Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 6 (Chapter 36 - Chapter 54)

Zang Lang said passively: “What do you want then?”

Zhou Weiqing’s smile suddenly disappeared, as a red light flashed in his eyes. “I just want to beat you up until even your mother doesn’t recognize you.” As he said that, his left leg struck the ground and his body charged forward towards Zang Lang like a bolt of lightning, his right foot striking forth.

Zang Lang’s eyes narrowed, and he raised his foot as well to meet Zhou Weiqing’s right foot. A huge explosion ensued, and as Zhou Weiqing landed gently on the ground, Zang Lang’s entire body was blown back several metres, but as he was flying in mid air, his body twisted in a strange movement, somehow defusing the inertia and he managed to somersault and land on the ground gently, although in doing so he staggered back 3 steps before regaining his balance.

There were at least 50-60 of the commoner students who had followed them to watch the fight, and loud gasps of surprise came from the onlooking crowd upon the scene. Zang Lang’s face was no longer as calm and passive as before, and there was shock in his eyes as he looked at Zhou Weiqing.

Ma Qun, who was standing at the side, couldn’t help but feel a spasm in his stomach, as if remembering the pain that Zhou Weiqing’s kick had caused him the other day.

Zhou Weiqing did not launch a follow up attack, looking at Zang Lang disdainfully as he gave a cold humph. “An upper Shi Level Heavenly Jewel Master with the Coordination Physical Jewel. You better use your Elemental Jewels as well, or else you will not have a chance.”

Indeed, there were three pure red Jade physical Jewels circulating Zang Lang’s right wrist, glowing brilliantly. His Heavenly Energy cultivation level seemed to be slightly higher than Zhou Weiqing’s, but it had been a terrible mistake to exchange a direct blow with the Strength based Zhou Weiqing, furthermore with his right leg! At that moment, Zang Lang’s leg was totally numb from the blow, and that was already with his Coordination boost managing to deflect much of the power from the blow. After all, Zhou Weiqing’s strength had almost matched the Mid Level Zun Stage Ming Yu who was also of the Strength Attribute - how could Zang Lang who was only of three sets of Heavenly Jewels, and with the Coordination Attribute match him in pure strength.

Just as Zhou Weiqing finished speaking, Zang Lang took a deep breath and lifted his left hand, and a brilliant red light flashed out followed by a burst of hot air, and as he pointed toward Zhou Weiqing, five large fireballs flew towards him.

This was a skill that Zhou Weiqing was familiar with. Previously, it was this very skill which Difuya had almost finished him off with. Of course, Zang Lang was not only a Heavenly Jewel Master, but also currently with three sets, and the strength of this skill was definitely much greater than what she had used. At the same time, Zang Lang launched himself towards Zhou Weiqing, one of his Physical Jewels morphing into a long dagger in his right hand, as his figure seemed to flicker and fade in the onlookers’ vision as he flew forward right behind the fireballs.

In a fight between Jewel Masters, strength was not the only deciding factor. Having felt Zhou Weiqing’s strength to be way above his, Zang Lang finally burst forth with his full power.

The fireball skill was only of a two Star Rating, and was one of the most common skills for a first Jewel amongst Fire Attribute Elemental and Heavenly Jewel Masters. However, one could ever underestimate any skill, especially when used by a Heavenly Jewel Master. Such a fireball, when used by Zang Lang, was like heaven and earth when compared to the one that Difuya had used on Zhou Weiqing in the Stars Forest, with a much greater power indeed.

To everyone’s shock, Zhou Weiqing stood there without moving an inch, his mouth set in scornful look. As the five fireballs were about to strike him, his left hand swept forward.

A strange, profound arc appeared from Zhou Weiqing’s left hand, and a loud, ear-piercing tearing sound sounded out as a 3 chi long black scar appeared in the air before Zhou Weiqing, following his hand’s movement. It was as if in that very instance, the air had been torn apart, warping the atmosphere around the area in a several yard radius.

A strong suction force seemed to be suddenly released by the strange black tear in the air, and the five fireballs which had been rushing towards Zhou Weiqing suddenly turned around, vanishing deep into the black crack.

That… what was that skill?! To the commoner students all around, none of them had even heard of such a skill, let alone seen it before. Everyone stared at it in shock, their jaws dropping to the ground.

The one with the strongest feeling was Zang Lang himself; at that moment, he had been charging forward, and was right behind the five fireballs. However, when the air had twisted, the black line that had formed and the sudden suction force had caused him to stop, having to circulate all his Heavenly Energy just to stop himself from being sucked into it.

Indeed, what Zhou Weiqing had used was the Spatial Skill which he had Stored from the Silver Emperor - the Spatial Rend! The effect of the Spatial Rend was highly dependant on the cultivation level of the user. If Zhou Weiqing only had a single set of Jewels, it would have been a 1 chi long tear in the air, lasting for only a second; now that he had three sets of Jewels, it was a 3 chi long tear lasting 3 seconds! This was not just simply being three times stronger, as its effect and usage was multiplied several-fold.

Chapter 42 The Power of Spatial Rend (2)

The Spatial Rend skill could be at the very least be considered a 10 Star Rating. It could be said that, for anybody with an equal, or similar, cultivation level to Zhou Weiqing, any 10 Star Rating Skill and below would never be able to break through this Skill, which was both Attack and Defence in one. For such a skill, it was likely that even most Heavenly Jewel Masters with 8-9 sets of Jewels would not even have a skill this strong. Currently, Zang Lang had three sets of Heavenly Jewels, same as Zhou Weiqing, and no matter what skill he used, he would never be able to break through that Spatial Rend.

Facing the Spatial Rend, Zang Lang’s body was almost dragged to the side. His original plan of using his close combat abilities combined with the distracting fireball attack had been totally ruined by the single Spatial Rend skill.

Zhou Weiqing gave a cold laugh, and just at the split second before the Spatial Rend disappeared, his right leg lashed out once more.

Zang Lang was at such a close distance, and he was totally off balance from keeping himself falling prey to the suction force of the Spatial Rend. As such, he was totally unable to dodge the kick once more, and had no choice but to use the dagger in his left hand to strike forth towards Zhou Weiqing’s right leg.

A light *Ting* sounded out as Zang Lang’s Consolidated Dagger was deflected, and his entire body was once again blown back by Zhou Weiqing’s kick. Despite having circulated all his Heavenly Energy and making use of all of his Coordination to diffuse much of the power of the blow, the sheer impact caused blood to well up in his throat, and he threw up a mouthful of blood in midair. This was even under the condition that Zhou Weiqing did not use the full strength of his Demonic Right Leg. After all, he did not want to accidently kill someone in school. As his right leg landed back down onto the ground, he exerted pressure on it as a pivot, and launched himself once again in a blur towards Zang Lang.