Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

“Cough, this fellow is really strong.” Chen Nan spat out a mouthful of fresh blood as he spoke with an unwilling hoarse voice.

“Damnit, we’ll all fight!” An expert cried out furiously. Everyone around had faces that were filled with fury. They were unable to swallow the anger of having been stepped on the head by these fellows from the Western Xuan Region.

“Compared to being captured to the Western Xuan Region, we might as well fight to the death with them here.” Another expert also clenched his teeth and said.

“That’s right, we’ll battle it out with them!”


Lan Ying also bit her red lips with the back of her teeth when she heard the various furious cries that sounded from all around. Her pretty face became slightly icy cold as he stood up. “Qing Feng, Ma Lin, Mu Se, we’ll attack together and hold back Cao Yu. The others should all attack and destroy the formation!”


That Nirvana Golden Ranking expert beside Lan Ying, whose name was called, also nodded heavily. Killing intent surged within his eyes.


Lan Ying also did things in a decisive fashion. Moreover, she was aware that they could not afford to delay any longer. Immediately, her body moved and she rushed out. However, a hand was suddenly extended from behind her just as she was about to step forward. After which, it was pressed onto her soft shoulder.

“All of you are no match for him. Don’t go…”

Lan Ling turned her head and looked at Lin Dong with a helpless face. The back of her teeth bit her red lips and she coldly laughed, “I thought you you will continue to hide behind me.”

From the looks of this, she was clearly brooding over the fact that Lin Dong only chose to step up at this moment.

“I am not a heavyweight character unlike you super empire members. Why are you placing so much hope on me?”

Lin Dong smiled faintly but was unconcerned. He merely raised his head and stared at Cao Yu. After a short silence, he sighed, “Forget it. Leave him to me.”

“You?” Cao Ying and the others were startled upon hearing this. Although their hearts were gripped when watching Lin Dong and Lin Langtian exchange blows, Cao Yu was someone who could even defeat Qin Tian with just one strike.

“Why? You don’t allow me to hide for a little. Are you also not allowing me to fight now that I want to?” Lin Dong stared intently at Lan Ying and involuntarily spoke in a helpless manner.

Lan Ying’s pretty face immediately became red upon hearing this. She lost the sharp wit that she had from before. Instead, she spoke hesitantly, “That fellow is very strong…”

“There’s no choice. I, too, do not wish to head to that whatever Western Xuan Region…” He shrugged his shoulders in a somewhat free and easy manner and laughed, “Moreover, regardless of how strong he is, we must at least give it a try, right?”

Lin Dong ceased saying anything upon saying these words. He slowly stepped forward. However, he did not even take two steps forward when he saw Little Marten appearing in front of him in a ghost like manner.

“Leave it to me.” Little Marten stared at Lin Dong and said. He clearly understood Lin Dong. Although the latter was quite powerful, it would be a little difficult for him to defeat Cao Yu.

“There is the presence of Yuan Gate here. Those fellows do not appear to be magnanimous. You cannot reveal your identity.” Lin Dong shook his head slightly and used a soft voice that only Little Marten could hear.

“You are no match for him.” Little Marten frowned and replied.

A strange smile surfaced on Lin Dong’s face when he heard this. He gently patted Little Marten’s shoulder and softly said, “That may not be certain…”

“Don’t you want to know why I have been suppressing my Mental Power? Next, I will show you why…”

Little Marten’s eyes slowly narrowed as Lin Dong rushed by him. Could this fellow really do it?

Chapter 627: Revealing All Trump Cards

* * *

On the mountaintop, numerous gazes were focused on the young man who was slowly stepping forward. Their gazes contained a rather peculiar expression. Lin Dong had already proven his extraordinary strength time and time again in the earlier battles. Although he only appeared to be at the four Yuan Nirvana stage on the surface, everyone clearly understood that his battle capabilities exceeded that level.

From the way they saw it, Lin Dong already possessed the qualifications to be compared with Qin Tian.

However, in this current situation, even Qin Tian had been utterly defeated. Could Lin Dong really turn the tides?

“Lin Dong?”

From the skies above, Cao Yu lowered his head and stared at Lin Dong. The corners of his mouth lifted to form a strange arc as he softly laughed, “I have watched your earlier battle. You’re not bad but you are still not my match. I would advise against trying to show off.”

Lin Dong smiled and replied, “Who knows unless I give it a try? Don’t you agree?”

“I’m afraid that you will not even be able to preserve that pathetic life of yours if you try.” Cao Yu laughed.

“Big brother Cao, why are you wasting your breath on this brat. A mere four Yuan Nirvana stage actually dares to act mighty. Why not leave him to me?” The feminine man beside Cao Yu looked at Lin Dong in a strange manner as he released a queer laughter.

“I will handle it.” Cao Yu waved his hand. His eyes paused on Lin Dong as he spoke, “This person is not as simple as he appears. Underestimating him would cause you dearly…”

“Oh?” The man known as Chang Wei raised his eyebrows. He was clearly unagreeable with these words. Though he was not one of the top practitioners within the younger generation of the Western Xuan Region, Lin Dong and the others had yet to even enter the super sects, while he on the other hand had already trained in the super sect for two years.

“Pay attention to the others while establishing the formation.”

Cao Yu faintly commanded before slowly stepping forward. He extended his hand towards Lin Dong, curling it slightly as he laughed, “Do it. Allow me to see just how many rounds you can last against me.”

“I will leave the matter of disrupting the formation to you guys.” Lin Dong turned around and spoke to Lan Ying and the rest.

“Be careful.”

Lan Ying spoke with worry. If Lin Dong was also finished off by Cao Yu, it would be far too great a blow on their morale.

Lin Dong smiled a little and nodded. Soon after, he exhaled deeply. A sharp glint gradually surged deep within his eyes. Imitating Cao Yu, he also curled his hand. “Go ahead. Allow me to have a taste of just how powerful you experts from the Western Xuan Region are.”

Cao Yu was clearly a little irritated by Lin Dong’s stance. His eyes immediately narrowed as a cold glint flashed past them.

“Truly an arrogant fool…”

Cao Yu inwardly sneered. Without further ado, he extended his hand as his finger pressed onto the empty space.


This seemingly casual action caused the Yuan Power of the land to boil in an instant. The empty space once again became distorted as a monsterous black light surged out. It directly transformed into a ray of black light that possessed an incomparably sharp aura as it tore through the sky and shot towards Lin Dong in a fashion that could not be dodged.

Lan Ying and the others were alarmed when they saw Cao Yu’s ferocious attack. From the looks of it, Cao Yu had no intentions of allowing Lin Dong to last for even a single round.

An attack at this speed was impossible to dodge!

It was just as Lan Ying and the others had expected. Faced with this space tearing black ray of light, Lin Dong did not plan to dodge at all.


The black ray of light that contained a shocking lethal force had arrived in front of Lin Dong in the next moment. The hearts of the Lan Ying group sunk immediately when they saw this scene.
