Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 259-Chapter 308)

Looking at eagerness and resolve in their eyes, Zhou Weiqing started to tear up.

“Silly girls, what are you girls going for? You don’t have Saint Energy. If we can solve this situation with just the accumulation of all our cultivation bases, the Lord of the Nether will not be alive right now. Don’t worry, nothing will happen. We are only going to strengthen the seal. We will be back really soon.”

Shangguan Bing’er was rather agitated, “What if the Lord of the Nether breaks the seal?”

Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment, before he gestured to her, “Bing’er, come over.”

At this moment, the women had already forgotten about jealousy. Shangguan Bing’er’s figure flashed and came before Zhou Weiqing. Zhou Weiqing extended both arms and embraced her.

“Bing’er, I’m sorry for letting you down. You are the one who introduced me to the world of Heavenly Jewel Masters. When we first met, the awakening of my Heavenly Jewels harmed your body and you did not even blame me. Instead, you continued to help and took care of me. You used your gentleness to guide me on the path to being a Heavenly Jewel Master. It is my biggest fortune to have you as my wife. However, I’ve let you down. My womanizing ways must have hurt you a lot. However, I need to tell you this - my love for you has never dwindled a single bit, Bing’er, I love you.”

As he spoke, he lowered his head and kissed Shangguan Bing’er hard on her sweet lips.

Shangguan Bing’er was stunned for a moment. However, she quickly responded fervently. She wrapped her arms, that were trembling slightly, around Zhou Weiqing’s neck as hard as she could.

After their lips separated, Zhou Weiqing released his arms that were embracing Shangguan Bing’er, and gently pulled her to one side. She had a dazed look in her beautiful eyes, as she quietly hovered in mid-air.

His figure flashed and he appeared right before Shangguan Fei’er, before hugging her.

“Fei’er, even though you look exactly the same as Bing’er, your personalities are completely different. Within your vivacious personality lies a perseverance that no man can ever match up to. During the most difficult period of my life, you were always there. Thank you. Although I love Bing’er, similarly, I love you too. I cannot do without you. I am selfish, but it is impossible for me not to be this way.”

“Stop saying such……” Just as Shangguan Fei’er was about to say something agitatedly, she was forcefully kissed by Zhou Weiqing on the lips. In the next moment, she melted into his arms as well.

After Zhou Weiqing pulled away from her lips, she could not utter a single word. She simply hovered in the air in a daze.

“Xue’er.” Zhou Weiqing pulled Shangguan Xue’er, who was standing next to Fei’er, over to him. “Xue’er, you have always assumed that your status in my heart can never be compared to Bing’er or Fei’er. However, you are wrong. I love you, not because I love your sisters. I love your calmness, and nobleness. I remember every single thing that you had done for me.”

Shangguan Xue’er took the initiative and kissed Zhou Weiqing on the lips, not letting him continue his speech.

“Yuehan.” Zhou Weiqing gestured to Little Witch, as he let go of Shangguan Xue’er.

Wu Yuehan’s eyes were red; tears flowed down uncontrollably, “I hate you for doing this. Are you trying to give us your last words?” Despite saying that, she still came right before Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head, “No, I just want to hug all of you, and feel the warmth of your body.” He held her cheeks that were soaked with tears and kissed her affectionately.

Regardless of whether it was Wu Yuehan or the three Shangguan sisters, after they were kissed by Zhou Weiqing, all four of them went silent and merely hovered in the air without budging a single bit, with a dazed look in their beautiful eyes.

“Hanyue.” Zhou Weiqing looked at Dongfang Hanyue. She was looking at him as well.

“You don’t have to do this. I will not go with you. Apart from you, I still have our son.” Dongfang Hanyue’s face looked pale as she spoke. Her right hand that was holding on to the Tenebrous Dragon Slaying Spear went completely pale as well.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, “That’s good. However, I still want to kiss you. Can I?”

Her figure transformed into a stream of light as she fell hard into his embrace. “Don’t die. Promise me you will come back alive. As long as you come back alive, I promise you that I will give up my status as the Palace Master of Xuantian Palace and reunite our son with you.” As she spoke, she kissed Zhou Weiqing on the lips hard and even bit his lips.

After all, Dongfang Hanyue was still the leader of a Saint Land. When Zhou Weiqing had kissed Shangguan Xue’er, she had picked up on the clues and realized that the women who had been kissed by Zhou Weiqing had lost their state of mind. She knew that it was because Zhou Weiqing did not want them to risk their lives by following him!

After she kissed Zhou Weiqing, Dongfang Hanyue hugged him tightly and refused to let go.

Zhou Weiqing sighed, “Perhaps, this is my punishment from the heavens. It is my biggest fortune to have any of you as my wife. However, I am simply way too greedy. Nonetheless, I truly cannot bear to let any one of you go. If I can come back alive this time, I will live for all of you for the rest of my life, and spend the rest of my living days with every single one of you and repay your love for me. Hanyue, wait for me to be back. I will go to Xuantian Palace with you and officially bring you and our son back. Nobody can stop me, even if I have to bring the entire Xuantian Continent over and combine it with the Boundless Mainland, I will not let the two of you be separated from me.

Chapter 302 - The Resentment Space (2)

Dongfang Hanyue turned around and returned to the Tenebrous Demon Dragon’s head once again and grabbed onto its horn with her back facing Zhou Weiqing, as she refused to look at him.

Lastly, Zhou Weiqing looked over at Tian’er, who had been staring at him all this while but did not approach him.

“My beloved……”

Tian’er looked at Zhou Weiqing, “I know you better than they do, so you don’t have to persuade me. You have no reason to do so either. I possess Saint Energy as well - if you’re allowed to contribute to the Mainland, why can’t I?”

“However, you are pregnant with our child!” Zhou Weiqing forced a smile as he said that.

Tian’er replied indifferently, “Even so, I do not want our child to be born without a father. If that is the case, I’d rather the three of us die together. You don’t have to say anything else - if you stop me from following you by force, or if you knock me out, I will kill myself immediately the moment I wake up, whether or not you come back alive. You know my temper well.”

“You……” Zhou Weiqing was at a loss for words and stared blankly at Tian’er - he did not know how to react. In truth, amongst all the women, the person who knew Zhou Weiqing best was Tian’er. They had spent the most time cultivating together, and they created Saint Energy together as well. Hence, they shared a telepathic connection. Seeing how Zhou Weiqing dealt with the other women, naturally, Tian’er had thought of a countermeasure.