Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 259-Chapter 308)

Zhou Weiqing’s objective was very simple - he wanted to use Creation Attribute within his Saint Energy to drain Fen Tian’s Destruction Attribute. Zhou Weiqing believed in his own self-healing ability. With the Astral Celestial Territory, as long as the stars that appeared during the creation were still present in the sky, his Saint Energy would continue to be replenished. On the other hand, Fen Tian had no other powerhouses by his side, who had possessed the Destruction Attribute.

“Do you think that the current me can only devour the Destruction Attribute?” asked Fen Tian coldly. The eight long legs on his back suddenly stretched open towards the back. Immediately after, a black light ball appeared at the end of each leg, as though eight miniature black holes had suddenly surfaced.

Eight rays of light shot out, heading in the direction of the spectators who were situated far away.

Crap! Zhou Weiqing exclaimed in his heart. However, it was too late. The people who bore the brunt of the attack were the eight Heaven’s Expanse Palace Heavenly King powerhouses - they happened to be in the direct path of the black light. In the next moment, before they had a chance to make any sound, they had vanished into thin air. On the other hand, the constantly diminishing black light on Fen Tian’s body had became brighter. What Zhou Weiqing was most worried about was the fact that the black light balls on Fen Tian’s eight legs had lit up once again.

However, this time, the eight rays of light were not aimed at the spectators. Instead, they struck the eight black holes in the sky that had not vanished. The eight black holes dimmed at the same time. In the next moment, Zhou Weiqing could only feel the overwhelmingly powerful Destruction Energy bursting from Fen Tian’s body. His Dual Legendary Hammers were no longer able to bind the Destruction Sword to it.

A loud bang was heard; Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er flew upon impact. The terrifying Destruction Energy transformed into a huge devouring mouth before biting Zhou Weiqing hard.

Splat—— Zhou Weiqing vomited a mouthful of blood. The terrifying Destruction Energy had completely erupted from within his body. Even the light from the Hate Ground no Handle’ Set had dimmed down.

It’s over……

Zhou Weiqing had never expected Fen Tian’s power to suddenly increase to such a significant level, after borrowing the power of the Lord of the Nether.

Chapter 300 - The Perfected Hate Ground No Handle (3)

Fen Tian smiled coldly; he did not pursue Zhou Weiqing. Instead, he lifted his right hand and raised the Destruction Sword up high. A strange voice, that could not be distinguished whether it belonged to a man or a woman, was heard coming from his body.

“You lowly human beings are actually trying to ruin my plans. This is practically wishful thinking on your part. The war amongst mankind had already begun. The feeling coming from the hatred of countless resentful spirits, as well as ruthlessness, was indeed splendid. Fen Tian currently possessed a third of my power, which is not something you’re capable of defeating. All of you shall die. The moment I break free and descend onto the human world, will be the arrival of your doomsday.”

The pitch-black and gloomy light soared into the sky; it took on a circular shape and started spreading outwards. In the blink of an eye, it had reached a thousand meters in diameter. Right in the middle of the black light, a mass in the shade of dark green had appeared - it resembled a huge eye.

Immediately after, an extremely powerful suction force erupted from within the black hole with a thousand meter diameter - the suction force was at least a hundred times stronger than the average black hole. Regardless of whether it was Zhou Weiqing, who was a short distance away from it, or the Heaven’s Expanse Palace, the Peerless Sect and the Heavenly Snow Mountain’s powerhouses, who were standing far away, they were all unable to control their bodies, that being pulled towards the black hole by the terrifying devouring Destruction Energy, inching closer, and closer.

Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er still managed to stabilize their bodies, albeit with much difficulty, but that was all they could do. Furthermore, at this moment, it was impossible for them to escape!

The Lord of the Nether - the voice earlier belonged to the Lord of the Nether. Just a third of his power was already that formidable; exactly how much more powerful was the Lord of the Nether? If he were to be allowed to descend to the human world, it would truly mark the end of mankind!

“Lord of the Nether, you will not succeed.” At this moment, a calm and pleasant voice was heard. Immediately after, an emerald green light quietly appeared within the void above Fen Tian’s head, right in the middle of the devouring black hole.

“Sidhe Queen? Oh, my bad - I should call you the Sidhe Empress, am I right? Do you think you can stop me all by yourself?” The Lord of the Nether’s voice was filled with disdain.

The Sidhe Empress did not utter a word. The faint emerald green halo started spreading out from her body. Even though she was right in the middle of the devouring black hole, it had no effect on her at all.

She continuously made a series of complicated hand signs in front of her chest. The increasingly intense emerald green light took on the form of a halo and started spreading out. She looked over at Zhou Weiqing.

“Weiqing, I can only temporarily restrain Fen Tian. The only thing that can inflict a significant damage on him is your Saint Energy. We don’t have many opportunities - you have to launch your most powerful attack and completely destroy him. He is merely a projection of the Lord of the Nether. We must kill him first. Or else, everyone present will die, and Fen Tian will take over our power and help open up a passage for the Lord of the Nether. You only have half a minute.”

The Sidhe Empress’ voice was very solemn, with a tinge of nervousness. It was the first time Zhou Weiqing was seeing her in such a state, apart from the first time he saw her, when the Sidhe Princess got kidnapped. Hence, it could be seen that Fen Tian had already become that terrifyingly powerful.

Rays of emerald green light descended from the sky, like vines dropping downwards, enveloping Fen Tian’s body within it. Also, at this moment, the devouring black hole in mid-air had halted. It seemed as though all the Destruction Energy had been isolated by the Sidhe Empress.

The emerald green light folded inwards and forcefully crushed Fen Tian’s pure Destruction Energy, preventing it from getting out.

“Sidhe Empress, in doing so, you’re only quenching thirst with poison. How long do you think you can restrain me for? Let us see how much vitality you have to burn.” The Lord of the Nether’s voice was still as disdainful as before. Evidently, he was not bothered by the Sidhe Queen’s move at all.

The Sidhe Queen did not utter a single word. However, the emerald green light grew more and more intense, causing Fen Tian to be trapped within it, unable to budge at all.

Zhou Weiqing was still sharing a life with the Sidhe Empress. Hence, he had clearly realized that everything the Lord of the Nether had said was correct. At this moment, the Sidhe Empress was indeed burning her vitality to refine her Life Saint Energy to a horrifying degree. Only then, she could use the Lord of the Nether’s energy to temporarily trap Fen Tian.

After all, at this moment, the Sidhe Empress was not relying solely on her own power - she was also relying on the power of the twelve Sidhe elders. Additionally, she was even using a portion of the power of the Sidhe’s Ancient Tree! Even so, she could only restrain him for half a minute.

Zhou Weiqing hinted to Tian’er to let go of his body. His Dual Legendary Hammers had disappeared after as well. Half a minute; he only had half a minute. Currently Fen Tian did not even have a corporeal form. It was an extremely difficult feat to launch an attack that was powerful enough kill him, who had possessed a third of the Lord of the Nether’s powers, within the timeframe of thirty seconds.