Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 259-Chapter 308)

The huge sword descended from above, bringing along the extremely terrifying Destruction and killing aura with it. It seemed as though this attack could break the entire Boundless Mainland into two.

However, the look in Fen Tian’s eyes had suddenly changed at this moment. Without prior warning, a ray of gray light appeared right before his formidable sword.


A crisp sound had erupted in the sky - it did not sound as terrifying as the explosion from before. However, it had caused all the powerhouses who were observing in the sky to descend for about almost a thousand meters before they could regain stability with much difficulty.

It was a long gray sword; it was much more slender compared to the Destruction Sword. It was entirely gray and took the form of a crystal, radiating with a gray halo. It seemed to be even sharper than the Destruction Sword.

It was not long - it looked as though it was approximately 1.5 meters long. With a huge dueling sword like the Destruction Sword being placed before it, it looked like a speck of dust. However, that speck of dust managed to block the Destruction Sword’s path.

The gray sword’s sword light flickered and stretched out over a thousand meters before forcefully blocking the Destruction dueling sword. Both swords reached to a standstill in mid-air. Next, a gray figure quietly appeared in the sky.

The gray figure was a hundred meters tall; it was devilishly handsome. It was none other than the Demon God.

However, it was different from the one that Zhou Weiqing had metamorphosed. The Demon God that had just appeared was a lot more demonic than the one before. Behind the Demon God, there was another figure who was holding the hands of Tian’er, who had previously been gripped by despair earlier on.

This person was covered in a white armor that could be described as majestic and dazzling. The entire armor was in the shade of a crystal clear white. The armor appeared to be extremely thick and heavy. It covered his entire body. There seemed to be an enormous dragon that was constantly cruising within the armor; circles of white-golden halos were continuously being released from it. A mass of distinct nebulae could be seen orbiting on his back - it was indeed the Astral Celestial Territory. This armor actually had a Celestial Territory embedded in it - one could tell how powerful it was.

The arms of the armor were exceptionally thick; furthermore, he was holding two hammers - one in each hand. The hammers were not that big. However, it could be clearly seen that the two rays of light that were emitted from them had projected two gigantic hammers, made from energy, that were a hundred meters long onto the sky. It seemed like a Heavenly Skill Image, however, even Fen Tian’s Destruction Celestial Territory was unable to approach the pair of hammers.

Right in the center of the white armor, there was a sparkling and clear milky white gem. The gem was in the shape of a human. Upon further scrutiny, wasn’t it Zhou Weiqing, who was sitting cross-legged?

Indeed, Zhou Weiqing had completed the final consolidation of the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set. The eleven-piece ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set was no longer yellowish golden - it was now white. It was a God Set, a true God Set. The Boundless Infinitum Set was also an eleven-piece set, however it was significantly inferior to the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set.

Not only did Zhou Weiqing summon the Demon God’s projection, he had merged himself with it. Hence, it allowed the Demon God’s projection to display a much greater power than before - even the Sword of Demon God was summoned. Just like how Fen Tian enhanced his abilities and power, Zhou Weiqing’s body had undergone changes as well.

The Demon God’s body suddenly became illusory. Immediately after, the Sword of Demon God had increased to a hundred meters long in the sky before it landed onto the Demon God’s hand. He gently raised the long sword and forcefully shook off the Destruction Sword.

Zhou Weiqing did not wait idly in mid-air - he flung the hammer in his left hand into the sky, and swept the hammer in his right hand across. The two hammers met each other and an strong white-golden Saint Energy erupted. His Dual Legendary Hammers merged into one and became a huge hammer with a long handle.

The long-handled huge hammer was three meters long, and its huge hammer head was nearly a meter across. Albeit faintly, there was an enormous dragon spiraling above it. Additionally, a crying face and a smiling face flashed alternately.

Zhou Weiqing’s right hand was holding onto the huge hammer, his left hand was holding onto Tian’er’s hand. Tian’er could only feel her aura had merged itself with him into one entity.

“If he wants to kill you, he’d have to go over my dead body first.” Zhou Weiqing’s resolute voice rang in Tian’er’s ear. In the next moment, he was in mid-air, standing next to the Demon God.

Fen Tian did not continue to attack. Looking at Zhou Weiiqng and the Demon God, his eyes became gloomy. “An eleven-piece God Set. Zhou Weiqing, you sure have a lot of hidden trumps. However, they are all useless. So what if you have the Demon God? Even if you managed to summon the actual Demon God, likewise, I will finish him off today.”

As he spoke, Fen Tian waved his right hand. The thousand meter long Destruction Sword swiftly shrunk and transformed into a four foot long sword in his hand in the blink of an eye.

The shrunken Destruction Sword became jet-black in color. Zhou Weiqing was unable to describe the feeling that the sword had given him. On the other hand, Fen Tian himself had entirely become black, to the point that his features could no longer be distinguished.

At this moment, the Demon God made a move. He was a projection summoned by Zhou Weiqing - once he sensed that Zhou Weiqing was being threatened, he would immediately launch an attack.

The Sword of Demon God beckoned towards Fen Tian in a provoking manner. Thereafter, Fen Tian’s black figure appeared out of nowhere. Even Zhou Weiqing, who had mastered the Spatial Law, could not figure out how Fen Tian appeared there.


This time, the size of the sword was reversed.


A crisp sound was heard. The Sword of Demon God was broken……

Chapter 300 - The Perfected Hate Ground No Handle (2)

Under the astonished gazes of Zhou Weiqing and Tian’er, the powerful Sword of Demon God had actually broken.

Immediately after, Fen Tian suddenly spread his body wide open and transformed into an enormous devouring mouth of nothingness, before devouring the Demon God together with the Sword of Demon God at one go.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing had made a move - he raised the Dual Legendary Hammers up high before swinging them down, without any fancy movements.


A black figure flew out and the Demon God had appeared once again. However, the Demon God had only appeared for a second before turning into a ball of gray gas and vanished into thin air.

Naturally, the black figure that flew upon impact was Fen Tian. He looked at Zhou Weiqing and appeared to be utterly astonished. Unfortunately, due to the fact that his entire body was jet-black, Zhou Weiqing could not even see the look in his eyes.

The eleventh piece of the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set did not boost Zhou Weiqing’s strength by two-fold - instead, it boosted his strength by ten-fold. In other words, with the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set, the terrifying strength that Zhou Weiqing possessed was ten thousand times more than his original strength. It was ten thousand times the strength of a Heavenly God!

Upon reaching its pinnacle, any ability would undergo changes to a certain degree. As the saying went, there were different means of achieving the same result. Earlier on, Zhou Weiqing had used brute strength to forcefully hit Fen Tian so hard that he flew upon impact. Even though it was unable to inflict any injury upon him, it stopped him from fully devouring the Demon God’s energy.