Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

Cao Yu nodded heavily. He immediately turned his head around and venomously stared at Lin Dong, before his sinister voice rang out, “Now that you have lost the Wind Lightning Trial, let me see how else you can retaliate!”

Lin Dong merely smiled a little in response to Cao Yu’s vicious gaze. His hands slowly spread out as majestic Mental Energy spread apart. This surging feeling was many times stronger than what it was before.

The current Lin Dong not only possess a Yuan Power cultivation of the four Yuan Nirvana stage, but his Mental Energy cultivation had also reached four seal Heaven Symbol Master. With the two, he would even be able to fight against a six Yuan Nirvana stage expert. It would no longer be like before where he barely posed a threat.

Cao Yu’s pupils shrunk slightly when he sensed the vast and mighty Mental Energy from Lin Dong’s body, while an additional trace of genuine seriousness appeared within his eyes. Before, Lin Dong was someone who needed to rely on tricks in order to contend against him. However, the current Lin Dong could go toe to toe with a six Yuan Nirvana stage expert…

“Being able to attain such accomplishments in Mental Energy and Yuan Power cultivation is testament to your ability. This Hundred Empire War of the Eastern Xuan Region does indeed have some true worth. However, even though you can fight against a six Yuan Nirvana stage expert, you still cannot match up to me!” Cao Yu laughed coldly.

Lin Dong did not refute these words. Qin Tian’s strength was also at the six Yuan Nirvana stage. However, he was defeated in one single move when Cao Yu activated the power of the ‘Heaven Sealing Array’. The reason that Lin Dong could withstand the earlier attack was completely due to the usage of the Blood Soul Puppet. However, the Blood Soul Puppet had paid the price was now practically ruined.

“Just do it.”

Regardless, the current Lin Dong did not have any intentions of withdrawing. He extended his hand and smiled slightly towards Cao Yu. At this moment, he only wanted to rely on his own strength to battle against Cao Yu.

“Stubborn fellow!”

Cao Yu’s eyes turned cold. He finally ceased uttering any unnecessary words. His hand seal changed and a strange black light once again surged out. It vaguely transformed into a black skull surrounded by a thick black smoke, which released a sharp sonic wave.

“Heaven Sealing Skull!”

Cao Yu waved his hand and the enormous black skull immediately rushed out. Accompanied by thick smoke as it swept towards Lin Dong with a great momentum. Space itself became distorted wherever the sonic wave passed.

Lin Dong’s eyes were grave as he observed Cao Yu’s attack. He was just about to maneuver his Yuan Power and Mental Energy to fight with his opponent when his expression suddenly changed. He had discovered that the space in front of him was actually starting to wiggled. After which, a figure appeared from nowhere. A hand thrust forward as majestic Yuan Power surged forth and crushed the skull until it exploded.


This sudden scene also caused Cao Yu’s expression to changed drastically while he cried out in fury.

“Haha, Dao Sect disciple, Zhao Qian.” The man wearing pale-white clothes in front of Lin Dong raised his head and laughed towards Cao Yu.

“A disciple of the Dao Sect? Have the experts from the super sects arrived?” Lin Dong was also startled because of this.

“Friends from the Western Xuan Region, news of what has happened within this Ancient Realm has already been transmitted to the various super sects of the Eastern Xuan Region. Currently, the experts from the various sects are hurrying over. If everyone hesitates a little longer, it is likely that all of you will be trapped…” The white clothed man appeared and blocked Cao Yu. After which, he looked into the distance and chuckled as he spoke out in a clear voice.

“What? Have we been discovered?”

The expressions of Zheng Zhong’s group changed drastically upon hearing this voice. They suddenly turned their heads and discovered that numerous distortions had appeared in the area. It was possible to see numerous blurry figures gradually appearing from these distorted spots. From their clothes, one could tell that these people were members of the super sects!

“The experts from the eight super sects have arrived…”

Lin Dong raised his head and looked at the distorted spaces, a trace of surprise in his eyes. Were these the disciples of the super sects? They did indeed possess extremely powerful auras.

As Lin Dong’s gaze swept across the distorted spaces, the surprise on his face suddenly started to freeze. His lips were pressed tightly together as his heart began to beat even more intensely.

The spot where his eyes stopped at was yet another distorted space. However, there was a figure standing elegantly at that spot. That cold demeanor and appearance was the same as it was a couple of years ago…

Ling Qingzhu…

At this moment, Lin Dong’s fists slowly tightened.

Chapter 633: Four Years

* * *

The empty space distorted, forming a black tunnel. There were already over a dozen figures that had already arrived through it. Lin Dong’s eyes were currently glued onto a spot at the front of the group, where a beautiful figure stood.

The beautiful figure was wearing a light green dress which complimented her tall, soft and lovely body. Even from a distance away, one could see her flawless snow white skin. A piece of gauze covered her face but the outline of her almost perfect features were still visible. Paired with her flowing eyes, it made the world seem as if it had lost its colors.

Barefooted, she gently stood atop a green lotus like a daughter of the moon palace or a fairy that had fallen to the mortal realm. A sight that could not help but make many feel inferior.

This appearance was exactly the same as four years ago. However, her cold demeanor was even colder than it was back then.


Lin Dong’s body trembled slightly as he raised his head and exhaled deeply. He forcefully suppressed his heart, which had not felt so restless in a long time.

Unknowingly, four years had passed since then.

The immature youth back then had unwittingly become a young man. He had walked out from a low rank empire and arrived at this Ancient Battlefield where geniuses were as numerous as the clouds. In the end, he managed to stand above everyone else.

When Little Marten had instigated Lin Dong to participate in the Hundred Empire War and be honed by it, the former knew that Lin Dong had agreed partly because of one sentence the the lady known as Ling Qingzhu had said…

“If you wish to repay me for rescuing you, we can talk about it after you possess the qualifications to participate in the Hundred Empire War.”

“Lin Dong, hopefully, you will not be so weak the next time we meet. Someone truly strong does not merely rely on his tongue…”

Little Marten clearly understood that with Lin Dong’s character, it was basically impossible for him to take such words from those around him to heart under normal circumstances. However, it was clear that Lin Dong had difficulty ignoring these words from the first woman in his life.

Although part of the reason for Lin Dong’s efforts over the years was to raise his strength and protect his family, perhaps only Lin Dong himself was aware that deep within his heart, he was haunted by the pride of a man.

He did not wish to be looked down upon by those clear eyes.

Yet, he was also aware of the enormous gap between his status and Ling Qingzhu’s. The latter was able to easily attain what he had to spend a great effort to on. Moreover, her talent made many geniuses pale in comparison.

She was a truly a lady blessed by the heavens. How could it be easy to catch up and surpass her?

If it were not for that absurd situation in the ancient tomb back then, Lin Dong believed that he and Ling Qingzhu might never have interacted with each other.