Misguided Heart



Shelby kept peering back at our table to see if Darren was still waiting for me to approach him. I did my best to simply block out all the crazy shit that had happened to me tonight. I have to admit, I did look back at our table once to notice that Darren had wandered back over to Braden and their friends. I swallowed back hard and began to feel extremely guilty for possibly hurting his feelings, again after all these years.

As the minutes ticked by, I began to get more and more drunk. I would usually be happy about this fact, but given the current predicament that I was in, being drunk was the last thing I should be. Shelby kept giving me the evil eye, as I continued to keep dancing while she continued to look blatantly bored.

Four songs later I was wrecked, and man do I mean wrecked. Shelby had made her way back over to our table a few songs back and was now shamelessly flirting with Davis. I don’t know why she wasn’t into him. He was a fairly good-looking guy. He definitely wasn’t my cup of tea, but he suited her well. She had always been attracted to the really nice guys, and that was Davis. His short dirty blonde hair was sticking up in random directions and he was staring at Shelby, hard. He was adorable.

I had met Davis my junior year in high school and we somehow had remained friends all these years later. He was hilarious and was always the one to start the party. I really couldn’t understand why she didn’t like him. As I weaved through the overwhelmingly large crowd of people back to our table, I felt a strong hand clamp around my wrist. I didn’t have to turn to know who it was, but my stomach took flight and that scared me.

In my inebriated state, having a conversation with him was definitely not a good idea. Contrary to what he believed, I was truly sorry for how I had left things with him. I had spent my teenage years in and out of a physically and emotional abusive relationship and I was all but shutting down when I had first met him. I’m not going to lie, Darren had awoken something in me and it worked for the time that we were together. The relationship was a good one, not too much to complain about there. And the sex, well the sex had been phenomenal. Oh the sex. My tongue slipped out between my lips, bringing the bottom fuller one back in between my teeth, as I turned to look at him.

Eye contact was once again lost, but I was too drunk to even care at this point. “Yes.” I sighed. I could feel the cold metal band around his left ring finger against the soft tender spot on my wrist and I gulped.

“What are you doing here?” His tone was still full of rage and I debated whether to answer him.

I pulled my wrist from his tight grasp before I answered him. “I’m pretty sure that’s none of your business.” The alcohol coursing through my veins was starting to make me angry. This was going to end badly, I could feel it all the way down in my drunk little toes.

He took a step back, assessing my mood. “I didn’t say it was my business, Aston. I was just wondering.” His voice had smoothed out a bit, but a hint of anger lay dormant waiting to pounce.

Damn, why did he have to be so goddamn good looking? “Look, Darren I’m not trying to argue with you, or be a bitch to you. I know I did wrong in our relationship with how I left it, but its not like you were Mother f*cking Theresa.” Oops, and here comes the bitch! Look out ladies and gentleman; this ride is about to get bumpy. “I may have left you without an explanation, but at least I didn’t run off and get f*cking married.”

“Well, I see you’ve still got that sailors mouth on ya.”

I wasn’t sure if I saw a hint of a smile, but either way it was only fueling my irritability. “If I remember correctly, you used to love this sailor’s mouth.” Oops!

“Never said I didn’t.” He winked.

The tension between us was palpable. My body was betraying me at every turn. I wanted to be angry with him. I wanted to scream at him and make him feel the way he had made me feel towards the end of it all. Instead, visions of the naughty things I knew he could do to me were flying around in my brain. His strong calloused hands and the way they used to tease and press hard inside of me. How his tongue would only have to graze the tip of my nipples to send me into a euphoric state. The way he used to push me up against the wall and…. Ah f*ck! If I didn’t walk away now, bad things were going to happen. I could feel it, deep down. In that area to be more exact.

I let out a sigh and turned to head towards Shelby. I knew I should have just kept in the direction I was headed, but a different part of me had to know.

“Darren, are you happy?” Ah, I so didn’t want to know the answer. If he was, then I would feel like shit for still holding some kind of a torch for him. If he wasn’t, well let’s just say that I would want to do really naughty things to him. I wasn’t one to break up a marriage though so that would just have to remain a very vivid fantasy.

He hung his head then slowly drug his eyes up to mine. Piercing blue eyes pierced straight through the grey eyes staring back at him. “It’s not what you think.”

That was all he said and then he turned and walked back to Braden. I stood staring at the empty space in front of me that was now quickly being filled by other bodies trying to get a spot on the dance floor. I crossed my arms over my chest and made my way back to Shelby. Her face was all contorted and confused. I just rolled my eyes at her, lifting an abandoned shot glass to my lips and drinking the contents in one gulp.

“Well, if that wasn’t the most confusing thing I had ever f*cking heard.” I searched for another glass of alcohol anywhere on the table. When I came up empty handed, I motioned towards the bar and for Shelby to follow. Like a good little friend, she obeyed.

Shelby hung her heavy drunken arm around my shoulders as we saddled up to the bar. I motioned for the hot bartender for two more drinks, earning me a wink.

“So, what did he say? We were all waiting when he grabbed your wrist. I thought you were going to take him down.” She laughed.

“He had the balls to ask me what I was doing here. I mean, are you f*cking kidding me?” I ran the sexual innuendo part past her and then hesitated to tell her that I asked him if he was happy. Against my better judgment, I told her. “I asked him if he was happy.” I hung my head in shame, before righting myself and not caring. “He said it’s not what I think. Um, hi, cryptic much?” We both started laughing, not wanting to talk about it anymore I changed the subject.

“So, did you go talk to Braden?”

“Hell no! He’s here with his girlfriend. I swear those two need to get a damn room.”

I laughed at her knowing damn well just how much she wanted to get a room with him. “You know you miss him.” I giggled.

“Oh shut up. You have so many exes in and out, it’s unreal. And where the hell is Sloan? Have you even heard from him?”

Shit! I had totally forgot to text him. Shit, shit, shit! “No I need to go grab my phone and text him. Grab the drinks will ya. Just tell hottie behind the bar to put it on my tab.”

“Oh I bet you want him to put it on your tab.” I laughed all the way to the table, because honestly, I totally would let him.

Davis and his friends looked like they were getting ready to leave when I made it over to my purse. “Leaving already? That’s not the Davis I know and love.”

“Hell no, we ain’t leavin’, what about you guys?”

I looked at him with that are-you-serious-right-now look on my face, “That is a negative. We’re just getting started.” I frantically searched through my clutch for my phone, coming up empty handed. When I finally found my phone, it took everything in me not to drunk dial Nole. I swear these boys were going to be the death of me.

“You okay over there?” Davis’s voice cut through my drunkenness and I was grateful.

“I’m good. Just needed to text someone real quick.” I pulled up Sloan’s name and started typing a fun little drunk text to him. When I got half way through it, I felt a light touch against my lower back. I was so sick of people coming up behind me; I almost turned around swinging. When I turned, I ran straight into his glowing amber eyes. Man he was hot! Apparently that was the theme for tonight, hotness! I smiled and threw my arms around his neck, pulling him against my hyper aware body.

I took a step back to get a better look at him and I swear I almost came in my panties. He was wearing low-slung, dark wash jeans, that hugged his ass nicely and a black, V-neck shirt that left very little to the imagination about just how large his muscles were. He looked like sex on a stick and I wanted to swallow him whole.

“Well, that was quite a welcome.” He smirked.

“How did you know I was here?” I could feel the drunken flirting beginning, and I liked it.

“Wild guess, I suppose.” He smiled a teasing smile and I knew Shelby must have gotten a hold of him.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here. You want to dance?” I needed to have this glorious man grinding on me, like yesterday.

“Sure.” He held his hand out for mine and I gladly took it.

As we made our way onto the dance floor, I noticed that Braden and Darren were out there also. Great, as if there wasn’t already eight years of awkwardness to make up for. Darren’s eyes locked with mine as I slid one of my arms around Sloan’s neck. I liked Sloan, I really did, but my mind was preoccupied with making Darren jealous.

I watched as his eyes went as wide as saucers, looking Sloan up and down. Yeah, he was jealous. I turned and started rubbing my ass into the crotch of Sloan’s pants and I could feel his excitement pushing against me. Oh my, even that was shaping up to be a sight to behold. Sloan’s arms wrapped tightly around my waist pulling my butt further into his erection and I let out a gasp. Darren’s eyes were about to bulge right out of his head and I gave myself a small high five. Take that, you married a*shole.

The song slowly blended into the next and I turned around in Sloan’s arms just so I wouldn’t have to look at Darren anymore. He could have his wife and whatever else he wanted, but I was going to have this man in front of me, and a glorious orgasm. If I was lucky.

Amanda Bennett's books