Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 259-Chapter 308)

On the other side, Tian’er was doing the same thing to Duo Si, dispelling the Destruction Energy within her body.

After it was done, Zhou Weiqing did not loosen up. Instead, he furrowed his brows. He did not lift the huge hammer in his hand - it continued resting on top of Hui Yao’s head.

“Woo——” Hui Yao slowly let out a low dragon’s roar. He gradually opened his huge dragon’s eyes. When his blurred vision became clear, a mournful dragon’s roar erupted from Hui Yao’s mouth.

“No——, my children.” On the other side, Duo Si’s grief-stricken howl rang through the air at the same time. The two enormous dragons let out sorrowful howls hysterically at the same time, causing the powerhouses present to feel heartbroken as well.

Even though Zhou Weiqing had already seen that coming, he still could not help but feel heavy-hearted. Even Hui Yao and Duo Si had been enslaved by the Blood Red Hell, one could imagine what they must have done to their children.

At this moment, the only thing Zhou Weiqing could do was to use his gentle Saint Energy to continuously ease the grief in Hui Yao and Duo Si’s hearts.

After some time, Hui Yao and Duo Si gradually calmed down. Hui Yao lifted his huge head and looked at Zhou Weiqing. His massive body was trembling.

“Weiqing, they…they killed my children and used them as a blood sacrifice to the Lord of the Nether. I, I……”

Zhou Weiqing squatted and gently caressed Hui Yao’s huge head. “What has passed is past. Turn your grief into strength, my friend. We had already destroyed the Blood Red Hell, and I have killed Fen Tian. Our top priority right now is to go to the seal of the Netherworld passageway and strengthen it, such that the Lord of the Nether’s desire to come to our world will be unfulfilled.”

Chapter 302 - The Resentment Space (1)

After hearing Zhou Weiqing’s words, Hui Yao and Duo Si’s eyes gradually turned red; their bodies continuously released powerful murderous vibes. After Zhou Weiqing probed, they finally told him everything that had happened after they separated.

As it turned out, after Hui Yao and his wife had parted ways with Zhou Weiqing, they went to look for their children. Using the linkage of their bloodline, they found the Blood Red Hell and happened to see Fen Tian using their children as a blood sacrifice to the Lord of the Nether.

Naturally, Hui Yao and his wife fought against Fen Tian with all their might. However, at that moment, the Lord of the Nether’s Destruction Energy befell on Fen Tian once again and under his control, it inflicted serious injuries on Hui Yao and his wife. Thereafter, using the power obtained from sacrificing their children, he took the opportunity to enslave them while they were in a delirious state as a result of their rage. It was not until now that they had regained their consciousness.

Duo Si went up next to Hui Yao. Their necks touched and Duo Si burst into tears. Anyone who had lost their children would be grieving this much too!

At this moment, suddenly, a bout of strange energy ripples caused the entire space to tremble, triggering everyone to be on guard.

The air was not the only thing that was quivering - the ground was shaking as well. The destructive aura that came from the abyss greeted them. Even though it was not very strong, it was still a Destruction aura after all. Hence, everyone could not help but look horrified. The sky that had lit up not long ago seemed to have become dull once again.

The Sidhe Empress hurriedly urged, “Weiqing, quickly absorb Fen Tian’s Heavenly Core Nucleus. We must go over immediately. The Lord of the Nether should be trying to break the seal right now, and it seems as though the seal might not be able to hold him off any longer.”

Zhou Weiqing did not dare to be negligent. He activated his Astral Celestial Territory; Fen Tian’s Heavenly Core Nucleus transformed into a stream of light that channeled into the Astral Celestial Territory. Immediately, a myriad of starlight seemed to have flickered at the same time before sending the feedback to his body, causing Zhou Weiqing’s cultivation base to rise rapidly.

The Sidhe Empress did not idle about - she sat cross-legged suspended in mid-air, restoring the Life Energy that had been drained from her body earlier. Sealing the Lord of the Nether was truly the final part of the war.

Immersing himself within the pure starlight, circles of halos started emerging around Zhou Weiqing’s Saint God Core Nucleus. Even ripples started appearing on the surface of his skin. His Saint Energy continued to be purified during the process of raising his cultivation base. However, he had realized that, just like what the Sidhe Empress mentioned before, even if he were to engage in the Astral Feedback using Fen Tian’s powerful Destruction Heavenly Core Nucleus, he would still be unable to reach the level that Fen Tian had half his foot in earlier.

Apparently, possessing Saint Energy did not allow one to enter the Heavenly Change Stage. Contrary to what he had thought, the Creation properties within the Saint Energy had limited his future.

If reaching the Heavenly Stage meant that the individual had become a God, then in that case, he could never become one.

In Zhou Weiqing’s eyes, becoming a God was not important at all. However, if he was unable to break through this barrier, how was he going to deal with the Lord of the Nether in the event he successfully broke the seal? How was he going to protect his family, friends and the entire world?

Even though Zhou Weiqing did not feel strongly about possessing power and authority, he had always been a person who had a strong desire for control. He hated situations that depended on luck and were completely out of his control the most. However, at this moment, all he could do was to try his very best to increase his cultivation base. Every little increase he made would result in more luck to be on his side.

Accompanying the increase of his cultivation base, the Astral Celestial Territory did not actually get bigger. Instead, it engulfed Zhou Weiqing’s body within it, and seemed to have also embedded stars, that could release Saint Energy, on his ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set. The Saint Energy that was getting purer and purer had forcefully suppressed the Destruction Energy that was rising from the abyss down below.

Gradually, the starlight dwindled; The energy from the Astral Feedback had been thoroughly absorbed by Zhou Weiqing’s body. Fen Tian’s Destruction Heavenly Core Nucleus was indeed powerful. As the saying went, when the situation was at its worst, things would start to look up and improve. The Nebula Saint Energy that was obtained from the feedback of this Heavenly Core Nucleus, which possessed powerful Destruction Energy, drained less energy compared to the Astral Feedback of the Heavenly Core Nucleus that belonged to the other ordinary Heavenly Jewel Masters. Zhou Weiqing’s cultivation base had been forcefully risen from Mid Level Heavenly God Stage to Max Level Heavenly God Stage, and there was still a surplus of Saint Energy. However, the remaining Saint Energy could only make his own Saint Energy become stronger - it could not help him make any other breakthrough.

The Astral Celestial Territory became dimmer, however, the specks of starlight on Zhou Weiqing’s ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set did not disappear. Instead, they became clearer. The starlight on top of the white armor flickered - it seemed as though brilliance, that was filled with Saint Energy, could be emitted from any part of Zhou Weiqing’s body with just a thought.

Zhou Weiqing looked over at the Sidhe Empress. She was still sitting cross-legged, suspended in the air. Circles of Life light continuously expanded and recalled.

“Weiqing, I will go with you.” Dongfang Hanyue’s calm voice was heard. She had arrived in front of Zhou Weiqing, while riding on the Tenebrous Demon Dragon.

“We will go too.” The three Shangguan sisters and Little Witch rushed over to him in a jiffy.