Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 259-Chapter 308)

“The Sidhe Tribe and the Dragon Tribe were once powerful in the past. Even during the peak of our glory, our population was only 0.0001% of your population now. We are envious, or even jealous, of the human beings’ ability to reproduce. The more conflicts and schemes there are amongst human beings, there will naturally be more negative emotions.”

“At the beginning, these negative emotions were only being given off by the human beings. However, as the negative emotions accumulated, they triggered some energy to mutate and hence opening up a tiny space. We called it the Resentment Space in ancient times. When it first appeared, it was extremely tiny, to the extent that nobody could detect it. However as the human beings gradually became more powerful and eventually became the ruler of the Mainland, wars and massacres continued to happen. Thus, it caused the Resentment Space to become bigger and bigger. When we had finally noticed its existence, it had already created its own consciousness, and that is the Lord of the Nether.”

Chapter 302 - The Resentment Space (3)

“At the start, we still had the ability to destroy him if we joined forces. However, the Lord of the Nether was extremely cunning - he drilled a hole underground in the space he was in. As a result, our ancestors could not locate him for a long period of time. When they had found him again, he had already become much more powerful - as powerful as the Fen Tian you dealt with earlier. At that time, the Saint Attribute did not exist. The Sidhe Empress at that time had thoroughly drained herself in order to weaken him significantly. Nonetheless, she was unable to kill him. The Dragon Emperor put in place a seal, together with the other Dragon powerhouses, and managed to seal him with much difficulty, such that he was unable to absorb any more resentment from the external world.”

After hearing that, Zhou Weiqing felt somewhat relieved. However, the Sidhe Empress had a mournful look on her face, “That battle had significantly weakened the vitality of the Sidhe Tribe and the Dragon Tribe. We had lost our most powerful powerhouses in that battle. Hence, it expedited the process of human beings taking over the world.”

Zhou Weiqing replied, “If that is the case, the Lord of the Nether should be extremely weak since he was being sealed! Since he was unable to absorb any resentment from the external world, he should not be able to become any stronger. What happened?”

The Sidhe Empress forced a smile and said, “It was indeed like that at the start - he was unable to strengthen himself, and we had also assumed that we could continue sealing him forever. However, as time went by, things began to change. We have no idea how the Lord of the Nether did it, but he managed to drill a small opening and carefully absorbed the resentment from the external world. When the Dragon Emperor finally noticed it, he had already gotten more powerful. Left with no choices, the Dragon Emperor could only strengthen the seal continuously. However, since the Lord of the Nether was able to break the seal once, naturally, he could do it a second time. If I guessed correctly, when he broke the seal for the second time, he was more careful compared to the first time he did it. He even managed to reach out to the Blood Red Hell and had gotten them to increase the amount of resentment in the external world, before channeling it into the Netherworld via the Blood Red Hell. Once he became sufficiently powerful he finally took action. By then, it was already too late when he had noticed it.”

“After the Destructive Energy, that was formed from the negative emotions, had undergone the Lord of the Nether’s continuous purification, it became powerful to the point that it reached the Heavenly Change Stage. On the other hand, it is impossible for your Saint Energy to make a breakthrough to that level. Right now I simply hope that we are able to borrow your Saint Energy to thoroughly seal the Netherworld once and for all. In that way, you just have to strengthen your Saint Energy and channel it into the seal every now and then, such that he will be unable to get any stronger. Even though we are only solving the problem on a superficial level, and not dealing with the root of it, this is the only thing we can do as of now.”

Zhou Weiqing nodded his head in silence. One could tell how powerful the Lord of the Nether was from how he was able to render such powerful beings, the dragons and the sidhe, completely helpless. However, there was no other way to deal with him. Even though they were unable to get rid of the problem entirely, at least their solution would allow this world to continue its existence.

Hui Yao and Duo Si continued to fly deep down into the abyss; Hui Yao spewed balls of fire from time to time to light up the path ahead. It seemed as though the abyss was bottomless. They had flown for almost fifteen minutes, and based on their speed, they were at least fifty kilometers into the abyss. Nonetheless, there was no indication of them arriving at their destination.

At this moment, suddenly, a soft ‘puff’ was heard and a bout of intense Destructive Energy was spurted out from down below.

Zhou Weiqing’s senses were the keenest; he had reacted immediately upon sensing it. He did not budge. A stream of whitish golden Nebula Saint Energy shot out from a star that was embedded on the chest piece of his ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set. Even though the Destructive Energy was not weak, it was not pure. The whitish golden light flashed and all the Destructive Energy had been consumed by the Saint Energy.

“We have to speed up a little!” said the Sidhe Empress anxiously.

Zhou Weiqing nodded. Dozens of Nebula Saint Energy rays shot out from his ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set, forming an enormous whitish golden light shield that enveloped both dragons within it.

Without needing Zhou Weiqing to tell them, Hui Yao and Duo Si increased their speed with all their might and dove down into the abyss.

The two dragons’ cultivation bases were of the Heavenly God Stage. As they increased their speed with all their might, they were almost as quick as lightning. As they went deeper into the abyss, the aura of the Destructive Energy became more and more intense. Everyone had a grim look on their faces - they were praying hard for the seal to be able to hold out until they got there.


A bout of Destructive Energy, that was several times more powerful than the one before collided against Zhou Weiqing’s Saint Energy light shield. It caused the two dragons to slow down for a moment. Fortunately, with the presence of powerful Saint Energy, as well as the fact that it became more purified ever since Zhou Weiqing reached the Max Level Heavenly God Stage, it managed to forcefully suppress the Destructive Energy in the air. Hence, after pausing for a brief moment, the two dragons were able to pick up speed and dove further down into the abyss.

At this moment, a loud voice erupted, “Who’s that?” Immediately after, a bout of tyrannical energy ripples surged up from the bottom of the abyss. A gigantic figure came into view and blocked Zhou Weiqing and company.

Zhou Weiqing was considered to be a man of wide knowledge and experience. However, when he saw the gigantic figure, he was completely shocked.

Even though the abyss continued to extend downwards, its diameter got smaller and smaller. Even so, it was still approximately 500 meters wide. However, the massive creature that appeared below managed to block the entire 500 meter wide pathway - one could well imagine how huge its body was. Hui Yao and his wife looked extremely small compared to it. Bouts of Destructive aura was continuously being emitted from its body. The Destructive Energy that struck Zhou Weiqing and company turned out to be just a fallout.