreadful sight.

As Mental Energy continued to surge, storm clouds frantically began to gather in the sky. Meanwhile, lightning swam through the storm clouds like a snake as thunder rumbled violently across the area.

Everyone watched this scene in shock. Of course, they were not shocked by the Wind Lightning Trial. After all, everyone here was fairly skilled and there were even some of them who specialized in Mental Energy and could not be more familiar with the Wind Lightning Trial. As such, instead of being shocked by the Wind Lightning Trial, they were shocked by Lin Dong’s actions.

The Wind Lightning Trial and Nirvana Tribulation together. Even a Symbol Master would search for a peaceful place to undergo a trial. However, Lin Dong had chosen to activate the trial while he was facing a terrifying opponent like Cao Yu.