Misguided Heart

Epilogue (Two Months Later)


His hands snaked around my waist, pulling my back tightly into his chest before he spoke. "Good morning, my love. How are you this morning?" His lips were hovering just below my earlobe.

"Hmmmm, I'm good. I'm guessing you slept well?" I twisted my body around in his arms so I was facing him. He was shirtless and despite how many times I had seen his gloriously naked body, it still took my breath away.

"Mmm hmm. How could I not, with my future wife by my side."

God he was sexy!

"Well, you might want to get going if you're going to make it to work on time today." I let out a small giggle. For the last week and a half, we had made it into the office on time, maybe twice. What can I say, he was overwhelmingly needy in the mornings.

"Okay, I'm out of here." Just as I looked up, I caught sight of his beautiful smoldering eyes as he dipped me back and kissed me, long and passionately.

When Sloan stood me back up, a wide smile spread across my face. Oh how I loved this man, and couldn't wait to become his wife. I stood on my toes and kissed him one last time before he finally made his way out of the apartment.

I quickly slipped in and out of the shower, so I could get some things done before having to pick up Shelby and Braden from the airport.

Shelby and Braden had gotten married about three weeks after we moved. They were supposed to come in for a quick visit for wedding planning, but ended up going to the courthouse to make it official. When she was in town, we sat down and had an extremely long talk about what happened before I left.

I made sure to explain to her, that it wasn't her. I was jealous and hurt, thinking that should have been me. After everything she and I had been through, it was easy for her to forgive me and for us to move on. Now she and Braden were headed back out for our wedding.

After cleaning the apartment and running my errands, I made the last minute decision to join Sloan for lunch before heading to the airport.

"Well Mr. Holden, how has your morning been so far?"

I closed his office door behind me and slowly made my way over to him. I was wearing a long, halter maxi dress, and it was about to work in my favor. I inched the skirt up my thighs, just to where he could see that I wasn't wearing any panties at the moment. A sly grin touched his lips and I quickly closed the distance between us.

I was hungry for his touch. I swear I would have died in that very moment, if he hadn't reached out for my hand. I straddled his already hard erection, just as he unbuttoned his pants. I heard his belt hit the floor with his pants and I let out a laugh.

"I see you're ready to go." I winked.

"Absolutely. Now be quiet and kiss me."

Without a second thought, I pressed my plush lips against his. His tongue slid across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, instantly accepting him. I lifted myself up just enough for him to push inside of me. I gasped at the fullness I felt every time he was in me. Seconds later, he was cupping my ass and bouncing me up and down his length, while I continued to pepper feather like kisses all down his neck.

It didn't take long for me to feel the pressure building up. My walls closed and I squeezed his dick tighter than I ever had before. In that instant, my eyes locked with his and we found our release together. My eyelids fluttered shut and then quickly shot open when I heard a knock at his door.

"Just a second." He shouted. "Sorry baby, we will have to cut our visit a little bit short."

I pressed my lips to his as I stood up off of him and pulled my panties out of my purse. When I saw the shocked look on his face, I laughed. "You didn't really think I was going to go all day without these, did you?"

"I was hoping not, but you never know with you." He winked. "I'll see you at home in a couple of hours?"

"Of course." As he made his way around his desk, he gave one good smack to my ass. "More later, I promise."

I gathered my things and quickly made my way out to the curb. If I was going to make it to the airport on time, I needed to grab a cab now. As we merged with the hellish traffic, I glanced at my phone to see what time it was exactly. I had approximately thirty minutes to get JFK from the office, and it usually took at least an hour in daytime traffic.


My thoughts were all consuming as I stared out the window. It seemed like our lives were moving about a million miles a minute lately, and it was nice to have a few minutes to myself.

After Sloan and I had made up, his father announced that I would be joining Sloan in New York as the new editor here. I was amazed that his hard ass father was willing to make that sacrifice for us, but I wasn't going to argue with it.

Sloan and his father still had their issues, but I was starting to think they were in a better place than they had been over the years. I think it helped when Sloan asked me to marry him, just before we left. In a rare occurrence, we found ourselves at his parent’s house for a going away dinner. It was just his parents and us, and it felt nice. For the first time in a long time, family surrounded me. Dysfunctional yes, but still family.

Sloan waited exactly ten minutes after we had arrived at his parent's house to ask me. We were just about to sit down for dinner, when Sloan grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. I stood by the infinity edge pool, staring at Sloan as he paced back and forth. He seemed nervous and that was so unlike him. Just as I had reached for his hand to pull him to a stop, he lowered himself to one knee.

"I can honestly say that I have never loved anyone as much as I love you, Aston. You make my life worth living and I can't imagine not waking up to you everyday. I know it seems quick, but would you please do me the honor of letting me love you forever, and becoming my wife?"

It started with a single tear and then quickly they fell like rain. He was still holding my left hand and I could feel his hands shaking. I knelt down next to him and gently pressed my lips to his, all the while, whispering yes over and over again. He quickly gathered me up in his strong arms, swinging me in circles. I honestly couldn't have pictured it any better.

After that night, we hadn't left each other's side. I wanted to spend every waking minute with him, regardless of where we were or what we were doing. I was going to be Mrs. Sloan Holden in less than forty-eight hours and I was elated.

We knew how fast it was, trust me. But at this point, we were past all of the waiting. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that Sloan was the man I wanted to be with forever. Why wait, when you have exactly what you've always wanted?

Amanda Bennett's books