Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 6 (Chapter 36 - Chapter 54)

The aunty glared at him, saying: “Looking for someone? Every boy who comes over says that. No excuses are accepted. You can call out, but you definitely can’t enter.”

Zhou Weiqing once again felt that his idea of renting an apartment outside was just too genius. Without any choice, he yelled out loud: “Bing’er! Your husband is here to look for you!!”

He shouted out so loudly that not just the entire girl’s dormitory heard it, even the entire boy’s dormitory heard it. As some of them looked out to see it was him, the entire boy’s dormitory fell into silence.

Before long, Bing’er rushed out with a red face, quickly running to him and glaring at him. Rolling her eyes, she said: “Stupid Little Fatty, why did you shout out like that?”

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “I didn’t yell anything wrongly. Aunty, this is my wife, please take care of her!”

The aunty did not give him face, and just gave a cold humph, and Bing’er quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him away at a run. She was just too afraid that this little rascal would say something else more to throw both their faces.

As they reached the entrance, Zhou Weiqing heard the aunty mutter to herself: “A fresh beautiful flower stuck on bullshit, what a waste of such a good girl.” [3. Literal translation of - an idiom saying wasting of a beauty/talented lady on a ugly/untalented man.]

Zhou Weiqing stumbled and almost fell down, while Bing’er couldn’t help but giggle upon hearing the aunty’s words. “Little Fatty, why did you call me out?”

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “I found our love nest! This is the exit permit, Bing’er, with it we can leave the academy at any time without restrictions.” As he said that, he passed her one of the exit permits he had bought earlier.

“You already found some place to rent and stay?” Shangguan Bing’er asked in surprise.

Zhou Weiqing said with a smug face: “Of course, when your husband puts his mind to it, how can there be something he can’t accomplish? Come, let me bring you to see our new home. I’ve already paid the deposit, but I must of course let my beautiful wife look and see first before confirming it.”

Seeing Zhou Weiqing’s hot gaze on her, Shangguan Bing’er rapped him on the head and said softly: “We stated beforehand, we are sleeping in separate rooms ok! If not, you can stay there alone with Da Huang and Er Huang.”

Zhou Weiqing nodded without hesitation. “No problem, I am a respectable gentleman, my nickname is called Honest, Dependable Little Gentleman, the Spotlessly Clean Handsome Youth. I would never do something like peek at a beauty bathing, or sneak into your room at night *ahem*, anything like that.”

Shangguan Bing’er gave a cold humph and said: “You better not! If you get caught by me, I will immediately move back into my dorm room. Wait for me, I’ll go take my things, I bought some daily sundries earlier.”

Zhou Weiqing slapped himself on the forehead and said: “Yes right, how could I forget! I also need to bring the sweet cotton quilt that my beloved wife Bing’er bought for me!”

Bing’er flushed red again, but felt sweet in her heart. “You are always such a sweet talker!”

As the pair of them returned back to the dormitory, the aunty was still sitting at the entrance to the girl’s dormitory. Seeing that they had returned, she immediately looked at Zhou Weiqing vigilantly. “Little brat, why? Are you trying to take revenge on me? Let me tell you, if you dare touch I, Your Mother, I will immediately yell out Molest!”

Zhou Weiqing didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as he stared at this unbelievable aunty. “Aunty, you are my like my real mother okay? How could I dare touch you? I’ll definitely keep my distance from you.” As he said that, he quickly ran back to his room.”

As soon as he pushed open his room door, he immediately sensed a strange atmosphere in his room. As he entered, all the other seven roommate’s gazes swiveled to and landed upon him.

Chapter 43 Flower of Hades’ Underworld (2)

The large fellow Ma Qun was staring at Zhou Weiqing with a strange look on his face, though he was no longer giving his usual honest naive act. As for Kou Rui, he was looking at Zhou Weiqing with a fiery, passionate, adoring gaze. With a *swoosh*, he had jumped off from his bunk.

“Boss! I want to be your subordinate, let me follow you from now on!” Kou Rui said directly.

Zhou Weiqing started. “Why? Wasn’t it a mistake earlier? That Zang Lang fellow is actually protecting the other commoner students? Why do you want to follow me? Is that fellow okay?”

Kou Rui said: “That day, he awoke not long after you left, he did not sustain any heavy injuries. When he left, he did not say anything. Perhaps what the rest of the seniors said is true, and that he has always been protecting the commoner students. However, to me, all I saw was that when we were being bullied, you were the only one in our dormitory who stood up to defend us. You are a Spatial Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, I can still recognize the Blink skill… Furthermore with three sets of Jewels and Consolidated Equipment to boot. We commoner students are already being suppressed, so I am more than willing to follow you during our study period. I believe that if we meet something similar again, you can do a lot better than Zang Lang.

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: “Good. I’ll take care of you in future, I like intelligent fellows like you.” As he said that, he grabbed the quilt from his bed. “However, I will not be staying in the dormitory in future, I’ll see you all in class tomorrow.”

Kou Rui started. “Boss, you are moving out to stay?”

Zhou Weiqing nodded his head, saying: “I already rented a house, Kou Rui. Oh yes, are you a Physical Jewel Master or a Elemental Jewel Master?”

Kou Rui said rather gloomily: “I’m a Physical Jewel Master, 2-Jeweled, without any Consolidated Equipment. My attributes are half agility and half coordination, one of the most useless combinations of Physical Jewel Masters, without any form of attacking capabilities. If not for that, I would have rushed to fight with them as well.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head, saying: “There are no such thing as useless powers or abilities, it is just a matter of finding your path of training. We can speak more about that in the future, I have to go now to confirm my new lodgings. I’ll talk to you when we meet back up in class.” As he said that, he headed out towards the exit. From start to end, none of the other roommates spoke a single word to him. Besides Ma Qun, the other five were looking at him with obvious fear and hesitation.

When Zhou Weiqing reached the entrance of the dormitory building, Shangguan Bing’er was already waiting for him. With exit permits in hand, they managed to leave the school. After walking for several minutes, crossing a small path, they finally reached the room that Zhou Weiqing had found.

As they neared the entrance, they heard the sound of an argument.

“No, I’m sorry young lady, that is not possible. I have already accepted another person’s deposit. Even if you pay more, I cannot break my word, I’m sorry.”

Another voice sounded out: “Uncle landlord, look at me, a lone girl, could you bear to kick me out all alone into the streets? At most… I’ll pay double of your asking price.” The voice was extremely soft and seductive, yet with a strand of coldness within, extremely unique and intriguing.


“No, double the price will not do! Don’t you understand the meaning of first come first serve?” Zhou Weiqing pushed open the door and said as he entered the house.

The landlord was a middle aged man of almost fifty years of age, with an awkward look on his face showing the dilemma he was facing. In front of him stood a young lady dressed in white.

Looking at the young lady, Zhou Weiqing started, thinking to himself: Isn’t that Ming Yu’s little sister? Why isn’t she staying at home instead of trying to rent this room here?