Misguided Heart



I could feel the alcohol consuming me with every step I took. I definitely made that two hundred dollar tab worth it. I smiled up at Sloan just as he was bending his head down to mine. I slipped my hands around his neck and into his hair, giving it a gentle tug. His lips hovered over mine for what felt like forever, but was really only a couple of seconds. I couldn’t help myself. Desire and lust took over as I crushed my lips against his.

I threw all caution to the wind as I entangled my limbs and lips with my boss’s. Oh, I so hope I don’t regret this later. His lips were soft and melded to mine like butter on corn. My mouth and body were in the present moment; loving every second his warm breath touched the inside of my mouth. My mind on the other hand, well it was stuck somewhere else.

I could feel the strength in his hands grappling at the thin top I was wearing. The heat from his body was making me numb, or maybe that was the alcohol, either way it was a welcome feeling. His tongue caressed my bottom lip and I gave him entrance almost immediately. My arms wrapped tighter around his neck, wanting to feel all of him pressed against me. Oh boy, did I feel ALL of him. I’m not exaggerating when I say, WOW!

I could feel the warmth pooling between my legs and I was suddenly very thankful that I had worn panties tonight. I smiled against his luscious lips and then found myself giggling. Oh yeah, I was drunk.

“What’s so funny over there?” He whispered in my ear.

I pulled my face back so I could look into his hypnotic eyes, “How bad I want to take you back to the hotel and have my way with you.” I winked.

His plump lips fell open into an ‘O’ and I knew I had peaked his interest, among other things. I turned swiftly to head back towards the table and to grab my bag to leave. I caught a glimpse of glaring eyes from across the dance floor. I turned, grabbing Sloan’s hand in my own and pulling him in the direction of my friends.

I waved my hands in Shelby’s direction, trying to get her attention. She had her face so far up Braden’s ass at the moment, that I knew she wouldn’t notice me. I swear that girl has no self-control. I laughed to myself knowing I didn’t either. That’s exactly why her and I would be lifelong friends. I waved good-bye to Davis and told him to tell Shelby bye for me. With my tab closed and my insides swimming, I pulled Sloan out of the bar and into his car.

My hands sat in my lap twitching. Wanting to ravage him while he was driving wasn’t an option. I didn’t want Sloan to think that I was easy, but tonight I was willing to be easy for him. My eyes skimmed down the muscular frame sitting next to me. My mouth was literally watering just taking in the sight of him gripping the steering wheel, as if we were getting close to the end of the world.

I watched the speedometer reach one hundred miles an hour and I instantly knew that the anticipation was getting to him as well. I caught his devious stare out of the corner of my eye and my mouth turned up into a matching grin. Oh this was going to be fun, I could feel it.

Minutes later the hotel came into view and I was all but ready to jump out of the moving vehicle. Sloan must have sensed my excitement because his hand gently clutched my bouncing knee, giving it a tight squeeze. Just that small amount of physical contact with him sent my heart racing.

I watched as the valet reached for my door handle and I all but threw the door open and into his face. I was bound and determined to have some sex tonight with this ridiculously handsome creature, before he could change his mind.

In my half drunken stupor, I realized that I had no protection with me whatsoever. My eyes glanced in Sloan’s direction as he was paying the valet and I couldn’t help but pray that he was prepared. He winked at me just as I turned my head to make my way into the hotel lobby. Oh those eyes. I bet they could do more than just wink. From what I had felt from their stare thus far, it was enough to make any woman come right where she stood.

The doors to the lobby slid open and I felt his hand slip into mine, more aggressive than normal. He gently tugged me swiftly through the lobby and over to the elevator doors. I was counting the seconds before the metal doors slid open for us to enter. With one big tug, Sloan had me hugged up against his chest. I closed the rest of the distance between our ‘other’ parts before taking his mouth with my own.

In the midst of a pretty heavy elevator make out session, I couldn’t seem to turn off my brain. I ran through about a million and one scenarios about how this night could go. We could get to my door, his door, our door, either way, he could just kiss me goodnight and then we go to our respective rooms. I could come on too strong, or he could decide to go all gentlemanly and stop it now.

His lips had slowed to a gentler pace, which in turn was turning me on even more. My body couldn’t decide if it wanted him to tie me to the bed and have his way with me, or take it slow and tenderly touch me. I laughed at myself, knowing that it was the former that I was crossing my fingers for. When the elevator doors sprang open I gently tugged on his shirt, pulling him in the direction of our suite. My lips never left his and I could feel his hands all over my sensitive skin.

Once we reached the door to our room, he quickly slid the card into the slot to open it. The moonlight was streaming through the long blinds, highlighting his naturally tan skin. I pulled back to catch my breath just as he ripped his shirt up and over his head. I slowly and deliberately licked my bottom lip at what I saw. Abercrombie models had nothing on this man.

I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth, biting down hard. The things I wanted to do to this man were standing at attention in the forefront of my mind. Sloan’s glistening pecs caught my attention as he stalked his way towards me. I hadn’t realized that I had stopped in the doorway and was still standing there, staring.

A thunderous chuckle roared through his throat as he watched me watch him. Once he reached me, his strong hand came up to my face, tucking back a stray hair behind my ear. My breath hitched as I watched his tongue dart out of his mouth, licking the side of my neck. Goosebumps raced up and down my limbs and my body fell into a dreamlike state. His soft wet kisses made their way up to my ear and then he did what I had only hoped a man would do to me.

His hands slipped down over my ass and gripped tight, pulling me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. I locked my ankles behind his taut lower back as I let my hands roam over his chest. I traced every crevasse of muscle before sliding my hands into the back of his hair. In seconds, his lips were devouring mine. He crushed my body against the wall with his own, and with every movement he made, my body responded without hesitation.

I heard his belt buckle snap open and a wide grin spread across my face. I tugged at the back of his head and made my way down his neck, peppering him with wet kisses along the way. I felt his hands underneath me and the wetness between my legs only intensified. I heard the distinct sound of denim hitting the carpet seconds later. He hitched me up higher onto his hips as I fumbled with my own pants.

I didn’t have to fumble for long because next thing I knew he was sliding my jeans down over my ass for better access. All the while, still holding me around his waist while standing. I just knew this was going to be mind blowing. Any man that can hold you up against a wall and get you undressed has to be talented, in other areas as well.

Before I could ask about protection, I heard the sound of a wrapper that he had pulled out of who knows where. I smiled against his lips while sliding my tongue into his mouth to taste him some more. Next thing I knew his long lean fingers were sliding down around my ass and into me. I could feel his thumb stop at my folds and then slowly start to circle my hard nub.

I threw my head back against the wall, moaning in absolute pleasure. I reached for the hem of my shirt and seconds later my bra joined it on the floor. Before I could catch my breath, his tongue had found my hard nipples. The sensation of his wet tongue gliding across and making small circles around the hard pebble was almost becoming unbearable. And then, he took my breast into his mouth, sucking and biting down, sending spurts of pleasure through my body.

My eyes rolled back into my head as I let the insane amount of ecstasy flow through my veins. His fingers were starting to pick up pace and I could feel my walls greedily sucking them in. I was at the edge; ready to fall when he quickly pulled his hand out from under me. My eyes shot wide open and I looked at him questioningly. Before any words made it out of my mouth, his lips were on mine again and he was walking me into the bathroom.

I tightened my legs around him, not wanting to slip down as he pulled us through the small doorway. He reached around, slowly setting me down on the floor, long enough to rip off the thin panties I still had on. My mouth fell open in shock as he dropped to his knees. He roughly pushed my legs open and onto his shoulders. He wasted no time thrusting his tongue into my heat, and I almost came the instant he made contact.

My back arched as my head rolled back onto the mirror. I gripped the porcelain sink as if I was holding on for dear life. I tried to look down, to watch this man work me over with his amazing tongue, but my head was too heavy to lift. Just as his tongue started circling my nub, he thrust his fingers deep inside me, making me cry out in pleasure. His name rolled off my tongue as I rode out the wave of pleasure.

His glistening lips were on mine seconds later. I could actually taste my arousal, which only made my heat ache something fierce. He lifted me up around his waist again, pushing me up against the cold tile wall. Our tongues intertwined with each other and in one swift movement, he delved deep inside of me. I took in all of his length, gasping at the extreme amount of stretching. He was bigger than I had anticipated, but it felt so good.

My back slammed against the wall as he thrust into me, over and over, and over again. I cried out his name, mixed with a few profanities as I reached a third orgasm. His hands cupped my ass and guided me to bounce on top of him, all the while still pushed up against a wall.

I did as he instructed and sent myself over the edge once again. This time his body stiffened at the same time as mine and I could feel his dick pulsating inside of me. His sweat-covered head fell into the crook of my neck as we tried to even out our ragged breathing. When he eventually pulled back, I couldn't help but smile. He looked spent and god like.

He gently lowered my trembling legs to the ground and headed back into the bedroom. I instantly felt mortified. I wasn't sure if he was giving me the brush off, but either way I suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable.

I headed back into the small hall to put my clothes back on, when I felt his strong arm reach around my waist from behind.

"Here, put this on."

I turned around glaring at the small piece of silk in his hands. I was suddenly pissed off and that small scrap of fabric was to blame. Who did he think he was trying to dress me? When I stepped back to walk around him, his voice caught me off guard.

"I grabbed it out of your bag. Sorry, it was the first thing I saw."

Oh yeah, I'm an a*shole!

In my drunken state, I had forgotten that I had packed the nightie in hopes that what we had just did, would happen.

"Thanks." I smiled and snatched the silk nightie out of his hands. "Can you give me a minute?"

"Of course." His whole upper body was leaning in the doorway like he was doing a standing pushup. His muscles stretched as far as they could go, and left me yearning for him. "I'll be waiting in bed."

"Okay." I closed the door to the bathroom behind him and slipped into the black silk nightie. I glanced in the mirror one last time at my extremely drunk ass and then headed out to curl up next the glorious creature waiting for me in the other room.

This night was too good to be true.

Amanda Bennett's books