Misguided Heart



I was elated when I got Sloan's text. Of course, I half expected him to come up to the door, but whatever. I was still beaming as I made my way out to the town car he had apparently rented, but everything hit the ground the minute I opened the door.

"You reek of whiskey, Sloan. Are you sure you're feeling up to going tonight?" I almost had to pinch my nose, that's how bad he smelled.

"Of course, and you look good enough to eat." His hand reached for my bare thigh, but I pulled back.

"Maybe you should sober up a bit first."

He pulled back, pissed. I could tell by the look on his face that he was beyond drunk. His father was going to kill him, and I wasn't sure I was prepared to watch that. Sloan didn't say a single word the entire car ride to the office. The car was thick with tension, and I had no clue how to fix it. I just sat, staring out the limo tinted windows, watching the city and landscape fly past us. I was trying to ignore Sloan, but the pull I always felt to him was maddening.

We pulled up to the office building and I didn't wait for the driver or Sloan to open my door. I quickly jumped out and stood waiting on the sidewalk for Sloan to get his drunken ass out. After about ten minutes of patiently waiting, I began to get impatient. Just as I was about to walk in alone, Sloan's hand slid through mine, intertwining our fingers. My heart soared with every touch, but I kept myself from getting too excited. Something felt off and I knew now, more than ever, that shit was about to hit the fan.

The party planning company did an amazing job with all of the decorations in the small ballroom downstairs. I stood in amazement at how beautifully the room came together. There were red and white balloons throughout and an amazing paper mache banner with the company's logo across the bottom of the stage. It was beautiful and classy, just like Mrs. Holden, whom I just spotted across the room.

She looked absolutely stunning in her long sleeved, navy wrap around dress. Her copper brown hair was pulled tightly in a bun at the top of her head and she wore a diamond-encrusted headband in front of it. She was simple, classy and elegant. Her smile was wide and bright, until she took in the sight of her son. Her smile quickly faded and was replaced with a look of disgust.

"Good evening, Dear. You look absolutely ravishing." She kissed me on both cheeks, and then held me out at arms length to take in my appearance.

"Thank you, Mrs. Holden. You look amazing, as always." I smiled.

"Oh you flatter me." She smiled a genuine smile, until she turned her gaze onto her son.

"And what the hell happened to you? Do you no longer own a razor?" She pushed against Sloan's cheek with her fist. "I expected better from you Sloan, your father is going to be livid."

She leaned slightly in to my ear and whispered, "Please get him sobered up some before the speeches, please Dear?"

"Will do, ma'am."

With that, we parted ways and I all but drug Sloan over to the bar. "We need two bottles of water please." The bartender turned and was back instantaneously with our drinks. I grabbed the two bottles and looped my arm though Sloan's. I stumbled to an empty table and yanked him down in the chair. "Drink this, or your mother is going to kill me."

Sloan simply nodded and then proceeded to down the entire bottle of water. When he was finished, I slid the other bottle over to him and he did just the same. After about twenty minutes, give or take, Mr. Holden was up at the podium trying to get everyone's attention.

"I just want to say sorry ahead of time."

I looked over at Sloan, perplexed. What was he talking about? Just as I was about to ask him, the room fell silent. Mr. Holden's voice boomed over the microphone and I sat back and listened, paying Sloan no attention.

"First off, I just want to thank you all for coming tonight. You all are the core of this company, and I could never run this place without each and every one of you. So, the reason you all have been brought here tonight is for a very important reason. What seems to have been at least a hundred years in the making, is finally happening. I am proud to announce that we will be branching out and opening a new division of P.J. Holden and Son in none other than, New York City."

Everyone began clapping and I was excited to know that the company I had grown to love over the years, was doing well enough to make it to New York. Sloan looked less than pleased with the news, but he still didn't say a word.

"Now, it took a lot of thought and consideration into who we would be sending over to head up that office, but who am I kidding, it has always been a job for my son, Sloan Holden. Everyone give him a round of applause as he makes his way up here. Sloan, please come up and say a few words."

Sloan glanced over at me and whispered I'm sorry, one last time.

"Without further ado, my son Sloan."

Sloan sauntered across the stage, taking his rightful place next to his father, before he began to speak. "I just want to thank my Dad for believing in me enough to afford me this opportunity. I promise Dad to do the best I can. I'd also like to thank all of you who work for us. You all make work seem far less boring, and I will miss every last one of you. At this time, I would like to announce that I will be bringing a very special person along with me to the New York office. This is someone who has been by my side since day one, and I don't think I could survive without her."

My heart was racing and the smile on my face couldn't have gotten any wider. Hearing him talking so lovingly about me, made my insides melt.

"Ariel, I'm hoping you are ready for big city life. We are on our way."

My heart literally dropped and shattered into a million and one pieces. I don't know how I could have been so stupid. To think that he wanted me to go to New York with him was ludacris. Obviously, his little assistant meant more to him than me. The room began to spin and I could feel the tears welling up behind my eyes. Without a second thought, I grabbed my handbag and ran for the doors. There was no way I was letting him see me like this.

When I got to the car, the driver asked if we would be waiting for Mr. Holden. I simply shook my head and ducked into the back seat. The floodgates had been opened and the tears were now steadily streaming down my cheeks.

I was a complete idiot. I had finally let myself feel something for this man, a man I knew better than to fall for, but I did, and for what? He had been amazing towards me and everything that was ever said about him, seemed to hold no bearing when it came to how he trusted me. I honestly thought that he was falling for me too. I had visions of us in New York, what kind of flat we would live in, and where we would go on the weekends.


My subconscious was right, I was an idiot and I couldn't blame anyone but myself. I knew if I went home right now, that he would most likely follow. I scrambled through my clutch, in search of someone to comfort me. From talking to Shelby earlier in the week, I knew she was dealing with Braden and his parents, so I didn't want to bother her. I went for the next available option, knowing it could potentially cause more damage than good. I was beyond caring at this point and I couldn't see Sloan, ever again.

Amanda Bennett's books