Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 6 (Chapter 36 - Chapter 54)

Indeed, the person who was bargaining with the landlord was Ming Hua.

When Ming Hua spotted Zhou Weiqing, she was obviously startled as well. Looking at Shangguan Bing’er beside him, her mouth curled in an amused smirk.

Zhou Weiqing took a peek at Ming Hua’s voluptuous, sexy body, ripe as a peach, and couldn’t help swallow a gulp of saliva. Damn, she is hot!

Ming Hua looked to be about 20 years old or so. Compared to Shangguan Bing’er, her beauty was the sort that was displayed out and more mature looking, a contrast with Shangguan Bing’er’s sweet, quiet and graceful beauty.

“You are the ones who want to rent this place?” Ming Hua’s eyes shone with a seductive gleam as she smiled faintly and said in a soft tone. “How about letting me have the place instead please?”

Zhou Weiqing was almost dazed by her look, and almost agreed to it when he felt a sharp pain on his waist as Shangguan Bing’er pinched him. “No, we were the ones who rented this first. Little Fatty, pay the rent.” It was indeed a rare sight to see Shangguan Bing’er so resolute and firm, clearly Ming Hua’s beauty gave her a sense of danger.

Ming Hua gave a faint smile, looking at Zhou Weiqing who was standing at the side swallowing saliva in several large gulps, and she said once again in a softer, more gentle tone. “Won’t you let me have it please?” As she said that, she thought to herself. Brother said this little fellow is dangerous, but it seems that despite his abilities, looking at his character, he doesn’t seem to be much.

“No way. If my wife says no then of course the answer is no.” Just as Ming Hua was full of disdain towards Zhou Weiqing in her heart, the lustful looking rascal suddenly seemed to morph instantly into a gentleman, speaking suavely. The speed of him changing face was indeed impressive.

Ming Hua started faintly, though the expression on her face did not change. She was not called the Flower of Hades’ Underworld for nothing. “What if I do not want to leave?”

“Errr…” Zhou Weiqing turned his head to look at Shangguan Bing’er with a troubled look on his face. Although he liked beauties, without question Shangguan Bing’er’s place in his heart was unshakable, which was why he was able to change faces so quickly. However, looking at Ming Hua’s expression of ‘not giving a damn’, he was at a loss on what to do.

Shangguan Bing’er couldn’t stand Ming Hua’s seductive look and said solemnly: “This lady, please control yourself and think of your own reputation. If you aren’t willing to leave yourself, then we will have to ask you to do so personally.” As she said that, she lifted her right hand, and in a flash of green light, her three Dragonstone Jade Physical Jewels appeared around her wrist.

Ming Hua’s eyes revealed a hint of surprise. Another 3-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master? How surprising! This year’s crop of commoner freshmen students are indeed impressive! Even the Fei Li Heavenly Jewel Master Academy might not even have 3-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master freshmen.

Upon seeing Shangguan Bing’er release her Physical Jewels, the landlord’s face turned pale. Such a pure white colour surely meant she was a Heavenly Jewel Master! He did not dare to offend any Heavenly Jewel Master. His last shred of hesitation disappeared, and just as he was about to open his mouth to ask Ming Hua to leave, she also lifted up her right hand. With another flash of light, four milky white waxy Jade Jewels appeared around her wrist - denoting the Flexibility Physical Jewel.

This time, it was Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er’s turn to be shocked. Shangguan Bing’er couldn’t help but cry out in surprise: “Lower Level Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Master?!”

Ming Hua’s beautiful face blushed with a tinge of embarrassment, making anyone who looked at her feel an urge to protect her. “I have to protect myself right?”

“Masturbate… [1. pun / wordplay & both read as (zi wei),the former meaning self protection and the latter is self pleasure *ahem*]” Zhou Weiqing felt a rush of blood to his head and nearly bled out from the nose as he stared at Ming Hua with a strange expression on his face.

Ming Hua blushed fully red, this time it was for real. How could she not hear what Zhou Weiqing meant. “Hmph, you’re only sixteen years old, so young, yet what is in that head of yours! What a pity this beautiful young lady is with you. Fine, I won’t act with you anymore, I am definitely renting this house. If you have the capability, you can defeat me and I will let you have it instead, if not, it is mine!”

The landlord had by now retreated far away. Both sides were Heavenly Jewel Masters, and he certainly did not want any part in this argument, and letting both sides resolve the matter between themselves was the wiser choice on his part.

Hearing Ming Hua’s words, Zhou Weiqing asked puzzledly: “How did you know I am sixteen years old?”

Ming Hua gave a cold humph and said: “If I know means I know, stop talking rubbish. If you want to rent this house, you’ll have to defeat me first. Aren’t you so good at fighting eh?”

Zhou Weiqing stared at her speechless for a while, before finally saying: “Beautiful lady, aren’t you being unreasonable?”

Ming Hua laughed enchantingly: “Are you asking a lady to be reasonable? You must be dreaming.”

As she said that, she sashayed towards Zhou Weiqing, her slim waist moving like a slim tree in the wind, as if about to break at any time.

Zhou Weiqing looked at her voluptuous figure with another gulp, before thrusting out his chest, acting in a bold manner. “Fine, fight it shall be! As if I will be scared of you!? Bing’er, move aside a little.”

Shangguan Bing’er made a slight sound of agreement, moving to the side. Although she had warned Zhou Weiqing earlier not to cause trouble, she knew that if someone was looking for trouble and being unreasonable, they had no choice but to act as well. After all, she was kindhearted, not stupid. Furthermore, from the look of Ming Hua’s Heavenly Jewels, it was likely that she was no match for Ming Hua. However, it might be different for Zhou Weiqing, as Shangguan Bing’er was very clear how much power her Little Fatty had now, especially after breaking through to his third set of Heavenly Jewels, she herself was no match for him already. It could be said that, with his six attributes and that Demonic Right Leg, Zhou Weiqing was unbeatable amongst anyone of equal level. Even with four sets of Jewels, Ming Hua might not be able to defeat him. Basically, for the Heavenly Bow Unit to let the two of them out half a year early, they indeed felt that there was nothing more they could teach the two of them, most especially Zhou Weiqing.

Chapter 43 Flower of Hades’ Underworld (3)

As Ming Hua sashayed sexily towards Zhou Weiqing, reaching to about a five yards distance from him, Zhou Weiqing muttered: “35… no… 36… 35.5! That’s gotta be it! And between D and E cup! Impressive perkiness!”

The seductive smile on Ming Hua’s face froze as she quickly realised what Zhou Weiqing was saying. A cold light flashed in her eyes. In an instant, the beautiful and seductive young lady became an ice cold lady filled with killer intent, a wintry aura locking onto Zhou Weiqing’s body.

Without warning, her right hand flashed out towards Zhou Weiqing’s throat.

Zhou Weiqing’s reaction was not only quick, but straightforward and extremely effective. Both hands shot forth ahead in a claw shape, savagely moving forward.

It had to be known that Zhou Weiqing was after all at a height of 1.9 metres, while Ming Hua was barely 1.7 metres or so, such a height advantage as well as advantage in terms of reach was without question. As such, before Ming Hua’s hands could reach him, his hands would reach her first, and would reach the… 35.5…