Misguided Heart



I woke up hoping that Aston wasn’t regretting what we did. I knew I sure as hell wasn’t. I have been with my fair share of women and holy shit, nothing compared to what Aston and I had experienced together.

Unfortunately, I could only assume she was doing just that, because when I woke up, she was already in the shower. I would have just waited for her to finish up, but I had to pee like a damn racehorse. I flung my legs over the side of the bed and drug my half naked body to the bathroom door. I knew there was a great possibility of getting smacked when I knocked, but I didn’t give a shit.

I guess I got my answer when she answered through the door with a ‘yeah’ instead of opening it and saying good morning. There were no pleasantries coming from her today, I could feel it. I thought it would have been me who tried to run away, but something happened when we had sex last night, something I couldn’t explain. So instead of me running, it was her.


I leaned my arms against the doorframe, making sure to accentuate every muscle. I was hoping that if she saw the goods one more time, maybe she would want a repeat. When she emerged and saw me standing half naked in front of her, I’m pretty sure regret was the last thing on her mind. The look on her face told me everything I needed to know and more.

She still wanted me!

When I emerged from the bathroom minutes later, I half expected her to go darting back in there, but she surprised me. She started to raise her fingers up to my chest and I knew exactly what she wanted to do. They started at the bird’s beak on the left pec and then her fingers slowly traced their way over to the next one. Every fingertip found their way across my chest and then over to my arm. I briefly closed my eyes, letting the relaxing sensation take over for a little bit. I waited for her to ask what they stood for, but the question never came.


I could feel my eyes getting darker with desire once she started tracing my full sleeve of tattoos on my arm. I was two seconds away from throwing her fine ass onto the bed and having my way with her, when she suddenly dropped her arms to her sides.

I really didn’t have the patience to deal with this shit today, so I stepped aside so she could walk past. But not before I showed her just exactly what she would be missing.

I gently gripped her wrist and pulled her into my chest, tight. Then I let my lips hover for a couple of seconds before letting them crush hers. I worked my tongue into her open mouth and greedily took advantage of feeling around inside. I’d have to say I left her breathless with the way her face was flushed and her mouth hung open; yeah I’m pretty sure that’s what happened.

After she was done getting ready and I came out, I almost choked. She was breathtaking. There were absolutely no words to describe how beautiful she looked. From her makeup and hair, to her dress and then her shoes, perfection.

The elevator ride would have been prime time for me to take her against the wall, and boy did I want to. My pants were getting tighter by the second. Unfortunately, or fortunately however you want to look at it, an older couple ended up riding down with us. I guess deep down I was thankful, she looked far too beautiful for me to mess it all up.

Maybe later!

While we waited for the valet to bring my car around, I could feel the tension growing between us. I knew how her brain worked and I’m sure she had a million and one questions just waiting to be answered. I decided to take it upon myself and clear the air to avoid any further awkwardness today.

I have a feeling the answer I gave her, wasn’t one she wanted to hear.


Amanda Bennett's books