Misguided Heart



It was almost eight thirty when Sloan finally knocked on the door. I made sure that I had my bags ready to go, and an extra key sitting on the kitchen counter for Molly when she came to let the dog out. I half ran to the door and greeted Sloan with a huge smile. He smiled back and my heart instantly melted.

“Let me take that for you.” He offered.

“Thanks, let me just grab my dress and shoes and we can be on our way.” I smiled.

I grabbed the beige plastic bag with my head turning dress inside and my silver Manolo Blahniks. I quickly checked the sliding glass door and turned to see Sloan with his cell phone up to his ear. My heart sank and by the look on his face, I could tell that the night was not going to go as planned. I hurried over to the door, snatching up my purse on the way. I quickly locked the door behind me and started past Sloan towards his car when he grabbed my arm.

“I’m really sorry to do this to you, but my father just called and I need to run to the office for about an hour. Would you mind driving yourself to the hotel and I will meet you there?”

“Sloan, if this won’t work tonight it’s fine. I can just stay here and you can pick me up tomorrow for the wedding.” I tried to hide my disappointment.

“No, no I don’t want this to ruin our plans. I promise I will be there in two hours or so. Please just drive there and I will meet you.” His face dropped.

“Okay, I guess I will see you soon then.” I smiled.

He leaned over and kissed me quickly on the cheek as he handed off my luggage. I was extremely bummed out, but I did my best to not let him notice. I watched intently as he sauntered over to his car and took off out of my neighborhood almost lightning fast. I reached for my car keys in my purse and headed out to the garage. I climbed into the driver’s seat after hanging up my dress in the backseat. I sat there for at least ten minutes contemplating what exactly I was doing with my life. I mean people were getting married and I couldn’t even get a guy to stay the night with me. I suddenly had an empty feeling in my gut. My sickness had passed since this morning and I was thankful at this moment, because the images running through my head of me alone and old made me a bit queasy.

I put my car in drive and headed out towards the hotel. Sloan had made all of the reservations, so I had no idea where exactly we were staying. Sloan sent me a text with the address about fifteen minutes after he left and I just followed my Google map on my phone. I arrived about twenty minutes later at the Chaparral Suites off of Scottsdale Road. The outside was absolutely breathtaking and I could only imagine what the room looked like. I slowly pulled into the valet parking and collected my things from the back seat. The nice young man working handed me my ticket and I drug my lackadaisical butt through the sliding glass doors. I finally made my way up to the hotel desk and immediately wondered if the reservation was under my name or Sloan’s. I sat there staring at my phone, debating whether or not to call Sloan and ask.

“Ma’am, can I help you?” A strange voice interrupted.

“Oh yes, I am so sorry. I’m checking in. I believe the reservation is under Sloan Holden.” I replied.

She tapped on her keys at least a dozen times before responding. “Oh yes, here it is Mrs. Holden. For two in the VIP one bedroom suite?” She asked.

My voice caught in my throat as the sound of her addressing me as Mrs. Holden ran through my brain. “Um, I’m not his wife.” I answered. “And, I am not quite sure what room he booked.” I shrugged.

“Okay well no problem. It looks like he has booked the VIP suite on the third floor. Here are your keys and I just need a quick signature on this page.” She replied while handing me a printed out paper.

I thanked her and turned. My heels clicked on the mud colored tile floor as I found my way over to the elevators on the South end of the building. The up arrow illuminated and I let out a sigh of boredom. I got lucky and didn’t have to wait long for the elevator. The doors opened a few seconds later and to my surprise I was the only one in it. I pushed the number 3 and leaned my head back against the wall. I stared at my dazed reflection in the mirrors above me. I looked haggard and rundown. The door opened and I bolted straight for the room.

I gradually walked into the eight hundred and some odd square foot suite. I blinked back to better see. The room was absolutely stunning. It had one king sized bed in a separate room of to the side with a beautiful satin burnt sienna comforter and black satin throw pillows. On the opposite side of the bed, stood a small kitchenette with fridge, microwave, coffee maker and a round oak table with matching chairs. The bathroom to my left had nothing but a beautiful modern art mirror with detached sink and vanity. To the right, a large garden hot tub and standard steel frame stall shower stood beckoning to me. I was in awe of this place. I swept my freshly manicured fingers across the satin comforter before placing my things neatly across from the bed.

I flung my tired body back against the pillow top mattress and lay there staring at the ceiling for no apparent reason. My eyes began to feel heavy and I rolled onto my side to check the time on the hotel alarm clock. It was now quarter to ten and I suddenly became enraged. He promised me that he would only be gone an hour or so and it was now an hour and a half later. I rummaged through my purse searching for my cell phone. Maybe, just maybe, he had sent me a text or even tried to call and I just didn’t hear it. I clutched my iPhone so hard in my hand I swear I could’ve broken it in two. I clicked the bottom button and the phone’s background illuminated with no sign of a missed call or text message.

My fingers quickly touched the buttons on the screen as I sent a not so nice text message to this so-called wonderful man. I pressed the send button and fell back on the bed in anger. I shook my head and began to feel low when I decided I would call Shelby and see what she was up to. I waited ten agonizing minutes for a text message back from Sloan before calling her. Of course, she picked up after one ring.

“Hey, hey, hey pretty lady what are you up to?” She screamed into the receiver.

I could hear loud music playing and people shouting in the background. “Where are you?” I shouted back.

“What?” She bellowed.

“Where are you?” I took it up a couple of notches.

“Oh, sorry it’s so loud in here. I am up at Toby Keith’s Bar with Davis and some of his friends. Are you at the hotel yet?”

“Yeah, I am here, but he is not.” I tried to hide the rage in my voice even though I knew Shelby would have heard it anyway.

“Well, then bring your little ass up here and hang out. I don’t want any excuses from you Aston, just slip on something cute and leave a note. I’ll see ya in a few.”

The line went dead and I knew that unless I did as she said, she would be calling back every half hour trying to convince me otherwise. I lingered on the bed for a couple minutes staring at my phone, wishing for it to ring I suppose, but when it didn’t I drug my lazy body to the bathroom to freshen up my makeup. About ten minutes later, I heard the text message sound coming from my phone. With a sudden burst of energy I ran to the bed and saw that it was only Shelby. I quickly sent her a text back letting her know that I was headed out the door in twenty and I would see her soon.

I went back to the bathroom, swiped some lip-gloss across my pouty lips and brushed through my long light blonde hair. I hadn’t brought too many clothes to use as backups, so I would have to try to put something together. Toby Keith’s was a pretty laid back bar. I came across a pair of my True Religion jeans that I had packed, just in case I suppose. My subconscious must know my luck, and me better than I knew it myself. I slipped them on and buttoned the silver button and pulled my black sequined stripped Heidi Klum tank over my head. I slipped on my silver Manolo heels that seemingly matched quite well, examined myself in the mirror one last time and headed out to my car. It was one of the warmest nights of the summer so far and the heat smacked me in the face like a hot oven when first opened. I inhaled a deep humid breath and on my way I was.

I pulled into the over crowded parking lot at Toby Keith’s about thirty minutes later and instantly sent a text to Shelby. I told her it was going to be near impossible to find her but I was headed to the door anyway. A moment later Shelby was bouncing up to me with a drunken smile plastered on her face, and I knew I was in for a long night.

“Hi my love, it took you long enough.” She scolded while embracing me in a huge bear hug.

“Sorry hun, I had to make sure I looked my best.” I said jokingly as I struck a model type pose.

We both broke out into high-pitched laughter and headed towards the table that she and Davis had been occupying. I said a quick hello to Davis and headed up to the bar for a beer.

“Oh, no you don’t.” I heard Shelby’s voice scream in my ear. “It’s all about the shots tonight. We are celebrating your ex and his, whatever she is, getting married and you finally being free of him. WHOOO HOO!” Her voice echoed loudly.

“I don’t know Shelby. I have to be able to drive back to the hotel later.” I sounded like those prissy girls in high school who were too good to get drunk because of what people might think, even though they were the ones throwing the party. “You know what never mind, let’s do this!” I shouted and downed my first shot.

“That’s my girl.” Shelby shouted to the bar with one arm around my neck.

We started out slow with a couple shots of this and that and then threw all caution to the wind and were eventually full fledged tipsy. I could feel myself having a wonderful time for the first time in what felt like forever. I had become so engrossed in my job over the past couple years, that I slowly let the old Aston fade away. This was a crying shame, because as of right now, I loved the old Aston. Shelby and I headed out to the dance floor at least a dozen times.

I headed back to the high top table to sit down and take a quick breather when the only song I could never say no to, came on over the millions of speakers. I turned around and saw Shelby and in an instant we were screaming and running back out to the dance floor. Suddenly it was only Shelby and I jamming out to Young MC’s, Bust a Move.

We paid absolutely no attention to anyone else as we pulled out all the old school moves like the running man and the Roger rabbit. We were the center of attention, but the only person I could spot besides Shelby was Davis taking pictures of us with his phone. I was beaming. This was definitely going to be a night to remember.

We continued dancing without caution when I felt a hard wall slam into my back. I quickly turned and shot a nasty glance in the direction of whomever it was who thought they should interrupt my groove. I almost immediately changed the expression on my face when I realized who it was that I had run into. I threw my arms up and around his neck in less than a second and he quickly reciprocated.

“Oh my god Braden, how are you? I haven’t seen you in like ten years.” I squealed. Braden and I had met through my ex-boyfriend Darren. He was the only other man to hold a piece of my heart, besides Nole, of course. He and I became close while Darren and I dated, but obviously lost contact when the relationship had ended.

“I’m doing really well. How are you?” He replied.

“I’m doing great. I’m just working for the man. You know same old shit.” I laughed. I scanned the room for Darren without being too obvious, but Braden knew me a bit too well.

“He’s not with me.” He shouted.

“Who?” I pretended not to know what he was talking about.

“You know who girl. Don’t try to lie to me. I’m here with my girlfriend. He is at home, with his wife.” He replied as he half hid his face as though I was going to punch him.

I know he could see the change in my expression but I tried to hide it anyway. “He got married huh? That’s awesome, I am so happy for him.” I was lying. “Well hey, it was good running into you.” I laughed. “I’ll catch up with you later.” And I ran as fast as my Manolos would let me into the women’s restroom.

I took the first open stall and leaned my back against the cold metal door. Tears of sadness began to creep through my mascara-ridden eyelashes. I only let a few fall through, before drying my face and heading back out. I immediately saw Shelby back at the table and headed over to her. She must have seen what had happened because she was holding her arms out to hug me.

“Don’t you dare baby me, Shelby Graves; we are not done drinking and having a good time. Where are the shots? “I yelled at her.

“Who was that?” She half screamed into my ear.

“Shelby are you serious? That was Braden.” I shouted.

Shelby and Braden had a quick fling while Darren and I were dating. She was seeing someone else at the time but he was a bit of a dick so I guess she felt the need to find comfort somewhere else. It only lasted a short while but I knew Braden had always wondered if things would have worked out.

“You have got to be shitting me?” She chuckled. “I didn’t even recognize him. Damn, he has gotten HOT!” She hung her head and I could tell she wanted to go talk to him.

She was right though. Braden had always been a looker with is dark buzzed hair, emerald green eyes and tattoos stretched over his then thin muscles. He had since filled those puppies out. He now resembled a professional football player, with how big he had gotten. And the tattoos had seemed to multiply. Yum! I shook the dirty thoughts, clouding my drunken state of mind away before I threw out the next chunk of knowledge about him that I knew.

“He is here with his girlfriend. Oh and get this, Darren got married.” A look of disgust settled into my expression.

“WHAT? No way! You know, I would have thought that the two of you would have gotten married once upon a time.” She laughed.

“We almost did. You don’t remember our impromptu trip to Vegas?” I replied.

“Oh my god that’s right. The one where Braden and Darren thought it would be a good idea to get shit faced in the back seat while we drove.” We both began hysterically laughing. “And Braden swore he had an allergic reaction to the alcohol they were drinking.” Our laughing began to get louder.

I was doubled over in my chair trying to catch my breath when I felt a hand touch my lower back. I turned instantly to come face to face with whoever felt the need to be touching me. My jaw dropped and I flung my hand up to my mouth and then turned to look at Shelby. She just gave me a wide-eyed expression and spun her finger around to tell me to do the same. I turned back around and he was still standing in front of me. All five feet eleven inches of pure muscle was now staring right back at me. He looked so different in so many ways, but exactly the same in other ways. He looked older than me, despite our two-year age difference. He used to have a much smaller frame but apparently that was nothing but muscle these days. He still had the same sandy blonde hair that he insisted on shaving down and his piercing blue eyes still struck a chord in my heart. God, he looked good. Oh and he had more tattoos too, visible ones.

Oh my!

“Hi!” I managed to choke out.

“Hi.” He replied.

He was suddenly very fidgety in his own shoes. He didn’t look me in the eyes except for when I first turned around. I wanted to give him a huge hug, but his body language was telling me to stay away.

“Braden said you were at home.” I knew I sounded stupid the moment the words came out of my mouth. So much for playing it cool. Dumbass!

“He lied. I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk to you or even see you for that matter after I saw him run into you.” He still made no eye contact.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I ran my fingers through my hair slowly and by doing so we finally made eye contact. My heart began doing somersaults just like it used to when we had first met each other.

“So what have you been up to since the last time I watched you leave me.” He growled.

I bit down on my lip knowing that he was still upset with me. I guess I thought after eight years he would’ve gotten over the fact that I up and left with my family; well the family I had left. Darren and I had a complicated relationship to say the least. It all started out wonderful. We instantly hit it off and spent basically every day together when he wasn’t working, but eventually when you get down to the nitty gritty, you see things in someone you didn’t know existed, until it is too late that is.

“Wow, really that’s how you want to start our first conversation after eight years?” I snapped. “I mean seriously, how mad could you really be; you’re the one who got married.” I scoffed.

“Wow, I see you’ve matured so much in the last eight years.” He snapped back.

“Okay so I can tell that this conversation is going to end up like most of our old conversations, so I think you should just walk away now.” The intensity that was there had now dissipated. I suddenly remembered why things didn’t end up working out.

I stood there waiting for him to respond or show some emotion, but his face was drawn in a hard stare. I began to tap my foot annoyingly when finally I turned around to resume paying attention to my real friends at the table. I could feel his glare burning a hole in the back of my head, but I never turned around. I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of thinking he was better than me. I rolled my eyes at Shelby and threw back at least three more shots, one right after the other. I figured if he wanted to have a mature somewhat intoxicated conversation, then he could be the first one to apologize.

Shelby gave me a hard stare and motioned for me to once again turn around. I shook my head no and continued drinking with the rest of the table. I could feel the alcohol warming my blood all the way down to my toes. I didn’t have to turn around to know that he was still standing impatiently behind me. I drank one last shot and lunged towards Shelby over the table. I grabbed her arm, moving her around the table pulling her onto the dance floor with me. I was not about to have my ex whatever he was, ruin a perfectly good night out.

“What are you doing Aston?” Shelby shouted in my ear.

I threw my hands up and turned around in a circle while dancing to the sound that was pumping through the speakers. “I’m dancing, what are you doing?” I shouted back.

“You are crazy. Why won’t you just talk to him?”

“I don’t want to and given the fact that he was being a complete a*shole makes it that much easier to ignore him.” I smiled as I gave into the rhythm.

Amanda Bennett's books