Misguided Heart



I wasn’t sure what to expect as we pulled up to the Botanical Gardens. I knew her motive for inviting me, but a part of me was hoping there were other reasons. When she asked me about “us,” I took the cowardly way out of it. Although I knew I didn’t want any sort of a relationship, I was still hurt when she looked so damn relieved when I told her I didn’t want anything. I glanced over at her as we exited the car and instantly regretted it. She looked breathtakingly beautiful. There wasn’t one single thing I would change about this woman.

If I was being honest with myself, I wasn’t looking forward to meeting this ‘ex’ of hers. Regardless of what was, or wasn’t happening with us, the thought of meeting someone that had her the way I had, drove me insane. For reasons unbeknownst to me, I felt extremely possessive of her. After last night, I didn’t want to share any part of her with any other guy. Obviously it wasn’t my place to stake any claim on her, especially since I made it perfectly clear nothing was going to happen.

Her mere presence commanded the attention of almost every guest in the room. I watched as one head turned after another, as we entered the hall. When she turned to look at me, everything inside of me wanted to devour her. As I glanced around, I realized there was no expense spared. I just couldn’t fathom spending so much for one day.

As Aston grabbed my hand and squeezed, my heart literally leapt up into my throat. I didn’t know what it was about this girl, but she had my insides in knots ninety percent of the time I was with her. She must have read my mind when I noticed the bar, because she led us straight to it.

I stood next to her, admiring her effervescent personality. She was captivating, plain and simple. I could feel her confidence wavering as she began to fidget with her dress. I reached for her hand to calm her down, and ended up telling her my inner most thoughts.

“You look absolutely stunning. Don’t ever think any different. I’m pretty sure you’re the most beautiful woman here. Now stop fidgeting.” Her reaction caught me off guard when she thought I would only say this to placate her.

Silly Girl!

If she only knew the thoughts that ran through my head on a daily basis. I shook the erotic visions from my head, and then ordered us two beers. When she told the bartender to grab two shots as well, I was mystified. This was a woman after my own cold, closed off heart.

It wasn’t hard to notice all of the hungry stares being directed at her, so I took it upon myself to take her to a more private edge of the lawn. It took everything in me not to go around beating every guy’s ass for even looking at her. The best part about it was she was completely oblivious to the effect she had on the male species. Once again, she shocked the shit out of me by asking what I meant outside of the hotel. I nearly choked on my beer in reaction to her questioning.


I really didn’t want to get into it here, so I gave her the most generic answer I could come up with. When I made the comment about her looking good enough to eat, I knew she was getting wet, because honestly, I was getting hard just thinking about her naked. Just as Aston was about to open up and let me in a little bit, her obnoxious friend Shelby showed up and ruined the moment.

I had the overwhelming urge to hear what was going to be said between these two, but she leaned up and pressed her lips to my cheek before heading in the direction of her friend. I rolled my eyes as I took a long pull from my beer bottle. Just as I finished my drink and was headed back to the bar, I saw Shelby’s date saunter up and lean in for a hug from Aston.

Who the f*ck was this guy?

I walked straight to Aston’s side, waiting for introductions. I was sizing up this tool in front of me when she introduced him as her good friend, and me as her date. My whole demeanor changed within seconds. God, what the f*ck was happening to me? I held out my hand and shook his. When he called me dude, I had to change my look to a serious one to keep myself from laughing my ass off. Seriously, were we back in 1995?

Of course, when she mentioned that she didn’t know how to explain their friendship, my douche bag side decided to make an appearance. I didn’t need to know anything else that was going to make me fall for her. I was already fighting tooth and nail to ignore the intense feelings that seemed to bubble up to the surface whenever I was around her.

As the door to the hall opened and two guys emerged, I could feel her body tense in response. I knew neither of the two was her ex, by the way they were dressed. They were definitely groomsman. I relaxed too soon, because a minute later a tall, very muscular, blonde guy came up behind them and I just knew this was him.

After his quick male bonding moment, his eyes were darting up and looking directly at her. He was looking at her like she was a prime rib for f*ck’s sake, all laid out for him to devour.

Wrong, a*shole!

I half expected her to introduce us, but when she pressed her hand to my flexed chest and said she would be right back, I wanted nothing more than to pull her into me and capture her mouth. After she was out of sight, I let out an audible sigh and headed straight for the bar. His two buddies were still there hanging out, so I saddled up next to them, hoping to get some dirt on the guy.

“How’s it going fellas?” I waved to the bartender as I waited for one, or both to answer me.

“Going good, bro. You here for the bride or the groom?” It was the shorter, skinnier one that responded.

“The groom.” In more ways than one. I said the last part to myself, as visions of kicking her ex’s ass passed through my mind.

“Nice.” It was the bigger one who spoke this time.

“So I hear he’s still hung up on his ex, you think she’ll show?” I was goading him and he played right into my hand.

“I f*cking hope not. That skank needs to back the f*ck off.”

My fists tightened at my sides the minute he called her a skank. The bartender returned just in time, as I needed something to distract me from beating this skinny, little shit to a pulp.

“I guess we’ll see huh?” I smiled as I walked away. If I stayed and listened to anymore of that f*cker’s incessant bullshit, someone was seriously going to get hurt, and it wouldn’t be me.

I stood off to the side of everyone, waiting for Aston to return. I was getting anxious and uneasy, and if she didn’t come back soon, I was going to go in search of her. I caught a glimpse of someone I thought was her, but then she was over shadowed by a daunting older woman. There was a little bit of a commotion, but then she was gone. I wanted to go after her, but voted against it. I was already treading a fine, confusing line with her.

I didn’t know she had made her way back outside, until I saw that bastard blocking her path. Knowing how he felt about her fueled my rage and I was over to her side within seconds. When I introduced myself as Aston’s boyfriend, I’m pretty sure that little f*ck stick almost pissed his pants.

I slipped my arm around Aston’s waist, steering her towards our seats. If one more a*shole tried to start shit with her, I was going to go postal on their ass. My full attention was on Aston as the bridal party started making their way out. I was trying to gauge her reaction when her ex was supposed to come out, but he never did. Even though she was trying to be calm, I knew she would go in search of him shortly. All it took was one horrifying look from his mother and she was off.

I stood up, along with the other guests and waited for Aston, yet again. A few minutes later, she was headed back towards me when that prick was back in front of her. That was it; I was going to pummel this asshat into the ground. Little did I know, Aston could more than handle herself. My jaw, along with my fists tightened as I saw his hand slip around her wrist, tightly. My adrenaline was rushing and I was more than prepared to go toe to toe with him, when her knee connected spot on with his balls.


When Aston was done embarrassing the guy, I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the exit. After today’s drama, I just needed to be inside of her. My body yearned to touch a piece of that beautiful skin, and there was nothing that could get in my way. I was determined to have her one last time and then break it off. I was in no state to even try something more with her. Unfortunately, I had a gut wrenching sense her feelings were going to be hurt more than I ever wanted.

Amanda Bennett's books