Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 6 (Chapter 36 - Chapter 54)

As soon as they exited the room, Zhou Weiqing’s mouth curled in scorn as he said: “Bing’er, look at the grey and white uniforms, the material is no better than what I am wearing. As compared to what I have seen those noble students wearing, it is definitely a huge difference, even in terms of looks. This Fei Li Military Academy is apparently very obviously attending to a difference in status!”

Shangguan Bing’er said quietly: “Softer! Little Fatty, you must remember that we are here to learn. Since we are under their roof, what else can we do but follow their rules? I know that you are indignant, but you cannot kick up a fuss. Come on, let’s head to the dormitory and arrange our things, let me help you clean up as well.”

“En.” Perhaps it was because his character was gradually and subtly being influenced by the black pearl, but currently Zhou Weiqing’s emotions were rather riled up and unruly.

The dormitory was right behind the main school building, and was only slightly smaller. Even still, it was of quite an impressive size. Following the numbers of their keys, they quickly made their way to Zhou Weiqing’s dorm.

The instant when the door opened, he was greeted by a blast of terrifying odour - years of athlete’s feet! That smell almost made Zhou Weiqing fall over, as he quickly blocked Shangguan Bing’er from entering, as he held his breath and rushed into the room to slam open the window, and let the ventilation flow. Only then did the air clear a little.

The dorm room was not small, almost 40 square metres in size, with 4 bunk beds at the corners. There was also an open area which had been split into eight regions, with 2 large metal cabinets, 2 large tables and 4 chairs. Besides that, the room was empty, except for the fact that rubbish was strewn everywhere, and the entire room was both dirty and messy. The bunk beds were still bare and showing the wooden planks below, with the mattresses, bedding and sheets nowhere to be seen. Zhou Weiqing’s mouth twitched a little, this was not even comparable to his bunk in the army.

In contrast, it seemed that Shangguan Bing’er was a lot more composed. “Little Fatty, why don’t you rest a bit, I will clear it up for you. Your room doesn’t even have a space for us to sit currently.”

“Let me do it myself.” Zhou Weiqing quickly stopped her.

Shangguan Bing’er giggled and said: “Cleaning a room is a girl’s job, why are you snatching it from me. A man should take charge of external matters while women should take care of domestic matters[3. Please no feminist arguments! This is their setting!], if you try and snatch it from me, I will get angry. Let me learn how to take care of you first. I’ll go and buy a basin to hold water for cleaning.” As she said that, she turned in a whirl and left.

As Zhou Weiqing watched her leave, he felt a warmth in his heart. Looking at the four bunk beds which could hold 8 men, he said angrily: “Hmph, those other fellows really got the advantage.” As he said that, he did not stay idle. Although Shangguan Bing’er wanted to help him clean up, he could not bare for her to pick up those dirty trash. As such, he seized the opportunity that she was buying a basin, and quickly gathered all the trash lying around and threw them all out. By the time Shangguan Bing’er had returned with a basin of water, the room was clear and ready to be wiped down. “Bing’er, later I’ll follow you to the girl’s dorm and help you clear the rubbish, and also get to know where you stay. Heh heh.” Zhou Weiqing grinned and said.

Chapter 41 Fei Li Military Academy (2)

Shangguan Bing’er said exasperatedly: “Don’t give me that. You want to go look at beauties or to help me clear the rubbish? Do you think us girls are so dirty like you boys? I popped in to have a look just now and my dorm is much cleaner!”

Just as the two were sharing a moment of warm tender feelings, there was a loud commotion from outside. All of a sudden, there was a loud bang as the dorm room was knocked open, and seven youths entered the room. The dorm was meant for eight, and with that, all of them were present. To his surprise, Zhou Weiqing found that he knew one of them, it was that huge fellow Ma Qun who he had knocked down the other day.

As soon as the seven entered the room, they saw Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing’er within, especially the sight of Shangguan Bing’er cleaning the cabinets, the seven of them halted, dumbfounded.

A skinny, short student asked, his jaw agape: “Heavens! I have heard rumours about the terrifying state of the boy’s dorm being messy and dirty, but this looks pretty good! This brother over here, is that your girlfriend?”

Currently, Shangguan Bing’er was standing with her back facing them, as such none of the others saw her unparalleled beauty, and their eyes naturally fell to Zhou Weiqing who was sitting in a chair. Zhou Weiqing nodded his head smugly and said: “Yes! Are you guys also staying in this dorm room?”

The skinny little student nodded and said: “Yes, we all are. Earlier when we reported, we were assigned to the same room. Bro, you sure have good luck, and we have all benefited along with you. Come, let’s introduce ourselves, my name is Kou Rui.”

Since all 7 of them had entered at once, the large room suddenly felt tiny and squeezy. Zhou Weiqing looked to Shangguan Bing’er and said: “Bing’er, why don’t you head back first, we can finish up ourselves.”

This time, Shangguan Bing’er did not insist, nodding lightly to him before turning around. She gave the rest a smile before leaving with the basin.

With that smile, the entire room was instantly silenced. Besides Ma Qun, who had seen her previously and had some measure of preparation, the other six were dazed by her sheer beauty. They had never seen such dazzling beauty in their lives, and instantly they all fell silent. It was only when Zhou Weiqing gave a few coughs when they finally broke out of their reverie. By the time they looked at him once more, their gazes were filled with envy and jealousy.

Zhou Weiqing had chosen one of the lower bunks, and Ma Qun quickly walked over to take the one above him. Just as he was about to place his luggage in the bed above, Zhou Weiqing gave him a light kick and said exasperatedly: “Cheh, go to another bunk. Look at your size and weight, if you stay above me, what if the whole thing collapses on me.”

The other six were once again stunned. Although they had come in with Ma Qun, they had kept their distance, after all his size was just too intimidating, and they had also heard he was a Heavenly Jewel Master. As such, they were a little afraid of Ma Qun. Who knew that as soon as they had entered the room, the fellow within would give him a kick.

Just as the six of them thought a fight would break out, something even more surprising happened.

Ma Qun said with an ingratiating tone. “Boss, I just wanted to be closer to you. I shall just take the lower bed on the bunk beside yours then.”

“En, alright.” Zhou Weiqing stood up and stretched lazily before saying: “Guys, my name is Zhou Weiqing. You all unpack your stuff, I’m heading out for a stroll.”

To be honest, he was not used to having so many people in his room, especially now that they were unpacking and keeping their things, causing the whole place to be in a mess once more.

After Zhou Weiqing left, Kou Rui and the rest looked at Ma Qun with a changed expression, thinking to themselves. So this fellow just looks good but is just a weak fella! Such a coward.

Ma Qun felt their gazes on him, and he glared at them. “What are you all looking at? Looking for a fight? Let me remind you guys, in this dorm, Big Bro Zhou is the boss, and I am the Lao Er[1. Basically he calls Zhou Weiqing (lao da), or Boss, and himself as (lao er), or the second in position. The pun here is that Lao Er is also an euphemism for penis.]. Understand?”

There was a moment of silence, and all six of them burst out laughing. “Indeed, you are the Lao Er. Hahaha.”

Only then did Ma Qun realise the mistakes in his words, and he stood up with a gloomy look on his face. The dorm room was a boisterous and noisy scene indeed.