Misguided Heart



I woke up the next morning almost regretting what I, or we, had done. I let myself be controlled by the massive amounts of alcohol I had consumed, without thinking about the consequences. I glanced over at the beautiful man spread out underneath me and a small smile tugged at my lips. My mouth began to water again, just looking at his tattooed muscular arm. As much as I wanted to reach out and touch him, I convinced myself otherwise.

I slowly sat myself up and instantly regretted the action. My head was pounding and spinning like a tilt-a-whirl. Holy shit, how much did I drink last night? I lightly shook my head, trying to clear the fuzziness that was creeping through my pounding skull. Glancing back at Sloan, I knew if I didn't get up now I was going to want to stay in the confines of this room, more specifically wrapped in his arms.

I tip toed my way to the bathroom, praying that Sloan wouldn't wake up. I was doing the walk of shame to the bathroom; in a hotel room we were both staying in, and for what? I felt absolutely no shame whatsoever. I had thoroughly enjoyed every last second of our encounter, drunk or not.

I quickly checked the time on my phone noticing it was already 1:00 in the afternoon. I had over slept. Shit! There were so many things I had planned on doing this morning, but oh well.

I turned on the shower, letting the small space fill with steam. When the almost scalding hot water hit my body, I instantly relaxed. This was exactly what I needed. I stood under the stream of water, letting it cascade down my wet hair, and down the sensitive skin on my back.

With my hands plastered against the cool tiles, I found myself dwelling on the events of the previous night. Had all of that really transpired in one evening? I could feel the tension in my shoulders start to dissipate the longer I stayed under the water. I took my time washing up and emerged from the shower feeling renewed. My headache started to subside, so I found my mood turning into something much happier than before. I tucked the white terry cloth towel tightly around my body before heading out into the main room.

Sloan was still sound asleep and I let out a sigh of relief. Not only was I relieved to be able to get ready in peace, but also because he wasn't snoring. I know how ridiculous it may sound but snoring is definitely a deal breaker for me. What can I say? I love my sleep. The sooner I could get this all around awkward day over with, the better.

I quietly gathered my things before making my way back to the bathroom. About a half hour later, I was finishing up securing the rollers in my hair and now it was time to do my makeup. I was being extremely meticulous with this task. I wanted to look better than Nole or anyone else had ever seen me look before. I couldn't help the smile that took over my freshly glossed lips. I was elated to get dressed up and show Sloan a different side of myself.

Just as I was finishing applying my mascara, I heard a small knock on the door. Damn it! This whole staying in the same hotel room was proving to be a very bad idea.

"Yeah?" I stood silently, holding my breath so I could hear his response.

"Can I get in there for a second?" Damn it! Why did he have to sound so f*cking sexy when he had just woken up?

"Yeah, just give me one minute?"

I pulled my yoga pants on over my carefully planned out matching navy lace thong and bra. Yes, I was planning on getting lucky tonight, but it looks like I beat myself to it. I checked my reflection, making sure my curlers were securely fastened to my head, before opening the door. Holy hell, he was shirtless and I couldn't help but stare at his half-naked muscular frame leaning against the doorframe.

"Well, good morning beautiful."

My mouth went dry, and I was suddenly at loss for words, again. I hadn't realized I had been staring when he cleared his voice.

"I'm sorry. Good morning." I could feel the blush starting to reach my cheeks. Way to play it cool, Aston. Dumbass!

"How did you sleep?"

"Good, you?" All this small talk was making me uncomfortable.

Obviously he didn't feel that way at all because he was leaning into me seconds later. I forced myself to not pull back, not wanting to make him feel like last night was a mistake. Although it was, in epic proportions. His soft lips gently pressed against my cheek and I could feel the heat between my legs getting fired up.

Oh boy, was I in trouble!

"I slept great." He winked at me as he walked through the doorway, closing it tightly behind himself.

I ran over to the small desk by the window, rummaging through my purse for no particular reason. I stumbled across the invitation and had to sit on the edge of the bed, to catch my breath. My fingers skimmed across the embossed lettering, questioning exactly what I was doing here. My guilty conscience began making it known just as Sloan emerged from the bathroom. I frantically shoved the invite back into my purse and then made my way over to the handsome man standing across the room.

I stopped just inches from his body. I could feel the overwhelming need to want to touch him. I can't believe that I have known him this long, hell, I saw him naked for crying out loud, but I was just now noticing the tattoos that covered his right arm and both pecs. I was a sucker for tattoos and his bulging biceps made me want him even more. I slowly reached out with my fingers and began tracing the two songbirds he had on each pec. I silently wondered what they stood for, but I didn't bother to ask.

My eyes went up to his as my fingers made their way over the full sleeve tribal type of tattoo covering his right arm. As much as I needed to look away, I found myself mesmerized by his glowing amber eyes. I could see the want, and the desire, building up behind them and I knew if I didn't stop now, there would be no turning back.

I dropped my hand and my gaze and side stepped to walk around him. His long fingers caught my hand, pulling me back into his chest. His lips were instantly crushed against mine and my eyes fluttered shut. As much as I wanted to fight it, I wanted this just as much as he seemed to. When he finally pulled back, I was left breathless. When he tilted my chin up, so I had no choice but to look at him, a smile broke out across my face.

"I'll let you get ready now." He smiled as he released his hold on my hand.

I made my way back into the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind me. I leaned back against the cool door, running my fingers across my now swollen lips. Once my head cleared, I walked in front of the mirror and finished getting ready. As I finished my smoky eye, I stood back appraising myself in the mirror. I smiled and nodded in approval before carefully removing the curlers from my hair. I had decided to wear my hair down with one small strand twisted back and pinned to the side. I sighed before exiting the bathroom, freeing it up for Sloan to get ready.

I tucked my makeup bag and other toiletries into my overnight bag and looked into the sitting room, to see Sloan staring, mouth open with a look of shock on his face.

“You look, amazing!" I blushed, knowing if he thought that, so would other people. I smiled at him as I noticed that he had ordered us some food.

"Thank you. For the compliment and the food." I smiled.

"Of course. Come sit down and eat with me." He stood from the small white wood table covered in a plethora of food, to pull out my chair for me. He was, if anything, a true gentleman.


We ate in silence for the most part. As I was taking the last bite of my divine strawberry crepes, he excused himself to go get ready. I watched as he pushed his strong body up and out of his chair. Yum! I tried to ignore his half naked body walking away from me, I swear I did. In the end, my raging hormones caught up to me. I looked at him in amazement, knowing that his fine ass body was saddled between my legs, not even twelve hours ago.

My body reacted to him in a way that was foreign to me. I had never needed or wanted a man as much I was beginning to want and need him. I stood up and pulled myself together. I quickly slid my dress down over my body, not wanting him to find me in just my panties. I zipped up the side and let my hands fall down the smooth satin fabric. I was suddenly having flashbacks of Sloan's hands all over my body the night before. Fortunately, I was brought out of my revelry seconds later when I heard the bathroom door click open.

I turned to look over my shoulder, when a very dapper looking Sloan came into view.

Damn, he looked deliciously sexy!

He was dressed to the nines in his coal black Dolce and Gabanna tux. He had forgone the usual bow tie and white dress shirt, opting for a charcoal grey dress shirt and black silk skinny tie. My eyes raked down his body more than once before they finally landed on his eyes. His hair was disheveled, but in that I-just-woke-up-and-look-this-good kind of way. He looked that good.

"You look quite handsome, Mr. Holden." I curtsied. Holy shit, I just f*cking curtsied to this gorgeous man. I smacked myself in the forehead and hung my head in embarrassment. I swear this man made me not think straight.

A loud throaty laugh escaped his throat and I couldn't help but laugh right along with him. "Well you don't look so bad yourself, little lady." He pretended to tip his imaginary hat and we both broke into a fit of laughter again.

"Why, thank you."

"You feeling okay this morning?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"I am now." I winked at him, knowing that it was the truth. Being around Sloan made everything seem better.

We stood there staring at each other, when my phone’s ringing broke through the sexual tension brewing between us. I turned and half ran, the best I could in my dress, to grab my phone before I missed the call. When I saw Shelby's name flash across the screen, I instantly picked up.

"Well hey there, hooker. How did your night end up?" I had to know who she had decided to go home with last night.

"Hey whore. My night ended quite well actually, and yours?" I could hear the laughter in her voice, knowing she already knew.

"It ended, nicely." With Sloan standing so close, I was at a loss to come up with a better word.

"Oh did it now?" She let out a small giggle before delving into the details of the rest of her night. "So, I ended up talking to Darren last night after you left. Care to know what he said?" I knew she was goading me and I so wasn't falling into that trap, not now anyway.

"Actually, no I don't care to know. It is what it is Shelby. He's married and happy, and I'm happy for him."


"No you're not, you lying skank, but I get it. I'll leave it alone."

"Thanks. So did you decide who would be accompanying you to this wonderful wedding? You know it's in like two hours, right?"

"Of course I know. I decided last night and I can't wait for you to meet him." I could sense the sarcasm in her voice and it peaked my curiosity.

"So, who is the lucky guy?" I knew she wasn't going to answer me, but I figured I would give it a try anyways.

"No way, you will just have to see. See ya in a few. Love ya."

The line went dead and I threw my phone onto the bed. Sloan was back in the bathroom fixing his hair, when I peaked into the doorway. He smiled at me in the mirror before I turned to go put my shoes on. I slipped the second shoe on and stood to grab my clutch.

I pulled my loose curls over my shoulder, leaving the other bare. I felt Sloan's lips close in on my skin on the same shoulder, and goose bumps broke out across the skin on my arm. I leaned back into him and could feel his growing erection, pressing hard against the curve of my ass. I turned around in his arms, that were now loosely around my waist and pressed my lips against his.

"You ready?" I whispered as I pulled back.

He nodded his head and went to gather his things. As we made our way to the elevators, I could feel the eagerness between us building. I silently prayed that there would be other people in the elevator with us, or I was going to wrinkle his suit, in more ways than one. Luckily, there was an older couple headed down with us. I thanked my lucky stars and eased myself into the small space of the elevator.

As we waited for the valet to bring around Sloan's car, I took the opportunity to let him know exactly how this was going to go. "So I need to tell you something. I-"

His voice cut mine off mid sentence. "I know Aston. You don't have to explain anything. Trust me, I wasn't thinking this was something it's clearly not."

Phew! Thank god we didn't need to have that conversation. I simply nodded at him and let it go. Wait, what? He didn't even want anything from me?

Definitely going to be an awkward day!

Amanda Bennett's books