Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 6 (Chapter 36 - Chapter 54)

Zhou Weiqing lifted his hand, holding back Kou Rui and looked to Ma Qun beside him: “Big fool, didn’t you call me boss? Very well, go and throw these baldies out, and I will accept you as my subordinate.”

Ma Qun’s mouth twitched a little as he said aggrievedly: “Boss, I can’t do that! You know my powers, I’m good at taking blows, not dishing them out.”

Zhou Weiqing gave him a deep look, and Ma Qun felt a cold streak run down his spine, though he kept his aggrieved look on his face.

Zhou Weiqing gave a faint smile, patting him on his muscled chest, saying: “You just lost your chance to be my subordinate.”

Ma Qun started, his brow furrowing, thinking to himself. This fellow, he really thought I want to be his subordinate?! As he was thinking that, Zhou Weiqing had already turned around to face the five bald seniors.

“My dear seniors, do you want to get lost yourselves, or do you want me to throw you out?” Zhou Weiqing said calmly.

The five bald seniors stared at him dumbfounded. Zhou Weiqing’s innocent looking smile was just too confusing; saying such savage words with that expression, they just weren’t able to wrap their heads around it. “What did you say?!”

“I said, you guys can get lost now.” Zhou Weiqing did not say anything else, taking an abrupt step forward, giving a straight right fist towards the leader with the three Physical Jewels.

The bald leader instinctively raised both his arms to block Zhou Weiqing’s fist, but in the next instant, a loud *Bang* sounded out. Even under the boost of his Physical Jewels, the leader was knocked right back into the senior standing behind him, and both of them flew out of the door from the sheer power of the fist alone. Right at the same time, Zhou Weiqing’s left leg flickered out like lightning, three kicks, three men - and the other three seniors were all sent flying out as well. He did not even use any combat tricks in his attack, just using pure strength in doing so. These Physical Jewel Master’s Heavenly Energy cultivation level was even lower than his own, not to mention their physique and the boosts from their Physical Jewels. None of them were even able to take a single blow from him.

As the five seniors were all knocked out of the room into the hallway outside, all of Zhou Weiqing’s roommates jaw dropped in surprise. The only thing that was in their mind was this - No wonder Ma Qun, that big fellow, would call him boss. What monstrous strength?!

Chapter 42 The Power of Spatial Rend (1)

Zhou Weiqing did not pause after knocking back the five bald seniors, taking a few steps forward. The rest of the roommates, including Ma Qun, followed him out. No matter what they felt earlier, be it righteous anger or fear, they wanted to know what happened next.

The five bald seniors had taken a huge knock, especially the leader who had been struck by Zhou Weiqing’s fist. Currently, their faces were filled with shock and disbelief. After all, as Physical Jewel Masters, most of them had some form of strength boost mixed about this, and they were confident in their physical ability. Alas, when Zhou Weiqing launched his simple attack, they were not even able to put up a smidgen of resistance.

Zhou Weiqing shouted loudly: “Commoner freshmen, come on out everyone, come and see, these are our seniors, they came here to collect protection fees from us. If any of you paid them earlier, you can come here and collect back your money.”

The 3 Jeweled bald senior jumped up, still numb in the area where Zhou Weiqing had hit him just now. With a mix of anger and fear, he stared at Zhou Weiqing and cried out: “You little brat, are you asking for death? We won’t let you go so easily.”

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly, saying: “I never planned to let you go easily either! You are all Physical Jewel Masters, go ahead, use your Consolidated Equipment. I want to see the power of your Consolidated Equipment! Ehh, why aren’t you using it? Could it be, you don’t have any Consolidated Equipment? Or are you just scared of me?”

In just a short instant, almost the entire commoner dormitory level, from freshmen to seniors, had heard the commotion and many had popped out to have a look. Looking at the five bald seniors, many of the students had discontented looks on their faces; not just the freshmen, but even some of the seniors as well.

Seeing that there was a crowd, Zhou Weiqing cried out loudly: “I’m sure most of you know who these five people are. Earlier, they told me that the commoner dormitory has a rule, a rule that all rooms have to pay them 100 gold per month. I don’t know whether the rest of you are willing to pay or not, but I for sure am not going to pay that. Baldies, remember who I, Your Father, am. My name is Zhou Weiqing, and from today, your so-called rule is abolished. Get lost!”

Hearing Zhou Weiqing’s words, many of the freshmen erupted in a loud cheer, but the strange thing was that all the seniors remained silent, most of them looking at Zhou Weiqing with a pitying look.

The three Jeweled bald senior glared coldly at Zhou Weiqing. “Little brat, you are indeed strong. Every year, there are always a few people like you among the freshmen. However, you will regret it.”

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily: “I may not know whether or not I will regret this, but what I do know for sure is that if you do not get lost now, you will definitely regret it.”

“Little brat, do not be so arrogant.” At that same moment, a deep, serious voice spoke from the direction of the seniors’ rooms. As soon as they heard the voice, joy appeared on the bald seniors’ faces. The onlooking seniors instantly parted to reveal a path, most of their faces showing a look of respect or fear.

A male senior wearing the commoner uniform walked slowly through the path. He was also bald, and stood about 1.8 metres tall with broad muscular shoulders. Although he was walking slowly, he seemed to give a very oppressive aura. The most eye-catching thing about his appearance was a long knife scar on the right side of his face.

Zhou Weiqing could obviously feel a sense of danger emitting from this man, but the smile on his face did not change at all. “Brother Lang” The five bald seniors called out respectfully, quickly moving behind him as if he was their savior.

The scar-faced man looked at Zhou Weiqing, his gaze as piercing as a sharp blade, and when he spoke, it was as if his voice a metallic, deadly tone. “My name is Zang Lang. Were you the one who said you were abolishing my rule of the protection fee?”

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly: “I do not care what Lang you are, as long as you don’t provoke me.”

Zang Lang’s eyes narrowed and he nodded, saying: “Very good. You have to pay a toll for destroying public property, come with me.” As he said that, he walked past Zhou Weiqing and headed out.

The other seniors looked at Zhou Weiqing like he was a dead person, while the other freshmen looked at him with hope in their faces. Zhou Weiqing laughed and patted himself on the chest, saying: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, everyone go back to your own business. Relax, even if I have to beat him up into a dead Lang, I won’t let him take the so-called protection fee.”

As he said that, Zhou Weiqing headed out as well. Amongst his roommates, the first one to follow him out was Kou Rui. Ma Qun hesitated for a while before following as well, while the others exchanged looks and snuck back into the room.

Zhou Weiqing had his hands in his pockets, casually walking out of the dormitory behind Zang Lang and his five bald subordinates. They walked past the main school building right into the main square, where there was much open space, before they all finally stopped.

As Zang Lang stopped, he turned to look at Zhou Weiqing, who had a nonchalant look on his face, and said coldly: “If you can defeat me, you can set the rules of the commoner dormitory. If you lose, you have to listen to me.”

Zhou Weiqing laughed out loud. “Are you having a fever? I’m not here to bet with you, if you defeat me you think you can control me?”