Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

“Do you know her?” Lin Dong was somewhat startled as he asked.

“Heh, is there anyone in Eastern Xuan Region who does not know Ling Qingzhu of the Nine Heavens Supreme Purity Palace? She is the direct disciple of the Nine Heavens Supreme Purity Palace Empress and she holds an extraordinary status. Furthermore, her looks are out of this world and countless geniuses from various super sects have a crush on her. It is a pity that no one has been able to peel off her gauze and peek at her beauty.” Liu Bai laughed. There was an unconcealable passion in his words as he spoke.

Lin Dong scratched his nose in an unnatural manner while a peculiar expression filled his eyes. Not only did he peel off her gauze and saw her face, he even…

When he thought of that absurd deed that happened back then, even someone like Lin Dong involuntarily felt a slight heat in his heart. To a man, there was nothing more satisfying in this world that conquering an ice queen…

Of course, Lin Dong was not dumb enough to mention this incident. Even though he had stood out in the Hundred Empire War, there was still an extremely huge gap between him and the direct disciples of the super sects. If news that he had defiled this goddess got out, several of Ling Qingzhu’s admirers would come hunting for him.

“So she is from Nine Heavens Supreme Purity Palace…”

Nonetheless, Lin Dong managed to uncover Ling Qingzhu’s background from Liu Bai. He had never expected that she was someone from Nine Heavens Supreme Purity Palace. In a manner of speaking, Lin Dong had quite a strong affinity with this sect. In fact, back in Great Yan Empire, he even managed to obtain a Nine Heavens Supreme Purity Palace’s martial art from that fellow.

With these thoughts in mind, Lin Dong involuntarily chuckled before he stretched his back. When his eyes once again turned to look at that spot where Ling Qingzhu vanished, a small smile appeared on his face. Meanwhile, a tiny bit of anticipation gushed out from his heart.

Ling Qingzhu, you had better be careful if we meet once again.

Chapter 635: Sect Selection

* * *

The super sect experts above the Hundred Empire Mountain slowly descended after the battle came to an end, before finally coming to rest in the skies above the mountaintop.

The commotion on the mountaintop immediately died down when everyone saw this, and a passionate look burned in the eyes of many. Evidently, they were aware of what was going to happen next…

“Everyone, I think that there is no need to continue this Hundred Empire War until the end this time around, is there?” Wu Dao beamed as he looked at the mountain top, before looking towards the remaining experts from the various super sects.

“The final Nirvana Golden Ranking battle is merely to select the most outstanding champion. I think that there is already someone suitable for that spot, no?” The expert from the Great Desolate Palace also nodded and laughed.

From the side, some of the other experts from the super sects also nodded slightly upon hearing this. After which, their gazes turned downwards in unison and finally gathered onto a tall young figure below.

Liu Tong’s eyebrows knitted together slightly. Qin Tian’s failure to obtain the champion spot was now somewhat out of his hands. However, there was nothing he could say at this moment. He had declared earlier that the person who could stop the formation would become the champion. There was no way for him to take back his words.

The so-called Hundred Empire War champion might appear to be just an empty title, but it was quite important to their super sects. This was because according to the rules, the super sect that the champion joined would be able to gain the largest number of disciples in the Hundred Empire War.

If one wished to ensure the continuous prosperity of one’s sect, the pouring in of new blood was critical. These geniuses that stood out in the Hundred Empire War all possessed extremely outstanding talent. Their enlistment into any sect would be of extremely beneficial for a sect’s long term prospects.

Although the selection of disciples from the Hundred Empire War was merely one of the means for these super sects to recruit disciples, it was obvious that no sect would find having too many of them a bother. Over the years, the eight super sects had argued frequently on the distribution of the disciples recruited in the Eastern Xuan Region.

It was also due to these arguments that some rules had been made. An example was this Hundred Empire War. It used the champion’s sect selection to decide which super sect could obtain the most disciples.

If one divided the disciple resource in the Hundred Empire War into ten, the sect which the champion joined would be able to get another portion on top of their original portion. This was basically double of the other sects.

The victors of the last couple of Hundred Empire Wars were mostly from the Tianyuan Empire. As a faction under the Yuan Gate, these champions would naturally join the Yuan Gate without exception. This had also allowed the Yuan Gate to become the greatest beneficiary from the Hundred Empire War…

However, this time around, the appearance of Lin Dong had upset the situation. Even Liu Tong did not dare to guarantee that Lin Dong would choose to join the Yuan Gate. Although their Yuan Gate was truly the strongest super sect in the Eastern Xuan Region, Liu Tong felt a faint unease regarding Lin Dong…

The eyes of the eight super sect experts hovering in the air were currently gathered onto Lin Dong below them. Even the gazes from the surrounding mountaintops also turned as all of them gathered on Lin Dong.

The sudden arrival of every gaze in this place caused Lin Dong to be stunned. Only then did he sense that this champion spot was not as simple as he had imagined.

“Lin Dong, which super sect do you intend to join?” Wu Dao smilingly stared at Lin Dong. That friendly tone made Lin Dong’s hairs stand a little.

Wu Dao’s voice had just barely faded when the remaining seven pairs of eyes focussed even more intently at Lin Dong.

With such a lineup staring at him, even Lin Dong could not help but feel a little uneasy despite his character. He was merely a disciple who wished to join a super sect. There was no need to put such terrifying attention on him right…

By the side, Little Marten narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched this scene. The selection of a super sect was very important. This was because Lin Dong needed to train there for a period of time after this. Once one joined a super sect, one’s body would be imprinted with the brand of this sect. The competition between the sects of the Eastern Xuan Region was extremely intense. They were all large boats, and if a large boat overturned, the disciples within it would also end up in an incomparably miserable fate.

From what one could tell of the current situation within the Eastern Xuan Region, the Yuan Gate was definitely the strongest. Hence, it was likely that the resources it had would also surpass the other super sects. If one trained in the Yuan Gate, one would be treated rather well, and perhaps even have a rather bright future.

Of course, Little Marten greatly disliked this strongest super sect of the Eastern Xuan Region. The Celestial Demon Marten and the Yuan Gate were bitter enemies. The ancestors of both parties had been killed by the other side. Therefore, he personally did not wish for Lin Dong to join the Yuan Gate. Of course, if Lin Dong still chose them in the end, Little Marten would not object.

Amongst the remaining seven super sects, the Dao Sect was a pretty good option. Of course, if Lin Dong wished to be closer to Ling Qingzhu, joining the Nine Heavens Supreme Purity Palace was also not bad…

Lin Dong’s physical body was also quite strong, and the Great Desolate Palace was widely known for their powerful physical bodies.