Misguided Heart



I wasn't planning on taking my little charade that far, when I first got the idea. I just wanted him to feel as out of control as he had been making me feel lately. It was about damn time he sat back and watched what it would be like to not have me at his beck and call.

I almost lost my nerve when I first locked eyes with him. His stare could do things to my insides that I didn't even know were possible. With one long look, I had changed my mind and was just going to toy with him a bit, but when I saw the un-amused look on his face; I took it exactly where it needed to go. If that didn't have him hard and ready to go, I was at a loss for what would get him there.

Although, I didn't expect his reaction, the dominating side of him I usually got to see, made me come instantly and I was ready for more. If there was any doubt in my mind as to how he felt about me, well, that all just went straight out the window. I was finally to the point where I knew exactly what I wanted, and I wasn't going to let anyone, not even Nole, get in the way.

Shit, Nole!

I still hadn't even called him to thank him for the flowers. I knew if I didn't do something soon, he would show up here and ruin everything with Sloan. For whatever reason, Sloan wasn't Nole's biggest fan, and I can't say I blamed him. I had been so confused for the last month, deciding between Nole and Sloan. I wondered if I should just go for it with Nole, or try something new with Sloan.

After everything that Nole and I had been through, I just wasn't sure if I was willing to be the next girl he left at the altar. What's to say it wouldn't be me next. My mind and my heart were definitely at odds with one another, but I was pretty sure my heart knew exactly what it wanted.

After I pulled myself together in the restroom, I made my way back out to my office. The rest of the day went rather smoothly. Just before leaving the office, I decided to send Nole a quick text instead of a phone call.

Sorry, I have been super busy with work. Thank you so much for the flowers. I love them.

I felt safe when I hadn't received a phone call or a text back. I gathered my belongings, scouted out the office, like a coward, and took off when I saw no sign of Sloan. Ten minutes into my drive home, I received a text back and was almost afraid to open it.

You're very welcome. You deserve to be showered with beautiful things all the time. When can I see you again? N

This was precisely what I wanted to avoid. If I saw Nole again, my mind would once again try to convince itself that Nole is who I needed, even who I thought I wanted. I was nervous enough about the party tonight, so I sent a response I was sure would give him the hint that I was busy.

Soon xoxo

Seriously, hugs and kisses? Damn it, Aston!

I pulled my bike into the garage and decided that a quick dip in the pool was what I needed. I closed the garage and slipped out the side door into the back yard. I threw my gym bag on the closest lounge chair and took a quick look around, making sure no one was out on their balconies.

I stripped down to my birthday suit and dove into the cool enticing water. I swam a few laps and came back up for air, just beneath the diving board. I was startled by a black figure standing above me. I threw my hand up to shade the sun from my eyes, and almost sunk down in the water when I saw Sloan standing at the edge of the pool.

"What are you doing here?" I swam the few feet over to the side of the pool and pulled myself up to rest my chest and arms on the cool deck.

"I just came by to make sure you were still coming with me tonight." His signature cocky smirk ticked at my nerves as I stared up at him.

"I was still planning on going with you, if that's what you're asking." I winked up at him, just before dropping my body back in the water. When I looked back up, he was slowly taking off his suit. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm sweating like a whore in church out here. I'm just jumping in to cool off."

I grit my teeth and tried my hardest not to look at his ripped form. Every muscle was stretched and flexed under his already tan skin. I tried to turn away, I did, but damn if he wasn't hotter than the f*cking sun. After my little stunt today in his office, I was yearning for him to be inside of me. Somehow, it just wasn't as fulfilling to get myself off anymore. Without him inside of me, my orgasm just felt forced.

His lips curled up into a sly grin as he discarded his boxer briefs and dove towards me. I swam back a little bit to make room for his long body, but he was determined to end up right in front of my face. His mouth came up right next to my neck and I could feel the water dripping from his lips onto my scorching skin.

"Did you really think I would just let you get away with that little stunt today?"

I pushed against his chest and started to swim away. "Do you really think you have that much control over me?" I splashed water at him and then took off to the other end of the pool.

I felt his hand skim across my ankle, as I pushed myself to swim faster. When I finally reached the other end, his head popped up from underneath the water seconds later. I smiled a fake smile knowing it would get him all riled up, and damn if I didn’t want him all riled up.

"I don't want to control you, Aston. I just want to show you how it feels when you go against me."

"I'm not quite sure I follow you." I feigned innocence when I knew damn good and well what he meant. I knew he needed that control when it came to sex, but I needed it just as much. I was willing to relinquish a little bit of control, but definitely not all of it.

"Don't be coy Aston, it's not your thing. You know exactly what I want, but are you willing to give it to me, now?"

My eyes went wide enough to pop out of my skull. I wasn't a prude and I had definitely had my fair share of "playing in the pool," but I knew the type of sex he wanted and I just wasn't quite sure if I was willing to let my neighbors possibly witness it.

"I don't think this is the place to do that." I let out a small giggle knowing that the challenge of this, would send him over the edge. His hands reached out around my ass and pulled me around his waist. I knew I was in for it, but I wanted it.

"Now I get to do what I wish with you." His lips were right against the soft sensitive skin of my ear and goose bumps went shooting down my skin. It may have been a hundred and fifteen outside, but my skin felt like it was on ice. "Wrap your arms around my neck. I'll keep us afloat."

I knew he was more than capable, but handing over that much control was hard for me. I took a leap of faith and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. I felt my stomach drop as we floated effortlessly in the deep end of the pool. His fingers slid down my sides and around the back of my ass cheek. I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, just as his finger dipped inside of me.

I gasped as the impact of his finger hit deep inside of me. Before I could say a word, his finger was moving with ease, in and out of me. His motions gradually gained speed. Between the water and the feel of his hand touching my insides, I could feel myself at the edge. My insides tightened around his fingers and pulled him in deeper. Just as I was about to let go, he removed his hand and swam us to the side.

"Turn around!"

I looked at him long and hard before doing as he told. I turned around and held on to the edge of the pool. He pulled my backside up in the water and without warning slid right inside of me, hard and fast. I cried out in pleasure more than anything. He was hitting just the right spot inside, but I needed to feel him touching me on the outside.

I reached around to find his hand, to pull it forward to my nipples, but he jerked it out of my grasp. "This is for me." He growled.

Without further discussion, he continued to slam into me. As I neared the edge again, I decided to touch myself if he wasn't going to. I reached down and began circling my *. I put just enough pressure to cause my insides to explode around his hardness. When I was done, I held on tight to the side as he finished what he had started. Minutes later, I could feel the beads of sweat and water dripping onto the middle of my back.

"You just couldn't help yourself could you?" He let out a thunderous laugh as he pulled out of me, turning me around in his arms to face him. Before I could answer him, his lips were on mine. This kiss was different and I couldn't help but feel like it was goodbye. When he pulled back, I smiled. When he didn't return the smile, I knew something was off.

"I'll be back to get you in about an hour. Is that enough time?"

He was out of the water and pulling on his pants, not looking at me. What the hell was his deal? "Might want to make it an hour and a half. I need to shower and get ready." I winked but was ignored completely as he pulled his shirt on and made his way to the back gate.

"See you in an hour and a half." He waved over his shoulder and as the latch clicked on the gate, I sank myself to the bottom of the pool.

A*shole was the only word that came to mind!

Amanda Bennett's books