Misguided Heart



I hadn’t planned on leaving Aston alone for long, waiting for me at the hotel, but there was something I had to do and it couldn’t wait. I made it back to my house to grab the box of condoms off of the dresser and I quickly made a call to let one of my girls to not bother coming over tonight. I know how it seemed but I had more to deal with than one man could tolerate. That, and I didn’t have anyone to answer to anyway.

When I walked up to the front desk at the hotel, I was prepared for the lady at the desk to tell me Aston was already upstairs and waiting. After she told me that she had left just a little while ago, I found myself almost frantic, wanting to know where she had gone.

I walked through two clubs with no luck. Just as I was leaving the second bar, I received a text from Aston’s phone, but it was from her friend Shelby. Without hesitation, I made my way over to Toby Keith’s where she said they were. I scanned the place ferociously. I was beginning to slowly give up when I spotted her across the bar. She stood out in a sea full of beautiful woman. That’s how gorgeous this girl was. My eyes didn’t see anything but her. I scanned her surroundings, wondering who was here with her; when I stopped at the table she was standing by.

Her hands were raised and she was throwing back shot after shot. Now I’m sure that she could handle her liquor, but as I took a seat at the bar and sat back watching, I could tell she was getting drunker by the minute. I kept a distance and took in the situation, surveying the sharks gathering around her like a fresh piece of meat.

My hands balled into fists on my lap, but I kept my cool. I knew if I barged in at the wrong time, she would send me packing. When I saw a somewhat tall, muscular football looking guy approach her, I waited for her to give him the brush off. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. They didn’t interact as if they liked each other, but there was definitely something there that was being left unsaid.

I sat back and watched her current predicament unfold. I could tell at one time or another, there was something between these two. When their conversation became heated, that’s when I took my cue to cut in. As I made my way in her direction, a cute little red head abruptly stopped me. If my sights weren’t already set on someone, I would have jumped at the opportunity to take this girl home. After giving red the brush off, I had lost track of Aston and her gang. I took a lap around the bar and dance floor, when I finally spotted her back at her table.

Aston was looking f*ckable tonight in her little getup. She was wearing tight as hell skinny jeans and a top that showed off all the right parts I wanted to look at. To top it off, she was wearing a pair of killer heels, ones that I could imagine wrapped around my neck.


After watching her for a little bit longer, I finally made the decision to break up the little sausage fest that was going on around her. I snuck up close behind her and placed my hand on the small of her back. She flinched a bit before turning and realizing it was me. My interest was peaked instantly, as to how many guys had been touching her or hitting on her all night.

Her arms came up quickly around my neck as she pulled me into a deep hug. I could tell that she was inebriated and was hoping that wasn’t the only reason she was being affectionate towards me. Oh, who am I kidding, I loved how the alcohol was making her. It felt as though I had been waiting for her touch for months.

She stood back practically eye f*cking me, so I did the same. Her eyes took in my attire, which she rarely saw me in, and stopped at my belt. I knew exactly what she was looking at and I wanted her looking. My dick knew her eyes were on him as well, because he was suddenly standing at attention.

When she finally pulled her gaze back up to my face, she smiled a sweet and endearing smile. Then she asked me, how I knew where she was. I didn’t want to rat out her friend, so I played dumb and said it was a lucky guess. This seemed to appease her, so I left it at that. I was just about to drag her onto the dance floor with me, when she beat me to it. I mean honestly, there was no way I was going to say no. I was going to get the opportunity to have my hands and other body parts, touch her without getting slapped for it.

We had a good rhythm going. She could really move, and her ass was all over my crotch, sending my dick into spasms. I touched almost every inch of her body as she grinded against me. I kept my lips close to the back of her neck and I could feel her stiffen ever so slightly when my breath would reach her neck.

When the current song started its transition into the next, I suddenly got the feeling that we were being watched. Sure as shit, when I lifted my head away from her neck, the guy she had been arguing with and his buddy were steady staring in our direction. I noticed her look over at them a few times and jealousy began surging through my veins.

It seemed she wanted to make the one she was arguing with more jealous, so I took it upon myself to help her out with that. I was doing my civic duty and being a gentleman. I laughed under my breath knowing it was only for my pleasure, okay and maybe hers, later.

My sex drive was instantaneously thrusted into over drive, when she reached behind me to slide her hands down my ass. If she was going to keep these shenanigans up, I was going to f*ck her right her on this goddamn dance floor, for all to see. I’m pretty sure she could sense it, because her demeanor changed in a flash.

Amanda Bennett's books