Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 259-Chapter 308)

The massive creature was a turtle-shaped Heavenly Beast. However, the only thing that set it apart from a turtle was its head. Its head looked almost identical to Hui Yao’s. In fact, it was slightly bigger than Hui Yao’s. It was a dragon-headed turtle. At this moment, flower-like flames lit up on the patterns on its back. Its dragon eyes glared at Zhou Weiqing and company with hostility.

“It is a dragon turtle,” said the Sidhe Empress, who was somewhat surprised. Her figure flashed and she got off Duo Si’s body. A gentle shade of green light, that was filled with Life Saint Energy, shone onto the dragon turtle’s body.

The dragon turtle was in a daze for a moment, “The Sidhe Tribe? Life Saint Energy…are you the Sidhe Empress?” It looked at the six wings on the Sidhe Empress’ back and the hostility in its eyes quickly disappeared.

The Sidhe Empress quickly replied, “I am the current Sidhe Empress. Respected Dragon Turtle Elder, what is the current situation with the seal? We had just killed the representative of the Lord of the Nether in the human world, and we realized that the seal is unstable, hence we have come to help. These human powerhouses are Zhou Weiqing and his wife, Tian’er. They had cultivated the Saint Energy with the help of the four Saint Attributes. I believe it will be helpful in strengthening the seal. These two dragons are the descendents of His Majesty, the Dragon Emperor.

At this moment, the dragon turtle had a clear view of Zhou Weiqing and company. Zhou Weiqing had also retracted his Saint Energy.

Without a doubt, the Sidhe Empress’ Life Saint Energy had won the trust of the dragon turtle. Since they were all from ancient tribes, the moment it saw the six wings on the back of the Sidhe Empress, as well as sensed the extremely soothing Life Saint Energy, it became certain of their goodwill.

Hui Yao’s voice rang in Zhou Weiqing’s ears, “The dragon turtles are actually a part of the Dragon Tribe - they are considered a mutated species. They are extremely powerful. This Dragon Turtle Elder is most likely a High Level Heavenly God. Additionally, the dragon turtles are known as the Heavenly Beast with the highest defensive skills. Even in ancient times, their population was extremely small. Never did I expect the ancestors to have a dragon turtle attending upon them.”

As he spoke, Hui Yao brought Duo Si along with him and went up to the dragon turtle, who had probably lived for centuries, and paid their respects.

The dragon turtle’s huge head moved closer to Hui Yao; a ball of intense red light shot out of his eyes, landing on Hui Yao’s body. Hui Yao did not dodge - he stayed still, allowing the red light to shine on him.

After a brief moment, golden radiance appeared in the eyes of both the dragon turtle and Hui Yao.

The dragon turtle nodded its head at Hui Yao and said, “You must be the descendant of His Majesty that stayed in the Luster Spatial Realm. If that is the case, all of you have to follow me, quick! I’m afraid the seal is about to give way. Let’s talk and move at the same time. All of you, get on my back.”

Hui Yao and Duo Si quietly landed on its back. Despite their huge bodies, the dragon turtle’s back did not seem crowded at all.

A loud resounding sound was heard. Zhou Weiqing finally noticed that all four limbs of the Dragon turtle were inserted into the holes within the surrounding cave walls. Similarly, its four limbs were in the form of a dragon’s claw - they were extremely humongous. At this moment, it retracted its four limbs and all of them descended into the abyss.

“All of you came just in time. There were multiple battles that happened in the area where the seal is. His Majesty is heavily injured. We cannot hold on any longer.”

“What? Our ancestor is heavily injured?” Hui Yao was completely shocked.

The dragon turtle replied in a deep voice, “For some reason, the Lord of the Nether has been continuously becoming more and more powerful over the past ten years. We were unable to locate where he had obtained his power from. Recently he launched several attacks on the seal, causing several cracks to appear on it. Furthermore, not long ago, he had forcefully broken a piece of the seal. His Majesty became heavily injured as a result, in order to stabilize the seal once again. However, all the cracks are becoming bigger and bigger. There is a possibility that he will break the seal any time. I’m sure you have felt the force from the Destructive Energy. It is the Lord of the Nether’s doing. Furthermore, judging from how the Destructive Energy is getting stronger and stronger, the seal will break any time now. If I had not noticed your presence, I would have already rushed over to help the rest of them strengthen the seal.

Hearing the dragon turtle’s words, everyone could not help but gasp in horror. The situation was a lot worse than they thought. They could accept the fact that cracks had appeared on the seal. However, the Dragon Emperor, who played the leading role in sealing the Lord of the Nether, was heavily injured. What did that signify?

Chapter 303 - The Seal of the Netherworld (1)

At that time, the seal was completed by the Dragon Emperor, who was the leader, the Sidhe Empress of that era, who assisted the Dragon Emperor, as well as the other powerhouses. Right now, the leader was heavily injured. One could well imagine how much damage had been done to the seal. Furthermore, without sufficient help from the Dragon Emperor, would they be able to stabilize the seal successfully?

Even though they were somewhat anxious, everyone knew that being anxious at this moment was useless. All they could do was pray for a miracle.

The dragon turtle descended at a rapid speed, and there was a layer of faint distorted light in the surroundings. The intense Destructive Energy down below continuously pounded against the dragon turtle’s body. However, its defense was indeed very strong - it managed to withstand the powerful Destructive Energy without getting hurt. It truly lived up to its name of being the Heavenly Beast with the strongest defense.

Zhou Weiqing pressed his hands against the dragon turtle’s body and channeled a surge of gentle Saint Energy into it. When the Saint Energy first entered the dragon turtle’s body, its massive body noticeably trembled for a bit. But very soon, it could feel the benefits brought about by the Saint Energy. His body that was descending paused briefly; it turned its dragon head around and nodded at Zhou Weiqing. Zhou Weiqing could clearly see the joy and excitement in its huge eyes. Evidently, the dragon turtle had already experienced the suppressive effects the Saint Energy had on the Destructive Energy.

After descending for nearly fifteen minutes, suddenly, the patterns on the back of the dragon turtle started to light up. An immense stream of air was released from his abdomen and supported his massive body. It slowed down its descent, allowing it to land gently.

The darkness in the surroundings had gradually vanished. Upon their arrival, all they saw was a magnificent sight.

The surrounding cave walls were glimmering with gorgeous radiance from the countless gemstones that were embedded in the walls. These different multicolored gemstones gave off a dazzling brilliance as the light from the dragon turtle’s back shone on them. Furthermore, the lower they went, the more intense the gemstones glowed. Zhou Weiqing dared to say that if these gemstones were to be excavated, they would definitely be sold for an enormous fortune, as these gemstones seemed extremely rare - even Zhou Weiqing had never seen them before.

“There is no need to be surprised. The rocks within the surrounding cave walls were constantly corroded over the years by our seal’s energy as well as the Destructive Energy, causing the internal structure to undergo changes - they are not actual gemstones. They are just rocks that contained a large amount of attribute energy, somewhat similar to the Heavenly Beasts’ Nucleus Core and human beings’ Heavenly Core Nucleus,” explained the dragon turtle.