Misguided Heart



Over the last week, Aston and I had become accustomed to our morning run-ins. I would pretend to run into her and then we would head across the street and grab some coffee before we started our day. It was nice and it felt good to actually get to know the woman I had all but been stalking for months now.

As much as it pained me to do it, I ended up having to cancel our coffee ritual the Friday before the wedding. Unfortunately, the little blonde I had brought home the night before didn’t want to get her ass out of my f*cking bed.

Once I finally made it into the office, Aston was nowhere to be found, so I naturally I found myself pacing my office in anticipation of her return. I knew I was a dick. Everything my father had ever said about me was true. I was a man whore and even though I was letting myself fall for this wonderful woman, I was still keeping her at a distance. When her face came into view, I waved her into my office praying she wouldn’t be able to tell that I had lied.

When she entered my office, we did our usual pleasantries and then I was thrown when she asked me about my conference call. That was my lie that I had told her this morning, so stupid. As much as I wanted to be honest with her, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It’s not like we were an item or anything, so I guess technically I didn’t owe her an explanation, right?


On my drive into work this morning, I had devised a plan to take whatever it was we had going on, to the next level. When I mentioned getting a hotel for the next two nights, I didn’t expect her to jump for joy, but I also didn’t expect her to all but kick me in the balls. You would have thought I just asked the girl to f*cking marry me after one date.

Not likely!

Of course, she gave me some lame excuse about not having anyone to watch her dog. When I offered her a solution, she instantly shot me down. I wasn’t sure what her deal was all of a sudden, but my ego didn’t like the feeling. She did offer to stay the second night with me, but at that point, I was just irritated, so I sat down and started pretending to do some work on my computer, hoping she would get the hint. She must have, because seconds later she had vanished form my office.

I was f*cking livid when I started replying to my daily emails. I had never had a woman say no to me, why would she be any different? I didn’t expect her to say yes lightly, but I guess I had underestimated her ability to see through my cocky bullshit. Damn, she was such an infuriating woman.

A little while later, my door was pushed open and her small beautiful face appeared. My entire body reacted and I gave into my primal need. After she told me she changed her mind, I walked straight over to her with one purpose. I was going to kiss the shit out of her and leave her yearning for more.

Mission accomplished!

Amanda Bennett's books